Chapter 353 Octopus, Swallowed

"It's so comfortable! If you play the game again at this time, it will be full of happiness!"

White hot air curled up, and Gu Huo sighed comfortably while lying in the hot spring.

Although it is not as good as the outdoor hot springs where you can soak in the hot springs while watching the scenery, but it is such a time, what bicycles are needed!

Jiang Zhi lay on his stomach in the hot spring, concentrating on playing Tetris, and responded perfunctorily.

"I'll go! When did you download the mini-games?" Gu Huo glanced, very surprised. Even these mini-games seem to be fun when there is no internet.

"This is the game on Sister Cen's mobile phone..." The faster the blocks fall, the faster Jiang Zhi is distracted, and GG.

Gu Huo was very greedy, and snatched it away, "I know, isn't there no signal now? How did you pass it on?"

"Bluetooth! Although it's a bit slow, it's better than dying of boredom." Jiang Zhi looked at Gu Huo strangely, "Brother Gu, you've never used Bluetooth, right? , Bluetooth is a god-like function!"

Gu Huo paused slightly while playing the game, and coughed lightly, "At that time, the young master pretended to be aggressive and used the big brother..."

Jiang Zhi: ...

The indoor hot springs are divided into male and female sides. Each pool is not too big, and there are about five people in a box.

There are only him and Jiang Zhi in Gu Huo's pool, and there is nothing taboo about speaking, as if thinking of something, Gu Huo hooked Jiang Zhi's neck, "Wan Wan, do you think that person can really go out?"

Jiang Zhi froze for a moment, as if he didn't understand what Gu Huo meant.

"I'm thinking, it seems that the child never misses what he said..." Gu Huo turned his back to the door, supported the pool with both hands, and started a new game.

"I don't know." When Jiang Zhi said this, his tone was rather vicissitudes, "This reminds me of Xuanxuan..."

"What? Your ex-girlfriend? That man also has the same body odor as your ex-girlfriend?" Gu Huo didn't even raise his head.

Jiang Zhi: ...

"It's a feeling! It's a feeling! Well, actually, I also think what Sister Cen said is right." After all, the chances of being able to go down the mountain safely in this kind of weather are too small. Several hours have passed, and I haven't seen that person come back. There are only two cases.

Either went down the mountain, or had an accident.

Jiang Zhi preferred the former.


Just when the atmosphere in the pool was getting a bit heavy, the door was opened, and a shirtless man in flowered underpants came in from outside.

Jiang Zhi subconsciously raised his eyes to look over, and stood there in a daze for an instant, "Gu Ge! Gu Ge!"

Jiang Zhi made a noise between his teeth, and pushed Gu Huo who was fascinated by playing with his hand.

"What are you doing?! It's an emergency!" Gu Huo didn't look back.

"Brother Gu!" Jiang Zhi pushed harder.

"Wanwan! What are you doing!?" Gu Huo turned his head abruptly, and glared at him impatiently, but he caught a glimpse of a very familiar figure out of the corner of his eye, his hands shook in fright, and he almost dropped his phone into the pool.

"Gu, brother Gu, my back is a little itchy, rub it for me!" Jiang Zhi said tremblingly, not daring to look any more.

Gu Huo glanced outside, because he was soaking in the hot spring, he was afraid of getting the talisman given by Cen Shu wet, so he put the talisman into his pocket, and then locked it in the locker in the changing room, feeling so sad instantly!
"Wan, Wanwan, you are itching, or you have soaked in the pool for a long time, and your skin is bald. I am also sleepy. Let's go back to sleep."

"Okay! I happen to be sleepy too!" Jiang Zhi yawned.

Gu Huo deliberately raised the volume, staring at the man from the corner of his eye, seeing that he didn't respond, he pulled Jiang Zhi out of the pool.

Guo Zhen glanced at the two of them strangely, cursed in a low voice, took off his pants and walked into the pool.

The two subconsciously quickened their pace, and just as Gu Huo put his hand on the doorknob, a man's faint voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Where do you want to go?"

Gu Huo's hand froze, and he turned the doorknob vigorously, but found that he couldn't open it no matter what.

A huge shadow enveloped the two of them.

The two turned their heads slowly, only to see Guo Zhen, who was supposed to enter the pond, appear behind them, staring at them without saying a word.

Although, this person came back safely as expected, but looking at it now, it doesn't look like he's all right.

"I, let's go back to the room! Mister, what can you do?" Jiang Zhi winked at Gu Huo, and stepped sideways in front of him.

Guo Zhen didn't speak, just grinned and smiled.

A flesh-colored peony bloomed in his mouth, coquettish and sticky, Jiang Zhi could even smell a peony fragrance mixed with a strong bloody smell, making people sick.


Gu Huo used all his strength, but still couldn't open the door, cursed in a low voice, turned around and kicked Guo Zhen.

In the courtyard since he was a child, Gu Huo was a bully, "Master Xuancheng No. [-] High School's title is not for nothing."

Guo Zhen didn't notice it for a while, backed up a few steps, and fell into the pool. The peony flower made a "sizzling" sound when it hit the water in the pool. Guo Zhen howled in pain, climbed ashore, stared at Live for two people.

"Wanwan, let's go! Get into the pool, this dog is afraid of sulfur water!" Gu Huo's eyes lit up, and he pulled Jiang Zhi into the pool.

Guo Zhen got up from the ground, the flesh-colored peony seemed to be withered, dripping reddish-brown liquid continuously, disgusting and sticky.

"Gu, brother Gu, you said we are yelling now, can people outside hear it?" Jiang Zhi asked in a low voice, resisting the desire to gag.

Gu Huo looked at Guo Zhen vigilantly, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, "What do you think?"

Jiang Zhi glanced at the airtight room.

Well, no!
"Then, what should we do then?" He didn't want to die young.

Guo Zhen was not in a hurry, standing not far away like a tiger playing with a rabbit, looking at the two of them with scarlet eyes.

Gu Huo swallowed in shock, "Call the child with your mind!"

Jiang Zhi: ...

God is so thoughtful!

Just when the two were thinking about how to leave their last words with their mobile phones, a particularly large bubble suddenly appeared in the pool.

'Grunt' 'Grunt'...

There are more and more bubbles, and the pool seems to be boiled.

Jiang Zhi was so frightened that he wanted to hang on Gu Huo's body, and hugged Gu Huo's neck tightly with both hands, "Gu, Gu brother, we are going to cook it!"

Guo Zhen also seemed to be startled by the change in the pool, his scarlet eyes were full of doubts.

'Shuh! '

A huge transparent octopus Furong came out of the water, looked at Guo Zhen with two black eyes, opened its mouth wide, and swallowed Gu Huo and Jiang Zhi in one gulp under the horrified eyes of the two, and then quickly The speed dived into the water, and disappeared in an instant.

The boiling water in the pool returned to calm in an instant. The water in the pool was still clear, and the bottom could be seen at a glance. The original two people and the octopus disappeared like this.

Guo Zhen looked at the pool suspiciously and let out a roar of 'ho ho'.


The peony flower exploded violently, and countless flesh and blood flew across the pool. The water in the pool was soon dyed bright red, like a murder scene.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes!bow~
  Go to bed early~
  good night!

(End of this chapter)

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