Chapter 354
"I'm hungry!"

After soaking in the hot spring and returning to the room, Fan Ke lay down on the bed after drying his hair, hungry and sleepy.

Shi Fei took out a snack from the suitcase and handed it over.

"Thank you, Feifei!" Fan Ke got up from the bed, took it, tore open the packaging bag, and ate happily.

'puff! '

There was a slight sound of bubbles bursting in the bathroom.

Fan Ke's bed was just facing the door of the bathroom, and he vaguely saw a shadow wriggling, so scared that he even forgot to chew the snacks in his mouth, "Shu, Shushu..."

"Yeah." Cen Shu obviously heard it too, she responded softly, got up and walked to the bathroom.

"Shu Shu, be careful!" Fan Ke and Shi Fei followed behind Cen Shu, both cowardly and eager to watch.

'Pa Da' turned on the light, and the scene in the bathroom was unobstructed.

In the sewer of the shower, a large piece of transparent tentacles were clinging to the wall, even wriggling. Under the light, the viscous liquid refracted colorful lights.

"Ouch!" Fan Ke couldn't help it, subconsciously wanted to vomit, and the snacks in his hand became stale in an instant.

'puff! '

This time it was louder.

Before a few people could react, a huge transparent octopus head burst out from the small sewer opening. Two fist-sized eyes glanced at Cen Shu, opened his mouth, and vomited.

Fan Ke, Shi Fei: ...

Two large lumps of humanoid objects were spat out by the octopus, rolled on the ground a few times, and stopped against the wall.

"Gu Huo and Wan Wan?!"

The two big lumps are wrapped in transparent material, and the figure inside can be vaguely seen.

Fan Ke and Shi Fei were stunned, hugging each other tightly, "Shu, Shushu, the two of them..." They won't die.

Cen Shu looked up at the big octopus and said, "Wake them up."

The big octopus seemed to understand, and the two tentacles transformed into the shape of sharp blades, cutting open the transparent material that wrapped them, revealing the two with their eyes closed.


The two opened their eyes suddenly, panting heavily, their eyes full of fear, "Octopus! There is such a big octopus!"

As soon as Gu Huo tilted his head, he met a pair of eyes as big as fists. Most of the eyes were white, and the black eyeballs only occupied a small part. At this time, because he was staring at Gu Huo, he became cross-eyed.

Gu Huo swallowed his saliva with difficulty, moved his eyes slowly down, and saw the flexible tentacles of the big octopus, and he was about to faint again when he rolled his eyes.

"Cough..." Cen Shu covered her lips and coughed softly, "If you faint, no one will care about you."

No one cares = sharing a bathroom with a giant octopus.

Gu Huo woke up instantly.

Jiang Zhi's reflexes were a little slow, he looked around in a daze, and even reached out to say hello to a few people, curiously asking them why they were here, and seeing a few people with strange expressions, he turned his head slowly and saw the crowded Big dick in the bathroom.


Jiang Zhi screamed, and quickly hugged Gu Huo beside him, trembling.

The eyes of the big octopus rolled around, and a few tentacles stretched out in the air. It wanted to say hello in a friendly manner, but when it saw the appearance of the two of them, it took them back very aggrieved.

The two of them were covered with viscous unknown liquid, and they didn't dare to take a bath in the bathroom, so they could only squat on the balcony to dry naturally.

The three of Cen Shu were sitting on the sofa, the big octopus was clinging to the door frame of the bathroom, a big head stuck out, and two big eyes were rolling around.

"Shu Shu, what the hell is going on?"

The memories of Gu Huo and Jiang Zhi still stayed on the bloody mouth beside the hot spring pool, so they trembled subconsciously when they saw the big octopus.

"It saved you." Cen Shu reached out and patted the tentacles that the octopus stretched out.

The big octopus seemed to understand Cen Shu's compliment, held its head high, and hummed a few times.

The two people on the balcony looked up at the big octopus tremblingly, with complicated expressions, "That... little rich woman, Ke Ke, can you come in with us? We didn't get killed by that thing, we might freeze to death first... ..."

Fan Ke knew that the big octopus was good, so he didn't have so much resistance, so he opened the door and let the two of them roll in.

The two were still shirtless, and Shi Fei sympathetically threw the bathrobes from the hotel to them.

"Huh!" I felt alive in an instant.

The two used hands and feet to narrate the thrilling experience just now, "You don't know, when the big octopus came out, I was so stupid, and then...then I lost consciousness."

Jiang Zhi looked at the big octopus, still feeling terrified.

"Peony flower?" Fan Ke trembled subconsciously, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Ke Ke, have you seen it too?" Jiang Zhi asked, seeing Fan Ke's expression was wrong.

Fan Ke nodded, thought for a while, and said what he saw in the dream, "I don't remember the specific details very clearly... But that woman, I can't be wrong, she is my dad's mistress!"

Gu Huo and Jiang Zhi looked at each other, if they still can't see it, then it's a hell, "Ke Ke... have you ever thought, maybe, your dad's mistress may not be human... "

Fan Ke was taken aback.

"Look, that woman appeared at your house in the middle of the night, disappeared inexplicably, and now appeared in the resort again, plus you had that nightmare..."

Gu Huo counted on his fingers, the more he talked, the more he felt something was wrong.

Fan Ke turned pale, "Then isn't my dad in danger?"

"It's okay, it's okay, there are children here!" Seeing that Fan Ke was about to cry, Gu Huo looked at Cen Shu for help.

Cen Shu glanced at Gu Huo lightly, and Gu Huo immediately covered his mouth and showed a flattering smile.

"She can't go out in the resort now, so your father should be safe for the time being." Cen Shu said softly.

"Really?" Fan Ke raised his head, his eyes were slightly red, obviously he was going to cry in a while.

Cen Shu nodded.

"Then I'm relieved." Fan Ke wiped the corners of his eyes, then glared fiercely at Gu Huo, and hugged Shi Fei for comfort.

Gu Huo blinked, very innocent.

"By the way, Sister Cen, what is this... big octopus?" It is undeniable that if it weren't for this big thing, he and Gu Huo might have confessed here.

Cen Shu stood up, patted the big octopus on the head, and said, "Please introduce yourself."

"Cen, Sister Cen, stop joking, this big octopus can still talk?" Isn't this embarrassing others!

Jiang Zhi twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled.

"Hi, hello, my name is Zhizhi..."

A childish but familiar voice sounded in the room.

Everyone was taken aback.

"Wanwan, why are you pretending to be a ghost here?" Gu Huo bumped Jiang Zhi with his elbow, "Still straight, are you disgusting!"

Jiang Zhi: ...

"No, no, Brother Gu, I, I didn't speak at all!" Jiang Zhi looked confused.

"It's not you talking, it could be a ghost... ah!" Gu Huo paused, and slowly looked at the big octopus.

The big octopus flicked its tentacles happily, and said in Gu Huo's voice: "Ghost! Ghost!"

Everyone: ...

(End of this chapter)

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