Chapter 355

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, the big octopus waved its tentacles excitedly.

"Hello! Hello!"

Gu Huo raised his forehead, "Straightforward, I know you can speak, but can you please stop using my voice!"

Jiang Zhi looked at Gu Huo silently, moved his lips, "Brother Gu, why do I think this brother Zhi looks so familiar..."

Fan Ke and Shi Fei looked at each other, obviously remembering it too.

"Shu Shu, is this Ah Zhi the same night..." Fan Ke glanced at the big octopus and asked.

Cen Shu nodded, "It was the one that night."

"It's really it!" Fan Ke swallowed with difficulty, apparently the events of that day left them with a lot of shadow, "Then...what the hell is Brother Zhi?"

Cen Shu glanced at the big octopus, touched his chin, and said, "It should be Tai Sui, commonly known as the meat ganoderma."

Too, too old?
They have heard of it, but they have never seen such a big lump of Tai Sui, which can still move. The key point is that it has grown into an octopus!
After spending half an hour in the same room, Fan Ke didn't feel the same nausea as before. He even reached out and poked the tentacles of the big octopus curiously.

"Ah did you grow into this appearance?" In Gu Huo's memory, the fleshy Ganoderma lucidum was all in lumps. Although it was not beautiful, it was better than the crippled appearance now!

Ah Zhi looked at Fan Ke with big eyes, his tentacles gently wrapped Fan Ke's fingertips, and the rest of the tentacles began to dance and gesture.

Through some understanding of sign language, several people finally understood the real reason why Ah Zhi became like this.

It turned out that when Ah Zhi was not an octopus, he sneaked to the resort and hid on the balcony to peek at a certain room. It just so happened that the passengers in the room were watching a documentary about the underwater world. That episode happened to be about the hunting of big octopuses. Skill.

From then on, the heroic appearance of the big octopus was deeply imprinted in Azhi's young mind. After he was able to transform into a shape, Azhi changed from a ganoderma lucidum to a big octopus, and he never relapsed.

The room fell into an awkward silence for a moment.

Gu Huo was the first to break the embarrassment, sighed deeply, and patted Ah Zhi's tentacles comfortingly, "Brother, I'm sorry for you."

Ah Zhi liked this group of humans very much. Seeing Gu Huo touching it, Ah Zhi happily patted Gu Huo's shoulder back. Because of the excitement, a large amount of transparent liquid sprayed out from the pores of the tentacles, and Gu Huo's clean clothes were drenched again. .

Guho: ...

"But why did Ah Zhi attack us that day?" Fan Ke also had a great time playing with the other tentacle, and asked strangely when he thought of Ah Zhi slashing them with a knife that day.

Cen Shu reached out and patted Ah Zhi's head, and said, "It should be because of that painting."


'Boom dong dong'

"Please come in!"

Zhang Shuang carefully opened the door and walked into the office.

The office was very dark, with only one desk lamp on. Xu Leqiang sat on the office chair with his back to him.

There is a painting on the desk, facing the door. In the painting, there is only half of a woman's figure, her side face is faintly visible. The bright red cheongsam is particularly bright, especially the peony flowers on it, as if it is about to come alive.

"What's the matter?" Xu Leqiang's impatient voice came, instantly bringing Zhang Shuang back to his senses.

Zhang Shuang glanced at Xu Leqiang, lowered his head and said, "Mr. Xu, there was a lot of blood in the hot spring pool in 303. The cleaner was frightened when he entered..."

He also went in to have a look. The whole wall was covered with blood and flesh, and the pool was also stained red with blood. It looked shocking. The blood had dried up and turned black and red. It didn't look like blood that had just died.

"Does anyone else know?" Xu Leqiang played with the bodhi bracelet, expressionless, as if he was not surprised by what happened in the hot spring pool, and could even be said to be indifferent.

Zhang Shuang shook his head, "No, I told Master not to talk nonsense, and we also found a pair of patterned pants at the scene, with..."

Zhang Shuang raised his eyes and observed Xu Leqiang's expression calmly, "It's very similar to the trousers of the guest who borrowed the off-road vehicle from the hotel today."

Xu Leqiang lowered his head and responded, "Have you checked the surveillance?"

"I saw it..." Zhang Shuang hesitated to speak, it was because he saw it that made it even more unbelievable. Obviously the monitoring was intact, but in the monitoring, he couldn't see the guest at all...

"Since there is no one, let the master clean it up as usual." Xu Leqiang said indifferently.

"But those bloodstains..." I don't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that the temperature in the office seemed to be much lower than when he first came in.

Xu Leqiang raised his head and looked at Zhang Shuang indifferently, as if looking at an object.

Zhang Shuang was startled, and suddenly lowered his head, "Okay, I know what to do."

Xu Leqiang's cold eyes flicked across Zhang Shuang's body slowly, "Well, let's do it."


There was a drop of cold sweat on Zhang Shuang's forehead, and he was about to turn around to leave when he heard Xu Leqiang's emotional voice, "Xiao Zhang, how many years have you been with me..."

Hearing this, Zhang Shuang's legs softened, and he almost knelt down to Xu Leqiang, and his body was sweating non-stop.

"Xu, Mr. Xu..." Zhang Shuang didn't dare to look at Xu Leqiang, and stammered, "It's been five or five years."

Xu Leqiang sighed softly, feeling a little emotional, "It's been five years, time really is not forgiving!"

"Mr. Xu, you are still young, not old at all!" Zhang Shuang bowed flatteringly.

Xu Leqiang glanced at Zhang Shuang, raised his hand to touch his face, and said, "Xiao Zhang, look up at me, how much do you think I look like before?"

Zhang Shuang: ...

"Mr. Xu, you are younger and more handsome than before!" Zhang Shuang said the truth, but he became more panicked. It was obvious that Mr. Xu was still worried about the hotel fire a month ago, and his hair was all white, but Now the whole person seems to be ten years younger...

Some unnatural phenomena went through Zhang Shuang's mind, and his face turned pale again.

Xu Leqiang sighed, waved his hands, "Go."

Zhang Shuang responded, turned around, glanced at the painting on the table out of the corner of his eye, and was slightly taken aback.

In the painting, the profile of the woman seems to be clearer. Just now she couldn't see her eyes, but now she can vaguely see them.

"What are you looking at?" Xu Leqiang's voice was cold.

Zhang Shuang came back to his senses, met Xu Leqiang's bloodshot eyes, quickly lowered his head, and stammered: "Your paintings are quite beautiful..."

Xu Leqiang's expression softened slightly, "Well, I think so too."

Zhang Shuang didn't dare to look any more, turned around and walked out. Before closing the door, he subconsciously glanced at Xu Leqiang, only to see Xu Leqiang, who was still very indifferent just now, holding the painting on the desk tightly in his arms with an obsessive expression...

Startled, Zhang Shuang quickly closed the door, looked at the office door, raised his hand, and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

 The update is complete!

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(End of this chapter)

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