Chapter 356 Still just a child
"That is to say, the woman in the painting has become a spirit?"

After listening to Cen Shu's narration, Gu Huo got goosebumps all over his body, thinking of the flesh-colored peonies that he had never seen before, he was even more disgusted.

Cen Shu nodded, "Well, it can be understood in this way."

"Then..." Fan Ke raised his hand, "The nightmare I had this morning is actually real, right?" The first time she fell into the dream, Fan Ke pinched herself, and she obviously felt pain at that time.

"That's not a dream, it's a painting..." Cen Shu stood up and came to the sliding door of the balcony.

Fan Ke got up curiously.

"Where is it? Shushu." Fan Ke stared at the door for a long time, but didn't see the painting in Cen Shu's mouth. That day she clearly saw a light spot on the balcony, but she looked carefully several times, and couldn't find it. No abnormalities were found.

Cen Shu pointed at the bottom of the doorknob, "Here..."

Fan Ke approached, and when he saw the stick figure below, his expression was distorted, and his voice was dry, "This, can this be considered a picture?"

I saw that under the doorknob, there is a hill drawn with a water pen and a few trees, but the location is relatively hidden, and the colors overlap. It is really hard to find if you don’t look carefully. I think it should be a visitor who lived here before. Drawn by the children in the village.

"Does that mean that that person can use any painting to let us enter her painting?" If even such a simple painting can be counted as a painting, then the whole resort... that woman can come in and out at will?

Cen Shu nodded, "Theoretically, it can be understood in this way."

Everyone was shocked, this is a resort, there are many paintings in the corridors and rooms for decoration...

"Then, that child, what should we do?" Gu Huo tremblingly hugged his weak self tightly, feeling sorry for him.

Cen Shu glanced at Gu Huo and Fan Ke, her expression was unclear.

Gu Huo's heart sank, and he panicked even more, "Son, kid, just speak up if you have something to say, I can still bear it."

"That woman likes you very much..." Cen Shu said lightly.

Gu Huo, Fan Ke:?

Jiang Zhi couldn't hold back, laughed out loud, and patted Gu Huo on the shoulder, "Congratulations, Brother Gu! It's really rare..."

Gu Huo was about to cry, he slapped Jiang Zhi's hand off, and gritted his teeth, "Do you want me to like this?!"

"Don't, don't! I can't bear this! Pfft!" Jiang Zhi waved his hands repeatedly, with a gloating smile on his face.

"Kid, it's okay for Keke, why am I also attracted to?" Gu Huo was crying, and then thought of something, his expression froze, isn't it, isn't it...

Cen Shu looked at Gu Huo sympathetically, "Well, it's exactly what you think."

Guho: ...

Gu Huo wailed and cried, how could this be a snowman's gift!This is simply a deadly artifact!

"He's just a child." Cen Shu said lightly.

Gu Huo thought for a while, but couldn't refute for a while, and was dejected. What could he do?Tang Guoguo is really just a child! ! !
Fan Ke was stunned by Cen Shu's words, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, "Shu, Shu Shu, why am I..."

She is obviously the second generation of an ordinary small food factory, how could she be so lucky to be spotted by a female ghost?
"Probably because your horoscope is completely negative, so you are more suitable to be a flower fertilizer." Cen Shu said shocking words with a deadpan expression.

Fan Ke:! ! !
In the end, Gu Huo and Jiang Zhi didn't dare to go to the changing room of the indoor hot spring to pick up their clothes, thinking that they would get them tomorrow when there are many people.

Ah Zhi seemed to like Gu Huo very much, and curled up into a small octopus nest in Gu Huo's wet bathrobe sleeve.

Although Gu Huo still couldn't accept the sticky touch, but thinking that he might encounter some strange things in the middle of the night, he reluctantly gave up the bathroom in the room to Ah Zhi.

After hanging up the anti-theft chains, Fan Ke and Shi Fei put away all the paintings in the room and stored them on the balcony. By the way, they also covered the stick figures under the balcony with paper.

After doing all this, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Cen Shu was still sitting on the rocking chair and looking out the window, Shi Fei went to Cen Shu's side and squatted down, looked at Cen Shu with her head tilted, and asked curiously, "Shu Shu, what are you looking at?"

The rain had stopped, it was pitch black outside, there seemed to be fog in the mountains, and the sound of insects not far away made Shi Fei a little surprised, "Are there still insects at this time?"

Because of the heavy rain, the snow finally melted without piling up. Now that the outdoor temperature is approaching subzero, how could there be bugs?

Cen Shu looked out the window, narrowed her almond eyes slightly, stood up quickly and glanced around, smiled softly, slightly raised the corners of her lips, and a gleam of coldness flashed in her eyes.


Shi Fei was taken aback, not understanding what Cen Shu was talking about.

Cen Shu raised her hand to touch Shi Fei's head, and gently pressed her slender fingertips against her lips, making a gesture of silence.

"Shh, we... have entered the painting."

"Ah Shuang, we can't do this! We should call the police! If the murderer is still hiding in the resort, more people will be killed, and we will become sinners!"

In the utility room of the cleaning room, an old man in his sixties, wearing a cleaner's uniform, was smoking a cigarette and talking earnestly.

"Then what can we do?" Zhang Shuang loosened his neckline, his face flushed, "This is what Mr. Xu ordered, Dad, I have no choice but to do it!"

Zhang De's hands became very rough due to years of cleaning work, and there were several chilblains on the knuckles of his hands, "Ah Shuang, you have changed too much these years, and you are not quite like the old A Shuang."

Zhang Shuang lost his mother when he was very young, and Zhang De single-handedly brought him up.

Zhang Shuang also lived up to his expectations, and was admitted to a pretty good university. After graduation, he worked as a secretary to the president since he was a staff member.

In order to take care of Zhang Shuang, Zhang De rented the land of his family to others. He was working as a sanitation worker before. At the beginning of this year, under Zhang Shuang's persuasion, Zhang Shuang made some connections and came to the resort to work as a cleaner.

The situation of the hot spring pool where Gu Huo was located was also discovered by Zhang De first.

When the smoke burned to the end, Zhang De's hand was burned. He came back to his senses, pressed the cigarette into the ashtray, and sighed, "Ah Shuang..."

Zhang Shuang lowered his head and remained silent.

"Ah Shuang, you have to be worthy of your own conscience..."

Zhang De continued to persuade them that although they were a little poor in this generation, they looked up to the sky and bowed down to the ground. He lit another cigarette, and he felt uneasy!
"Dad, there's no signal right now, so we can't call the police." Zhang Shuang clenched his fists, fighting in his heart.

"Then we can keep the evidence until the signal goes through..." Zhang De didn't understand this, but subconsciously felt that he should call the police when encountering such a thing.

"Okay, Dad, I know." Zhang Shuang interrupted Zhang De, opened the door and walked out.

Zhang De looked at the back of Zhang Shuang leaving, and sighed softly.

(End of this chapter)

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