Chapter 360 Lu Si, My Person
"Shu Shu, I'm having a nightmare again..."

Sunlight poured into the room through the cracks in the curtains, Fan Ke opened his eyes, shouted in a daze, and wiped the teardrops from the corners of his eyes.

The room was silent.

Fan Ke was stunned, and looked at the bed beside him. The quilt was lifted, there was no one on the bed, and there was no movement in the bathroom. Where did Shu Shu go?
Fan Ke quickly woke up Shi Fei, got out of bed and searched around the room.

"Feifei, Shushu is really gone." Fan Ke thought of something terrible, and his voice unconsciously turned into tears.

Shi Fei pursed her lips, and her face was a little pale, "No, Shushu must have gone out for something. Seeing that we slept soundly, that's why she didn't call us."

Shi Fei took a few steps, and suddenly found some powder under her feet, and the powder drew a circle around their bed.

"Ke, Keke, come and see, what does this mean?"

Fan Ke stroked his chin, pondered for a moment with downcast eyes, and said hesitantly: "Could it be that, according to the legend, stay in the circle and don't move, she will come back as soon as she goes?"

Shi Fei: ...

"Ke Ke, you should read less Journey to the West." Shi Fei raised her hand and touched Fan Ke's head with a loving face.

"What's wrong with Journey to the West? That's so beautiful!" Fan Ke squatted down, touched the powder, put it under his nose and smelled it, but there was no smell, and he didn't know what it was.

Shi Fei didn't say anything, she scanned around and found that Cen Shu's bag seemed to be missing, "Ke Ke, could it be that Shu Shu disliked your snoring and couldn't bear it, so she went back to her room to sleep?"

Fan Ke:?
"Do I snore in my sleep?"

Shi Fei tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "I don't know, because I usually fall asleep in seconds."

Fan Ke: ...

The two washed up briefly, came to the door of Cen Shu's room, and knocked on the door.

There were footsteps in the room, and the two looked at each other.

The door was opened.

"Shushu, why are you..." Before Fan Ke finished speaking, he froze in place when he saw the person who opened the door.

"Sorry, we went to the wrong room." Shi Fei pulled Fan Ke and was about to leave.

The man glanced at the two of them indifferently, and said in a cold voice, "Are you Shanshan's friends?"


That makes it even more certain that they went to the wrong room!
The two smiled awkwardly, and just about to say no, they heard a very familiar voice from the room.

"Are they here?"

Cen Shu came out of the bathroom, wearing a nightgown, showing her long and straight legs, her hair was wet, water droplets slid down her delicate collarbone, and then disappeared in the depths.

Lu Si's eyes dimmed, and his Adam's apple slid gently, "Yes."

He let the two of them in sideways, closed the door, took a blanket from the suitcase and covered Cen Shu's lap, took the towel from Cen Shu's hand very naturally, and gently wiped Cen Shu's hair.

This lonely man and widow live in the same room, and they still take a bath early in the morning...

Fan Ke and Shi Fei sat on the sofa and looked at each other, both of them saw the disbelief in each other's eyes.

"Shu Shu... who is this?" Fan Ke has never met Lu Si before, but he just thinks that this person in front of him is quite cold and pretty, but he is very kind to Shu Shu.

Shi Fei has seen Lu Si before, but it seems to be different from when she first met. The aura around her is so gentle that she didn't recognize it just now.

Lu Si wiped Cen Shu's hair without distraction, a nervous look appeared in his eyes when he heard this, and he unconsciously squeezed the head scarf tightly with his hands.

Cen Shu pursed her lips, and leaned lazily on the back of the chair, "Lu Si, my man."

Lu Si loosened his fingertips slightly, a faint smile flashed across his eyes, and he raised his head, "Hello."

"You, hello, my name is Fan Ke, her name is Shi Fei, and we are both Shu Shu's friends." Fan Ke was the first to react and greeted.

Seeing Lu Si's actions, Shi Fei felt sore in her heart. She also wanted to brush Shu Shu's hair, so she responded absently, and then hugged Fan Ke with a sleepy look.

"No, that's not right, when did you come?" Didn't it mean that they are in the painting now?
Fan Ke just remembered that Lu Si seemed to appear suddenly. Could it be that he is also a master of metaphysics like Shu Shu?
After wiping for a while, the hair was no longer dripping, Lu Si put down the towel, "Last night."

last night?

This is simply a combination of two swords, a male and a female, and two evil spirits, invincible in the world!
Fan Ke was still worried that they would drag Shushu back, but now that she has two thighs to hug, they should be able to go out soon, right? !
Cen Shu glanced at Fan Ke, seeming to sense what she was thinking, and said lightly, "He's not."

Fan Ke was taken aback, "What?" Then he immediately realized, isn't he a boss?
Fan Ke turned his head and looked at Lu Si who came out of the bathroom with a hair dryer, "I'm not a boss, why did I get into the painting so easily?"

Lu Si plugged in the hair dryer, tried the wind speed, thought for a while, and said, "Probably because of love."

Fan Ke, Shi Fei:?

Cen Shu chuckled, and was about to take the hair dryer and blow it on herself, but Lu Si dodged it, and gently brushed her hair.

Fan Ke blinked, looked at Shi Fei, and lowered his voice, "Feifei, are you hungry?"

Shi Fei shook her head.

I'm full of dog food, why are you still hungry! ! !

"Yes, that's Mr. Xu's intention. Shut down the hot spring, and put the door of the changing room there first. Wait for the signal to go through, and wait for the rescuers to go up the mountain, and then send someone to repair it..."

In the office, Zhang Shuang hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the mobile phone on the table, his eyes were red.

"Ah Shuang! How is the matter going?"

Xu Leqiang opened the door and came in, looking radiant and younger than a few days ago.

Zhang Shuang was startled, and subconsciously stood up, "Mr. Xu, everything is almost done, and I just explained it, temporarily closing the hot spring..."

"Close the hot spring? Why should it be closed?" Xu Leqiang frowned, looking at Zhang Shuang with dissatisfaction.

Zhang Shuang lowered his head, clenched his fists, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Xu, the staff cleaning the hot spring pool in 303 seemed to have an accident yesterday. No one has been found so far. I suspect..."

"What do you suspect? Doubt that he is dead? It's just a cleaner. Even if something happens, just pay a little subsidy. What's the matter?"

Xu Leqiang said nonchalantly.

A trace of resentment flashed in Zhang Shuang's eyes, he clenched his fists tightly and said, "Okay, I understand, Mr. Xu."

"Well, let them fix the door as soon as possible and open for business." Xu Leqiang responded coldly, and from the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the old-fashioned mobile phone on Zhang Shuang's table, narrowing his eyes slightly, "This mobile phone..."

A drop of sweat slid across Zhang Shuang's forehead, "Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, this is my old mobile phone. I haven't found a charging cable for my new mobile phone, so I will use it first..."

"So, I thought you were dissatisfied with me because of your low salary." Xu Leqiang reached out and patted Zhang Shuang on the shoulder, jokingly said.

Zhang Shuang laughed in agreement, looked at the phone, and breathed a sigh of relief, then thought of something, looked up at Xu Leqiang who was still talking, and clenched his fists.

(End of this chapter)

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