Chapter 361
The rain finally stopped, which is a good sign for the tourists stranded in the resort, but with Guo Zhen's lessons learned, no one dared to act without authorization.

Moon and night.

Jiang Zhi and his group sneaked out of the resort, with Jiang Zhi and Gu Huo walking last.

"This is the legendary brother-in-law Cen?"

Although we have known each other for a long time, Jiang Zhi still feels very magical, he is older than Sister Cen, and he doesn't have a girlfriend yet!Beep!

"It's a bit more handsome than my young master, but that's about it." Gu Huo stroked his chin, glanced at Lu Si who was walking at the front of the line, and gave a soft 'tsk' sound.

Jiang Zhi looked at Gu Huo silently, his forehead twitched, "Well, it's only a hundred million points."

The few people walked for about half an hour, and found the off-road vehicle hidden by Lu Si in a small hidden woods on the side of the road.

"I'll go, the latest Hummer, brother-in-law Cen is a rich man!" Jiang Zhi was stunned, it was modified, and it was not cheap at first glance.

"Wanwan, shouldn't we be worried, how can these seats hold the six of us?"

Gu Huo raised his head and silently looked at Fan Ke and Shi Fei, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

Lu Si got in the car and drove the car onto the road.

In the end, with the humility of a man, Gu Huo and Jiang Zhi were only allocated half of the seat, and Jiang Zhi chose to squat in the middle of the seat righteously, and gave up the half seat to Gu Huo.

"Wanwan, you are kind to me, I will remember it in my heart." Gu Huo was tearful, and his heart was moved.

Jiang Zhi's feet were numb from squatting, so he just sat down on the aisle, "Brother Gu, this is what I should do. As the new bully of Xuancheng No. [-] Middle School, respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue."

Guho: ...

The car drove slowly on the winding mountain road, and Cen Shu lazily nestled on the co-pilot, closing her eyes and resting her mind.

Everything was silent, only the sound of the car starting the engine and the squeaking of the wheels rolling over the dry branches on the road could be heard.

Jiang Zhi leaned his head on the back of the chair, drowsy, and Gu Huo leaned his head against the glass window, also bored and drowsy.

Fan Ke and Shi Fei hugged each other to keep warm, and fell asleep early.

'Boom! '

The car stopped unhurriedly, and everyone in the car was awakened.

Cen Shu opened her eyes and looked ahead, her almond eyes narrowed slightly.

"Brother-in-law Cen, what's wrong? Did we hit something?" After understanding the current situation, Jiang Zhi would never naively think that ordinary people could appear at this point in time.

When Lu Si heard the words, he glanced at Jiang Zhi lightly, and his voice lost its usual alienation, "I don't know."

There was nothing in front of the car, and there was a thick fog around it at some point.

The fog seemed to be alive, and it automatically gathered towards the off-road vehicle. In less than 5 minutes, the entire vehicle was trapped in the thick fog, and a faint layer of water vapor adhered to the windows.

"It's so cold."

Shi Fei hugged Fan Ke and murmured in a low voice.

The heater was turned on in the car, but it still couldn't resist the pervasive cold air.

Cen Shu frowned slightly, and took out a few talismans from her arms and handed them to several people respectively, "Stay in the car and don't get out."

Several people took it and nodded obediently.

Cen Shu turned her head to look at Lu Si, and covered Lu Si's cold hands on the steering wheel, "Let's go and see the situation."

Lu Si nodded, a smile flashed in his eyes, "Okay."

"This, is this the legendary husband and wife who are of the same heart, and its sharpness breaks gold?" Holding the talisman, his body was not so cold, Jiang Zhi changed his posture, looked up at the two people outside the car, and said with emotion.

Gu Huo glanced at Jiang Zhi indifferently, "Where do you get all these messy legends?"

"Isn't this an exaggeration? Don't all Chinese teachers teach like this?" Jiang Zhi felt a little aggrieved.

Guho: ...

Cen Shu took Lu Si's hand, Xiao Xiaolian stuck out her head from Lu Si's chest pocket, and looked around curiously.

The mist is thick, mixed with the faint fragrance of peonies.

The faint melody sounded, and the lingering grievance seemed to be telling a sad story.

The woman approached slowly, her eyes fell on the hands held by the two, a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes, she raised her eyes to look at Lu Si, her voice was extremely resentful, "Brother, is this the rich woman who takes care of you?"

Cen Shu:?
"Secretary Zhang, several groups of customers have come to complain. If the hot spring pool is not open again, I'm afraid Xu will blame it if things get serious."

On the phone, the voice on the other side was a little anxious.

Zhang Shuang put the cigarette out in the ashtray, "Well, I see, I will communicate with Mr. Xu as soon as possible, you first appease the emotions of the guests."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Shuang looked at the phone with resentment flashing in his eyes.

Open the bottom drawer of your desk and put the contents in your pocket.

Zhang Shuang's office is right next to Xu Leqiang's narration, and the office usually has its own lounge.

Zhang Shuang has been with Xu Leqiang for nearly five years, not only business affairs, most of Xu Leqiang's personal affairs are handled by Zhang Shuang.

Use the spare card to open Xu Leqiang's office. The room is very dark, and the layout of the room can be vaguely seen through the moonlight outside.

Zhang Shuang took a deep breath and walked lightly to the lounge.

The door of the lounge was ajar, the curtains inside were not drawn, and the moonlight was bright.

Zhang Shuang took a few steps forward cautiously, and looked into the room through the crack of the door.

However, when he saw the scene in the room clearly, he almost screamed and bit his sleeve tightly so that he didn't make a sound.

I saw Xu Leqiang's bed was empty, only Xu Leqiang's pajamas were left on the bed in the shape of sleeping.

In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, a flesh-colored peony kept swallowing its stamens, and the room was filled with the sound of flesh and blood being chewed, and Zhang Shuang's eardrums were stimulated by the sound of "clicking, clicking".

Xu turned out to be the monster that ate his father? !
Do not!wrong!

If it was Xu Leqiang, he should have recognized the phone his father left him during the day, but Xu Leqiang didn't respond at all during the day, and he didn't even know his father-son relationship with Zhang De.

What exactly is going on?

For a moment, Zhang Shuang felt that his brain was not enough.

Thoughts were confused, Zhang Shuang pressed against the wall, trying to calm himself down.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the painting on Xu Leqiang's desk, and subconsciously looked at it. With the help of the moonlight, Zhang Shuang saw the painting clearly, and then his eyes widened suddenly.

The painting is still the same painting, but the woman in the painting is gone!
It was as if the woman in the painting had stepped out of the painting.

This kind of awareness made Zhang Shuang break out in a cold sweat instantly.

Zhang Shuang didn't even dare to take a breath, it was already beyond his ability, now finding Xu Leqiang to settle accounts is like a mantis' arm.

Thinking about it, he was about to leave, but he stepped on something soft under his feet.

Zhang Shuang lowered his head slowly, and saw the head of a screaming chicken. Two sesame-sized eyes were staring at Zhang Shuang, as if laughing at something.


(End of this chapter)

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