Chapter 362
"Well, she is rich and good-looking, I am very satisfied."

Lu Si gently embraced Cen Shu, hugged her in his arms, and looked at Cen Shu with affectionate eyes.

The woman stared at Cen Shu, with a hint of jealousy flashing across her delicate face, "You heard me, my brother is only attracted by your appearance, he doesn't really like you at all! You rich woman, get rid of him earlier .”

Cen Shu gently hooked Gou Lu Si's palm with her fingertips, raised her eyes, and there was a question in her almond eyes.

Lu Si hooked his lips, leaned down, and whispered in Cen Shu's ear, "It's time to play."

The scorching breath sprayed on the ears, itching, Cen Shu touched the ears, glared at someone fiercely with almond eyes, coughed lightly, and looked at the woman, "Thank you for the compliment. Once, I also I was troubled by a rich woman..."

Cen Shu looked at the woman's distraught face and paused, "Now that I see you, I don't think so."

"Because I have seen the consequences of not having money in you." Cen Shu said solemnly.

woman:! ! !
"Are you kidding me?" Looking at the interaction between the two, the woman obviously saw something, her delicate face turned cold instantly, her voice was low and hoarse.

Cen Shu squinted her almond eyes slightly, and said in a casual voice, "Yes, I'm just kidding you."

"Presumptuous!" the woman scolded, and a gorgeous peony flower bloomed from between her eyebrows.

There were rustling sounds from all around, as if something was slowly approaching.

"Wow, shit! Brother Gu, look quickly! Is there something moving in the fog?"

Jiang Zhi climbed to the passenger seat, and before he had time to rest for a while, he heard some slight voices, turned his head to look out the window, and was suddenly frightened into a cold sweat.

Gu Huo saw it too, and his voice trembled slightly, "Wan, I suddenly regret not bringing Brother Zhi along."

The big octopus seemed to sense that they were about to leave. Before leaving, it held onto Guhuo's hat with its tentacles reluctantly, refusing to let them go. In the end, Guhuo promised to come back to say goodbye to it before it let go.

"So why don't you bring Brother Zhi?" Fan Ke hugged Shi Fei tightly, shrinking in the back seat, not daring to move.

Thinking of Brother Zhi's skill of spraying mucus whenever he was happy, Gu Huo sniffed, "That's a sad and long story, so I'd better not tell it."

Fan Ke, Shi Fei: ...

Shi Fei looked at Cen Shu in the mist, and was a little worried, "Is nothing wrong with Cen Shu?"

The three people who were teasing fell silent, and looked at the two of them together, with worries that could no longer be hidden in their eyes.

"Early in the morning, the country has been subjugated for more than a hundred years."

There was a lot of commotion around, and Cen Shu obviously heard it, she didn't care, and said expressionlessly.

The fog gradually dissipated, revealing what was lurking around.

I don't know when, all the surrounding vegetation disappeared, replaced by large expanses of peonies, extremely coquettish.

Different from the peonies that we usually see, the stamens of the peony flowers around are all barbed. The petals are bright red from a distance, but when you look closely, you will find that they are not petals at all, but flesh and blood, as if the flesh was cut with a cutting machine. Blocks are cut into the shape of petals and then assembled into a blood-colored peony flower.

A strong smell of blood filled the air, with a rotten smell.

Cen Shu looked at Lu Si with her expression still calm.

Lu Si lowered his eyes, with some doubts in his black eyes.

"I want to eat hot pot when I go back." Cen Shu leaned on Lu Si's arm and added, "It needs to be more spicy."

Lu Si was slightly stunned, then chuckled, touched Cen Shu's head, and said dotingly: "Okay."

Seeing that the two were unmoved, and even flirting in front of her face, the woman's face darkened instantly.

"Brother, I will give you one last chance. You leave this rich woman and follow me. I can spare you!" This is the world of painting, and in the painting she is a god!

Cen Shu glanced at Lu Si quietly, "She seems to really like you."

Lu Si soothingly kissed the corner of the girl's lips, "Hey, I'm yours, I'll satisfy you when I go back."

Cen Shu:?
"Enough!" the woman scolded angrily, the peony flower between her eyebrows swelled a little more, swinging her body in the air, the barbs on the stamens were extremely sharp.

Cen Shu didn't speak any more, and looked at the woman coldly. In the bag, dozens of talisman seals flew in the air automatically without wind, surrounding the two of them, forming a barrier.

"Hmph! You are actually a mysterious master? No wonder those Huafei are still alive." The woman didn't panic when she saw the talisman, and glanced at the off-road vehicle not far away, a trace of blood flashed in her black pupils.

"However, you are not so lucky this time, I want all of you to make flower fertilizer for me!"

'Shuh! '

The surrounding peonies seemed to have heard the order, and rushed towards Cen Shu and Lu Si in unison!

Sharp barbs struck from all directions, and slammed into the golden light barrier formed by the talismans.

In the center of the peony flower, thick blood was sprayed against the barrier. When the blood hit the barrier, there was a 'sizzling' sound of water vapor evaporating.

After repeated attacks, the golden light on the barrier gradually dimmed!

Cen Shu looked at the stamen barbs less than one meter away, and looked up at Lu Si, "Are you scared?"

Lu Si pursed his lips and did not speak, but only clenched Cen Shu's hand even more tightly.

Done! ! !

Zhang Shuang took a deep breath, took out the talisman from his pocket and held it in the palm of his hand, while holding the electric shock rod tightly with the other hand, he slowly let go of his foot.


In the silent room, the sound of screaming chickens was particularly ear-piercing, resounding throughout the room.

The sound of chewing stopped abruptly.

The sticky moving sound resounded in the room.

Zhang Shuang hid under the desk, staring at the crack of the lounge door.

Countless tentacle-like stamens opened the door, revealing a huge body, flesh-colored petals crowded the entire door, it was this monster that ate his father!
Various emotions of anger and sadness filled Zhang Shuang's heart, but at the same time, a deep sense of powerlessness surged up, because he couldn't even confront it head-on.

The peonies circled the room, especially around the desk several times.

Zhang Shuang curled up, not daring to move.

After searching for nothing, the peony flower monster is going back to the room.


Zhang Shuang's cell phone vibrated suddenly, but the sound was silent, but in the quiet room, it seemed to be equipped with a stereo, which invisibly amplified the volume several times.


The barb of the peony flower suddenly hit Zhang Shuang's position.

Zhang Shuang climbed out from the other side, grabbed the documents on the table and threw them at the Peony Flower Monster.

The peony flower monster seemed to stop being angry, and rushed towards Zhang Shuang at a very fast speed.

Zhang Shuang dodged nimbly, raised the electric shock baton in his hand and hit the flower stamens, one flower stamen retracted in pain, but another flower stamen stabbed at him.

While dodging, the painting on the desk fell to the ground.

The Peony Flower Monster's attack stopped instantly, and its huge body moved towards this side with a little panic.

Zhang Shuang lowered his head, looked at the painting not far from his feet, seemed to think of something, laughed loudly, and picked up the painting before the peony flower monster arrived.

'Ho! ! ! '

(End of this chapter)

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