Chapter 363
"Fuck! F*ck! F*ck!"

Gu Huo looked at the flesh-colored Peony who rushed towards Cen Shu and the others, his face turned pale with fright.

"Shushu, you're going to be okay!" Shi Fei held Fan Ke's hand tightly, worry overflowing from the bottom of his eyes.

Jiang Zhi nestled in the passenger seat tremblingly, tremblingly said: "I don't know if sister Cen will have an accident, but I know, we are going to have an accident..."

They were all startled, and subconsciously looked out of the window. At some point, they were also surrounded by peonies.

'Boom! '

The flesh-colored petals slammed into the car window of the off-road vehicle, and then exploded on the car window, blood sprayed on the car window, like a blooming blood-colored petal.

Red-brown blood flowed down the window, forming streaks of blood.

"Ouch!" Fan Ke had been terrified by this battle for a long time, and he couldn't help retching while covering his lips.

"At this moment, I miss my straight brother so much!!" Gu Huo turned his head tremblingly, not daring to look at it again. The quality of the glass of this Hummer is unknown. Thinking, Gu Huo asked what was in his heart, " This boy's car shouldn't be so bad, right?"

As soon as Gu Huo finished speaking, he heard an extremely slight 'click' sound.

The window glass next to Gu Huo's seat cracked a long and thin gap under the impact of the peony flowers.

The people in the car obviously saw it too, and looked at Gu Huo in horror.

"Fuck! It's not really going to crack!" Gu Huo leaned towards Fan Ke in fear.

Jiang straightened his forehead, his voice trembling, "Damn it! Brother Gu, I beg you, can you shut your crow's mouth!!!"

'Bang bang! '

The flesh-colored peony seemed to understand Gu Huo's words, and even began to concentrate on attacking the window on Gu Huo's side.

Soon, the slender gap spread across the entire window like a spider web.

"I'm going! It's over!"

Gu Huo wailed, held the talisman tightly, and closed his eyes resignedly.

However, with the sound of the car window shattering, the expected attack did not happen. Gu Huo opened his eyes strangely, only to see countless transparent tentacles extending down from the roof of the car.

Wrap the car tightly, airtight.

"A straight!"

Gu Huo shouted in surprise, as if seeing a relative!I almost cried bitterly and cried with my head in my arms.

"Huo, Huo Huo!"

The same excited voice came from the roof.

A small stick came in from the car window and hugged Gu Huo's hand.

Seeing that they were temporarily out of danger, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Zhi glanced at the small tentacles in Gu Huo's hand, and said a little sourly, "Brother Gu, why does Brother Zhi only call you by your name and not mine!" They were clearly in the same room, so why did he Don't deserve a name?

"Maybe it doesn't like you being called that name." Gu Huo played with the tentacles, thought for a while, and said seriously.

Jiang Zhi:?
First come, first served, please share first!

"The whole mountain is full of peonies, let's see how long your talisman can last!"

The woman stood there, looking at the two people in the barrier, with a cold light in her eyes.

Cen Shu glanced at the woman lightly, and asked, "Do you like peonies very much?"

The woman was taken aback for a moment, and then said viciously, "How do you know?"

Cen Shu looked at the woman suspiciously, "Isn't this obvious?" It covered the entire hill.


"I doubt..."

"What?" The woman's tone was not very good.

Cen Shu paused, "Is this really the method you came up with?" Using the painting as a container, almost the entire mountain was hidden in the painting.

"What do you mean?" The woman's face became even uglier. Is this mocking her?
Cen Shu shrugged, "Forget it, I don't really want to know."

As she spoke, Cen Shu glanced at the talisman and moved her fingers slightly.

The originally dull talisman suddenly burst into a golden light, flew into the peony bushes, and exploded suddenly.

"No! It's impossible!"

The flowers in the bushes began to explode continuously, more like... exploding themselves!
Red-brown blood flowed all over the ground, and the smell of blood in the air became stronger.

The woman looked at the large expanse of withered peonies, and looked at Cen Shu in disbelief, "What did you do?"

"You miscalculated one thing..." Cen Shu curled her lips.

The woman's eyes were bloodshot, and the stamen between her brows opened, revealing flesh-colored petals. The stamens pointed at the two of them, waiting for an opportunity.


Cen Shu took off her bracelet, bit her fingertips, pressed the blood on one of the beads that faintly glowed with purple light, and said, "You shouldn't let Fan Ke enter your body painting!"

"What!" The woman was startled, and immediately looked at Cen Shu, "Did you put her in the painting on purpose?"

Cen Shu raised her brows lightly, but did not deny it.

"Despicable!" the woman roared.

Cen Shu used blood as ink, and drew symbols on the beads with her fingertips.

As the purple light flourished, the woman faintly felt a powerful force, which made her tremble, and she couldn't help but want to kneel down in front of Cen Shu.

"go to hell!"

The woman no longer gave Cen Shu a chance to delay, the stamens of the peony flower on the top of her head swelled at an extremely fast speed, and a few stamens stretched out suddenly, turning into hundreds, ten thousand as if splitting!

Each stamen has sharp barbs, and they all rushed towards Cen Shu!
Lu Si was watching, a faint green light flashed in his dark eyes that he didn't even notice.

'Roar! '

A trembling breath suddenly appeared.

Cen Shu stopped her movements, panted slightly, looked at the big guy in front of her, curled her lips, and called out softly, "Yan An."

I saw a ferocious beast that was nearly ten meters long and shaped like a white tiger appearing in front of Cen Shu. It exuded a chilling aura around it. The blue eyes were like ice, but when looking at Cen Shu, there was a touch of tenderness.

"This, this is the ancient fierce beast Bi An?!"

The woman was startled, feeling the coercion from the beast, even the peony flower between her eyebrows shrank a little.

The woman subconsciously wanted to escape, but just as she turned around, she felt a sharp pain in her chest, and then thought of something, her eyes widened in disbelief.

The stamen of the peony flower between the eyebrows pierced straight through her heart, and the barbs pulled her flesh and blood, and began to gnaw on her!
'Ka Chi Ka Chi! '

The sound of flesh and blood being chewed sounded in her body.

The woman shook her body a few times, threw herself on the ground, and looked in Cen Shu's direction, her eyes still full of disbelief before she died.

After eating the woman's body, the peony flower suddenly swelled dozens of times. The peony flowers all over the mountains stopped attacking Cen Shu and the off-road vehicle, and piled up layer upon layer to form a hill, surrounding the largest peony flower. It looks like a giant chrysalis.

In less than a minute, countless small peony flowers fell down as if they had been sucked dry blood, and the top of the giant chrysalis exuded scarlet blood.

'boom! '

 Today's update is complete~
  Cough, I was supposed to post this early this morning, but I can’t keep up with my hand speed, this time the explosion is over~ (Praise me, praise me!!)

  Have you had lunch yet?The braised chicken I ate today is very spicy!hey-hey.

  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys!Chirp~
(End of this chapter)

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