Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 364 Leaving, 5 Lightning Talismans

Chapter 364 Leaving, Five Thunder Talismans
"Fuck! Is this World of Warcraft?"

Feeling Bi An's breath, the big octopus shivered in Gu Huo's arms.

While comforting, Gu Huo looked in Cen Shu's direction, his eyes straightened.

"That giant chrysalis... seems to be getting bigger and bigger." Jiang Zhi looked at the giant chrysalis, and couldn't help swallowing.

Not far away, the giant pupa was constantly expanding, almost as tall as Bi An.

Cen Shu's apricot eyes narrowed slightly, a rare solemnity flashed in the bottom of the eyes, with a slight movement of her fingertips, dozens of talisman seals flew out of the bag, and flew towards the giant chrysalis with a 'swoosh' sound, but within a meter of the giant chrysalis Suddenly, it stopped, as if blocked by something invisible.

In the next second, dozens of talisman seals instantly turned into powder.

Bi An's ice-blue eyes looked at the giant pupa, and a stern look flashed in his eyes. If his body was still there, he would not look down on this little thing, but now he only has a soul body, and there is Cen Shu behind him...

Cen Shu took a few steps forward, stroked Bi An's paw, and said softly, "Don't worry."

Bi An lowered his head, licked Cen Shu's injured fingertips, "Protect yourself."

"Okay." Cen Shu hooked her lips.

Lu Si pursed his lips, looked at the giant chrysalis, a faint light flashed in his eyes.

'boom! '

The giant chrysalis roared again, and countless small flesh-colored peony flowers lost their blood and turned into dried meat, and fell down rustlingly, revealing the huge peony flowers wriggling inside.

Every petal is full of blood, the purple veins are all over the petals, and the barbs on the stamens are sharp, and every time it is waved, it makes a sound of piercing the air.


Bi An roared, leaped lightly, and rushed towards the peony.

Cen Shu turned her head to look at Lu Si, then was slightly taken aback.

"What's wrong?" Lu Si asked, holding Cen Shu's hand.

"It's nothing..." Cen Shu shook her head, she seemed to see a faint green light flashing in the bottom of Lu Si's eyes just now, but the speed was too fast for her to take a closer look.

Lu Si raised his hand and gently smoothed the frown between Cen Shu's eyebrows, "Don't worry."

Cen Shu nodded, scratched Lu Si's palm with her fingertips, pursed her lips and said, "Master Lu, please do me a favor."

Lu Si's eyes darkened, and he subconsciously clenched Cen Shu's hand.

"Help me send them out of the painting." Cen Shu looked up at the off-road vehicle not far away.

Lu Si pursed his lips lightly, looked at Cen Shu, a little blood appeared in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Okay."

Cen Shu heaved a sigh of relief, tiptoed and kissed Lu Si lightly on the lips, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to me."

'Little Lotus, I will definitely come back to you, wait for me! '

Some bad memories came to my mind, a trace of pain flashed in Lu Si's eyes, but she still let go of Cen Shu's hand, "Okay, I'll wait for you."

Cen Shu watched Lu Si walk towards the off-road vehicle quickly, then turned around and raised her eyes to look not far away.

At some point, there was heavy fog again in the mountains. In the thick fog, two huge bodies could be vaguely seen colliding with each other. There was the sound of roaring beasts, and the white fog was also stained with blood.

"Brother-in-law Cen! Won't Sister Cen come with us?" Jiang Zhi watched the off-road vehicle drive by Cen Shu's side, gradually drifting away, and turned his head anxiously to look behind the car.

Lu Si's slender hands tightly held the steering wheel, and he didn't speak, his dark eyes were slightly condensed, as if they were ice-quenched.

Seeing that Lu Si didn't speak, Jiang Zhi fell silent, and the car fell into silence.

Everyone knew that staying here would only cause trouble for Cen Shu.


Another hard blow.

In an instant, even the mountain began to shake, and countless dirt and dead branches fell from the mountain.

"Pfft! Cough-cough-cough!"

Dodging the falling mountain, Cen Shu took out the purple talisman from her bag, and with luck with her fingertips, she saw the woman who should have died not far away slowly opened her eyes, and she said, "You can't beat it!" .”

The woman lay on her back on the ground, looking at the peony flowers in the blood mist, her eyes were still gentle, "As long as it is in the painting, it will have a steady supply."

Cen Shu ignored the woman.

'Boom! '

A few thunderbolts fell from the sky, and the thunder and lightning hit the peony flower at an extremely fast speed, slowing down the peony flower's attack by a bit.

Taking advantage of this gap, Bi An's fangs bit the peony stamen fiercely, and the blood mist thickened a bit.

"Five Thunder Talismans?!" The woman's eyes widened in surprise. She has dealt with many mysterious masters over the years, and all of them have become her manure without exception. She has also seen the Five Thunder Talismans, but she has never seen them before. The five thunder talisman with such a strong effect.

After being struck by five bolts of lightning one after another, the power of the peony was greatly reduced, and soon many small flesh-colored peonies hidden in the white mist came one after another to cover the big peony, like a sacrifice, the huge flesh-colored peony was torn apart The cracked stamens have grown new barbs again.

"Look..." The corner of the woman's mouth overflowed with blood, she coughed a few times, her brows were hollow, there was originally a place where peonies were parasites, "How many of your Five Thunder Talismans do you have? You can obviously leave, why do you stay here waiting?" die?"

The woman could see clearly that Bi An's soul body was not as solid as it was when it first appeared, if she continued to fight, only Peony could win in the end!
Cen Shu glanced at the woman lightly, took out a black plastic bag from her bag, opened it, and poured it down.


Two large piles of Five Thunder Talismans fell from the light plastic bag and landed on the ground, splashing a little dust.

"This is impossible?!"

The woman's eyes widened suddenly, so many Five Thunder Talismans!

She clearly remembered that among the profound teachers, the Five Thunder Talisman should be an extremely rare talisman, but what did she see?
The woman was agitated and vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

Cen Shu casually glanced at the woman, hooked her lips, "Impossible?"

Cen Shu raised her hand and glanced at her watch, then at the direction Lu Si was leaving, raised her hand, five-finger amulets, and countless five-thunder talismans suspended in the air.

In the sky, a few purple thunderbolts flashed faintly, causing the entire mountain to tremble.

A steady stream of energy was drained from the fingertips, and Cen Shu's face turned pale at an extremely fast speed, and a smear of blood spilled from the corner of her lips.

"Boom boom boom!"

Hundreds of thunderbolts blasted towards the peony at a terrifying speed.

"Ho!" Peony screamed in pain, and the air smelled of burnt flesh.

"Pfft! Cough, cough, cough!" Cen Shu was unsteady, knelt on one knee, spat out a mouthful of blood, and her fingertips were abnormally white.

The thunder and lightning bombardment continued, Bi An was able to catch his breath, and reacted quickly, pounced on the peony.

"Hahaha! Even if you have so many talismans, so what? The five thunder talismans need the profound master to use his own energy to take effect. I didn't see it, little mysterious master, you still have a compassionate heart to save the world! This way But it’s getting narrower!”

The woman looked at Cen Shu and smiled triumphantly.

"It's not up to you whether it's narrow or not!" Cen Shu wiped the corners of her lips, and stood up with her hands on the ground, "You should worry about your body."


(End of this chapter)

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