Chapter 365

The off-road vehicle was driving rapidly on the road covered in dense fog.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Jiang Zhi first saw the wooden house not far ahead, and was taken aback. Isn't this the toilet he went to when he had diarrhea when they first arrived?
Before Jiang Zhi turned the corner, he saw Lu Si turn the steering wheel, step on the accelerator suddenly, and hit him hard!
What the hell!

"Brother-in-law Cen! There's a cliff in front of you! Awwhhhh!"

Jiang Zhi subconsciously put his hands on his head and closed his eyes.

The expected free fall and pain did not occur.

The car stopped instead.

Jiang Zhi opened his eyes and looked at the road in front of him, a little dazed.

"Here we are, get out of the car." Lu Si glanced at the few people lightly, and said in a deep voice.

Several people got out of the car, their legs were a little weak, they supported each other, and then sat down on the ground.

Gu Huo put the big octopus in Jiang Zhi's arms, and walked to the driver's window, "Are you...are you going back to find the child?"

Lu Si glanced at Gu Huo lightly, and responded lightly.

Gu Huo clenched his fists tightly without dissuading him, and instructed: "Be careful, and you must bring the child back safely!"

Lu Si's eyes darkened, he stepped on the accelerator, "Okay!"

Several people fell silent as they watched the off-road vehicle gradually disappear into the mist.

"Sister Cen... will she come back safely?" Jiang Zhi asked with a trace of worry in his eyes, squeezing the tentacles of the big octopus.

Shi Fei's eyes sparkled, "Yes! Definitely!"


The peony flower monster seemed to be enraged, and attacked Zhang Shuang with its stamens.

Holding the picture frame, Zhang Shuang laughed loudly, tears came out of his laughter, he did not hide or dodge, but when the stamen was about to stab him, he raised the picture frame in his hand to block himself.

When the stamen was one centimeter away from the frame, it suddenly stopped attacking and turned to other directions.

Zhang Shuang laughed more and more wantonly, squatted down, and picked up a pen from the ground. It was Xu Leqiang’s birthday this year. Zhang Shuang bought it for him with nearly a month’s salary. For this reason, Xu Leqiang trusted him even more. him.

The peony flower monster seemed to have anticipated Zhang Shuang's next move, and the attack became more and more fierce.

Zhang Shuang planted rice seedlings with his father since he was a child, and his physique is not bad. Although he dodged flexibly, he still had several wounds on his body, and the bones were deep.

Zhang Shuang didn't mind at all, opened the cap of the pen to reveal the sharp nib, and then stabbed fiercely at the painting!

'Zi! '

The originally ordinary painting now oozes reddish-brown blood.

The peony flower monster roared, and frantically waved its stamens to attack Zhang Shuang.

Zhang Shuang saw the blood flowing out of the painting, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, and he increased the strength in his hand.


The painting was scratched, and more and more blood flowed from the frame.

Zhang Shuang laughed wildly and tore the canvas vigorously.

The peony flower monster was completely enraged, and stabbed Zhang Shuang's heart fiercely.

'bump! '

A golden light shone from Zhang Shuang's chest, and the Peony Flower Monster was bounced against the wall, unable to move anymore.

"Hahahaha! Dead! Finally dead!"

Looking at the peony flower monster who could no longer stand up, Zhang Shuang burst out laughing.

Smiling and laughing, tears fell from his eyes, Zhang Shuang tremblingly took out the talisman from his pocket, the talisman was soaked in tears, he couldn't hold it anymore, and burst into tears.

"Dad! I got revenge! Dad! My son is wrong, my son is wrong!"

Outside the window, the moon is bright and clear, and the moonlight is soft, just like the kind and kind eyes of the father, not so bright, but always there.

But now, he has lost his moonlight.

"How?! How did this happen? What did you do?"

The woman sat up in shock, screamed, and looked at Cen Shu viciously.

Cen Shu gently wiped the blood from the corner of her lips, hooked her lips, and looked at the blood mist.

Not far away, the peony flowers that had been continuously sacrificed turned into a pool of blood in an instant, and countless scars appeared on the huge peony monster, leaking blood.

"Qi An!"

Cen Shu called out.

'Roar! '

With a roar, Bi An pounced on him again, taking advantage of your illness to kill you!

"No! Don't!" The woman looked at the torn peony flower monster with red eyes, her voice was sad.

The sky began to rain blood, fell to the ground, and soon disappeared.

Without the sacrifice of the peony flower, and Cen Shu's Five Thunder Talisman, Bi An won effortlessly.


The huge peony monster fell on the hillside, like a deflated balloon, gurgling blood flowed down, then evaporated and disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

"Ah!!" the woman screamed and struggled to crawl towards the peony flower monster.

Bi An returned to Cen Shu's side, her soul body was transparent, there were many mottled wounds on her body, and her soul energy kept leaking out.

"Shu Shu." Bi An looked at Cen Shu's pale face, and a trace of worry flashed in his icy blue eyes.

"It's okay..." Cen Shu got up, glanced at the woman, raised her hand to caress the wound on Bi An's soul, frowned slightly, and moved her fingertips slightly, but Bi An stopped her.

Bi An raised his head proudly and revealed, licking the wound on his body, nonchalantly, "Shu Shu, I'm not so weak yet, at best I can sleep for a while longer."

Cen Shu raised her eyes, "Sleeping until I die?"

Bi An was stunned for a moment, a trace of guilt flashed in his ice blue eyes, "It hasn't been that long... I guess."

Cen Shu pursed her lips, and healed Bi An's wound without saying a word.

With the loss of energy bit by bit, Cen Shu's lips became bloodless, and her body was crumbling. Cen Shu leaned against the fence of the mountain road to support her body.

"Enough is enough!" Bi An dodged, "What's wrong with you little girl, you've already died once, why don't you take care of your body so much!"

Hearing this, Cen Shu curled up her lips, and said with a little emotion in her voice, "I have died once before I know how to cherish you."

A gleam of water flickered in Bi An's cold eyes, and he said awkwardly: "Shu Shu, are you confessing to me? You are human, I am not, we have different paths."

Cen Shu: ...

Bi An made a few gags, his soul couldn't hold on any longer, it turned into a purple smoke and slipped into Cen Shu's bracelet.

Cen Shu caressed her bracelet, and simply sat on the ground, leaning against the fence, looking up at the woman.

The woman finally climbed to the side of the peony flower monster. At this time, the peony flower monster had shrunk to half its size, lying on the ground dying, and the blood in its body was still draining.

The woman hugged the peony flower monster tightly in her arms, with a tender look on her face, as if her lover was in her arms.

The surrounding fog began to dissipate, and the bodies of the woman and the peony flower monster also gradually dissipated.

"We're together forever."

A flash of madness flashed in the woman's eyes, she opened her mouth, bit the peony flower monster's body fiercely, tore off the flesh, and chewed vigorously.

The peony flower monster struggled in pain, but to no avail.

The woman hugged the peony monster tightly, tears of blood flowed from the corner of her eyes, and hummed an unknown song.

In the end, he dropped a light kiss on the Peony Flower Monster and disappeared into the air.

(End of this chapter)

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