Chapter 366
"Youyi, someone is looking for you."

In troubled times, actors are the least respected people.

Wang Youyi followed her master since she was a child, learning to sing opera, traveling here and there, suffering all kinds of hardships, and seeing all the cold eyes of the world.

That day, she finished the song as usual and was removing her makeup backstage when she heard her partner shout.

She removed her heavy makeup and walked out.

Maybe they are some movie fans, she thought, only movie fans will respect them when warlords are fighting.

Opening the curtain, in the box, the man was wearing a uniform, full of blood and iron, as if he had just returned from the battlefield.

The man's sword eyebrows and star eyes give people a sense of sharpness.

He said that he liked to listen to her singing, left a bouquet of peony flowers, and left in a hurry.

Every day after that, she can receive peonies.

Until that day, she sat in the sedan chair and married him.

In the courtyard of the villa, he planted a field of peonies for her.

She thought that they would continue like this forever, but in less than a year, he married a new concubine again.

He hadn't been to her room for a long time.

One day, his favorite aunt said that she liked roses and thought the roses in the garden were an eyesore.

She was sitting not far from the sofa, watching the two hug each other sticky, the man didn't even look at her, and said, well, he didn't like it a long time ago.

That night, she sat in the room thinking for a second, then picked up the ax in the corner.

It was brought into her room from the greenhouse after dinner.

Overnight, everyone in the villa became a flower manure. She will never forget that when the man looked at her for the last time, his eyes were full of anger, disgust and fear, but he lost the love he had at the beginning.

In the end, she also turned herself into flower fertilizer, nourishing the peony flowers in the courtyard. From then on, the peony flowers in her heart have never been defeated.

The speed of the off-road vehicle has reached the maximum.

Not far away, the fog seemed to be dissipating.

Through the mist, Lu Si's gaze landed on the girl sitting on the ground with her eyes downcast, who didn't know her life or death.

Lu Si's breathing stagnated, and he subconsciously squeezed the steering wheel tightly, feeling a dull pain in his heart.

There was blood in his eyes.


The tires of the off-road vehicle rubbed against the ground, making a screeching sound.

Lu Si opened the car door, panic appeared in his dark eyes, and he walked quickly towards the girl.

When Cen Shu heard the footsteps, her lowered fingers moved slightly, her eyelids lifted slightly, and when she saw someone coming, she curled her lips and sighed, "Why are you so naughty?" How cute it was at that time.

Lu Si's fingertips trembled slightly, and he carefully pulled Cen Shu into his arms, resting his chin on Cen Shu's shoulder, and planted a hot kiss on Cen Shu's throbbing neck artery.

"Be good, and then lose you again?" Lu Si's voice was very deep, and he closed his eyes, feeling the temperature of the person in his arms, and the blood in his eyes disappeared.

Cen Shu leaned lazily in Lu Si's arms, pursed her lips, "I won't." She will never leave like before.

"You're a little liar." Lu Si's voice was dull and aggrieved.

With a cool fragrance lingering on the tip of her nose, Cen Shu closed her eyes wearily, and smiled softly, "Well, I won't lie to you if I lie to anyone, Master Lu, don't be angry, you are the boss! The boss can't always use it. This tone speaks."

Cen Shu remembered the first time she met Lu Si at the auction, and couldn't help but curl her lips.

"You clearly said that I look like a monkey." Lu Si hugged Cen Shu and walked towards the off-road vehicle.

Cen Shu choked. In her memory, she seemed to have said that at that time, the lotus in the lotus village was full of ponds. From the mountain, the lotus blossoms were in full bloom, which was extremely amazing.

Seeing that she liked it, the little lotus flower volunteered to pick the most beautiful lotus for her, but in the end it got stuck in the mud, and it was Cen Shu who ran back to the Taoist temple to find the old man to pull out the little lotus flower.

At that time, she looked at the little lotus covered in mud and laughed at whether he was a slow-moving monkey or a mud monkey.

"Why do you hold grudges so much?" Cen Shu muttered as she nestled in the passenger seat.

Lu Si fastened her seat belt, sat in the driver's seat, and stepped on the accelerator.

"That's right, I hold grudges very much..." I hold grudges to the point that he has been fused into his flesh and blood, engraved into his soul.

Lu Si glanced at the girl who was so exhausted but forced herself to talk to him, and said in a low voice, "Shanshan, go to sleep."

Cen Shu hummed lightly, "I don't want to go to the hospital, I'll be fine after a while."

"Okay, don't go to the hospital."

Soon, the sound of the girl's even breathing came from the side, very light, but it made Lu Si's heart beat along with it, one by one...

He is alive again.

The cold moonlight shines into the house.

Cen Shu opened her eyes, looked at the strange curtain above her head, and blinked.

General fatigue, this is the performance after loss of strength.

Cen Shu moved her fingertips, as if it was extremely difficult to even raise her hand.

There seemed to be a heavy object under her feet, Cen Shu moved her foot, the heavy object seemed to be awakened, and her voice was hoarse, "Shan Shan."

The lamp next to the bed was on.

Cen Shu closed her eyes uncomfortably, and opened them slowly after she got used to it.

"Lu Si?" His voice was unbearably hoarse because he hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Well, I'm here." Lu Si helped Cen Shu up, let her lean on the soft pillow, and picked up a cup to drink water for her.

The temperature of the water was just right, and the warm current flowed into the stomach, and Cen Shu felt much better in an instant.

Cen Shu raised her head and looked out the window, it was still night, "What date is it today?"

Seeing that Cen Shu stopped drinking water, Lu Si put down the quilt, took out a piece of paper and wiped the corners of her lips, "Tomorrow will be New Year's Eve."

so fast?

Cen Shu was slightly taken aback, "How long have I been asleep?"

Lu Si's eyes were bloodshot, "One day and two nights."

Cen Shu nodded, didn't ask any more questions, but moved some places, patted the bed, "Sleep together?"

Lu Si:!
"Shanshan, you're not in good health yet..." Under the dim light of the desk lamp, the tips of Lu Si's ears were glowing red.

Cen Shu: ...

"Do I look like a hungry person?" Cen Shu raised her eyebrows lightly.

Lu Si was silent.

Cen Shu: ...

The behavior of some former hooligans suddenly appeared in Cen Shu's mind, as if, probably, maybe, there were indeed...

There was an eerie silence in the room.

Cen Shu changed the subject tactfully, and asked impatiently, "Sleep or not?"

Lu Si didn't say no, his body was extremely honest, he lifted the quilt and lay down.

Cen Shu found a comfortable position to lie down, raised her eyes to look at Lu Si, raised her hand to touch his stubble that just came out, and curled her lips.

Lu Si's body was a little stiff, and he didn't even dare to move easily, like a hard salted fish.

"Your body is so stiff, how can you sleep?"

Cen Shu poked Lu Si's chest.

Lu Si's voice was dry, "How can a man be soft?"

Cen Shu: ...

Soon, Cen Shu fell into a coma again, and the girl's breath sprayed on his neck, making Lu Si's heart extremely soft.

'You will kill her! '

A cold voice echoed in my ears.

Lu Si suddenly opened his eyes, a smear of blood appeared in the bottom of the eyes, and there was a faint green light.

 The update is complete~
  Hardworking beef today!

  Thank you for your votes, cuties, I love you guys, okay~
  Go to bed early, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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