Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 368 It's Terrible to Go to Grandma's House

Chapter 368 It's Terrible to Go to Grandma's House
"Sister, long time no see."

Seeing that Cen Shu was doing well, Lin Lan felt relieved, and was dragged into the kitchen by Cen Yiqing to continue preparing the New Year's Eve dinner.

When Cen Xue saw Cen Shu, she got up and said hello.

"Long time no see." Cen Shu's voice was cold, she nodded slightly, and replied politely.

"Little fox, you haven't answered my question yet? Did you steal candied haws? Is it delicious?" Cen Qin pulled Cen Shu to sit next to him, bumped Cen Shu lightly with his shoulder, and blinked. Blinking, an expression I understand.

Cen Shu glanced at Cen Qin lightly, "Is there something wrong with your eyes?"

Cen Qin: ...

"You are so young, you don't understand style, and you don't know how to share good things." Cen Qin muttered, it seemed that he was bitten out, but he didn't know which dog man it was!


Cen Yanyu yelled, looked at the living room, and paused, "You must be tired just after you came back, do you want to go back to the room to rest first?"

Cen Shu raised her eyelids slightly, and a flash of understanding flashed in her eyes.


Cen Yanyu breathed a sigh of relief, got up and took Cen Shu's backpack in his hands very naturally, "This is heavy, I will help you carry it."

Cen Xue looked at the two who went upstairs together, pursed her lips, lowered her eyes, a trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

Cen Qin nestled on the sofa, his gaze passed over Cen Xue calmly, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, with a hint of sarcasm.

People are always dissatisfied.

She did a careful investigation before she first came to Xuancheng, and found out that Cen Xue was her elder brother's adopted daughter. However, from the birthday party, Cen Yiqing loved this Cen Xue quite a lot, and she didn't go to find Cen Xue's family, so she just treated her as her own daughter. Keep it by your side, but now it seems that some people's appetite seems to be quite big.

in the room.

Cen Yanyu closed the door very consciously, looking at Cen Shu, a tangled look flashed across his face.

Cen Shu lay lazily on the chair, closed her eyes and began to rest.

"Shushu, who is that... Has she come back for the Chinese New Year this year?" Cen Yanyu held back for a long time before asking this question.


Cen Shu opened her eyes and asked expressionlessly.

"Oh! It's that Sun Wenwen, is she coming back this year for the Chinese New Year?" Cen Yanyu's face turned red, and he didn't dare to look at Cen Shu.


Cen Shu suddenly realized, "So it's Sister Wenwen."

Cen Yanyu: ...

This acting... is really bad.

Cen Shu tilted her head, "Are you familiar with Sister Wenwen?"

Cen Yanyu stopped talking, and stared at Cen Shu with an expression of can you stop playing.

Cen Shu stopped joking, looked at Cen Yanyu expressionlessly, and said in a cold voice, "Who is Sister Wenwen reuniting with when she comes back, brother?"

Cen Yanyu was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered that since the old lady Sun passed away, Sun Wenwen can be said to be truly a lonely family.

"Then she..."

Cen Yanyu's voice was a little dry, and his heart was inexplicably dull.

"Brother cares about Sister Wenwen so much, won't he ask her himself?" Cen Shu raised her head and looked at Cen Yanyu puzzled.


Cen Yanyu was stuck.

Cen Shu narrowed her almond eyes slightly, raised her hand to hold the two cats in her arms, closed her eyes, and stopped talking.

Cen Yanyu sighed softly, glanced at Cen Shu, saw that her eyes were black and blue, and walked out of the room without disturbing her anymore.

The door was gently closed.

[Ding, the prestige value has increased by 40000.

Congratulations on being promoted to level 13, prestige value calculation ing
Currently, reputation: 56000/80000
Malicious value: 1012/160000
Once the reputation is reached, it can be upgraded, I hope the host will continue to work hard, chirp~]

【Ding!Your cutie is online! 】Xiaohua jumped out from the space and nestled on Xiaolihua's neck, 【Host, why don't you help your brother? 】

As for Cen Yanyu's elm head, he doesn't know when it will open up.

Cen Shu stretched out her hand to run along the cat, and snorted softly, 【What about the crematorium, where is it going? 】

Little Flower:  …

The host is terrible!
[You are late again this time, and there is a system bug again? 】Cen Shu's apricot eyes narrowed slightly, and her fingertips pinched the light spot the size of a thumb, her tone was unclear.

Xiaohua: trembling jpg.

[Ho, host, I just woke up, the system has not been updated yet, so the machine is stuck~] Xiaohua made up a lie that she thought was perfect.

[Is Lu Si scary? 】

[Scary! ] That's not terrible, it's simply terrible. Grandma opened the door for Horrible, and Terrible has reached grandma's house!

Cen Shu nodded slightly, 【I see. 】

Little Flower:  …

It felt like some little secret was being known.

For the New Year's Eve dinner, Lin Lan and Cen Yiqing cooked a table of meals. Several people gathered around the table, chatting while eating. Under the atmosphere of the Spring Festival, the atmosphere of the table was quite harmonious.

After dinner, brothers and sisters Cen Qin and Cen Yiqing finished washing in the kitchen, while Liu Lian sat on the sofa and watched the Spring Festival Gala.

Cen Xue was by Liu Lian's side, but when she saw the first guest who sang, a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes. Hu Lili actually went to the Spring Festival Gala?

No wonder Hu Lili left the crew first in the last few days.

Liu Lian didn't notice Cen Xue's expression, and patted Cen Xue's arm, a little excited, "Xue'er, is this the heroine of your TV series?! I really hope that one day Xue'er will be on TV to give Grandma has a long face!"

Cen Xue responded softly, with a forced smile on her face.

Cen Shu nestled on the sofa, answering the news, Qunli Guhuo and Jiang Zhi were annoyed by the little kid who came to visit the house, discussing where to set off fireworks, now the city bans fireworks, only in rural and suburban areas. put.

Later, the two hit it off and planned to release it near the village near the famous mansion in Songshan, where there was a hill.

After discussing it, the two frantically chatted with other people in the group, and it was only Cen Shu who hadn't agreed yet.

Cen Shu thought for a while, then approached Lin Lan, "Feifei and the others want to set off fireworks..."

Lin Lan was also replying to the little sister's message. Hearing this, she didn't think much about it, "Does Shushu want to play too? Yes, be careful, and bring brother along."

Cen Yanyu of the cue was suddenly taken aback, but didn't react, "Huh?"

Cen Shu glanced at Cen Yanyu lightly, with a disgust that was about to melt into reality.

Cen Yanyu: ...

"Yan Yu, my sister wants to set off fireworks, so you go and protect her, it's not safe at night." Lin Lan said, looking at Cen Xue, "Is Xue'er going too?"

Cen Xue subconsciously glanced at Cen Yanyu, then at Cen Shu, and shook her head, "I won't go, I will accompany grandma to watch the Spring Festival Gala."

"That's right, those are children's playthings, what's so interesting about it." Liu Lian followed suit.

But no one paid any attention to her, so Liu Lian accepted it in a boring way, so she put it aside and continued to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

Cen Yanyu followed Cen Shu out of the door, and saw Cen Shu walking straight to the door, he was taken aback, "Shu Shu, don't we drive?" He knew the place, and it was still some distance away.

The cold wind was bitter, and it hurt people's faces.

Cen Shu stood at the door, glanced at Cen Yanyu faintly, "wait for someone."

Cen Yanyu's heart skipped a beat, with an inexplicable bad premonition, he subconsciously asked:


(End of this chapter)

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