Chapter 369 It's Hard To Be Above (Add More)


As soon as Cen Yanyu finished speaking, there was the roar of a car not far away.

The low-key Bentley approached slowly.

He stopped in front of Cen Shu.

Cen Shu very naturally opened the co-pilot's door and sat on it.

Cen Yanyu froze for a few seconds, then quickly opened the door of the back seat.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" Lu Si held Cen Shu's hand very naturally.

Cen Shu shook her head, "No, you came right after I came out."

When she decided to go, she sent Lu Si a message, but she didn't expect him to come so soon.

Cen Yanyu was sitting in the back seat, watching the interaction between the two, his eyes were straightened, what's going on?Why is this man's voice so familiar?Could this be the dog man who stole his little cabbage?
Countless questions popped out of Cen Yanyu's mind one by one.

"Shushu, don't you want to introduce me to your brother?" Cen Yanyu sat up straight, although he couldn't see the man's face clearly, even though the man looked quite rich, he still had to show the aura of his mother's family !
The lights in the car were not turned on, Cen Shu glanced at Lu Si, curled her lips, "Brother, this is Lu Si, my boyfriend."

"What?! Are you really in a relationship? How old is he? How's the family situation? How much assets? Is there any messy fiancee?" Cen Yanyu asked all the questions he could think of.

Cen Shu couldn't hold back, and chuckled, "Brother, you are checking your household registration."

Isn't it an account check?His family is so small and innocent, if she is cheated, she will die of heartbreak.

He must check it out, but why is the name so familiar, it seems that he has heard it somewhere, but he just can't remember it for a while.

"Well, I'm in a relationship with Shanshan. The purpose is to get married. I just turned 26 this year. Both of my parents died. My assets are good enough to support Shanshan. I'm the master of my family. There are no messy fiancees..."

Lu Si drove the car and answered methodically.

Both parents died?

That's okay, Shushu won't be wronged when she gets married...


Why did he think of talking about marriage?

Cen Yanyu calmly said 'um', "That's okay." Wei Lie added, "It's okay."

Cen Shu: ...

When the car drove up to the hill, they were already there, including Lu Miao.

There are many fireworks piled up on the hill, and it seems that they should all be moved by Lu Miao.

"Sister Cen! Brother-in-law Cen!"

Seeing the car, Jiang Zhi waved happily.

"Brother-in-law Cen?" Cen Yanyu landed on Lu Si, and repeated with gritted teeth.

The car stopped, Cen Shu opened the door and got out, and several people immediately surrounded her.

"Shu Shu, it's great that you're fine!" Shi Fei stepped forward to hug Cen Shu tightly, and said softly.

Seeing that Cen Shu was safe and sound, several people felt relieved.

Hearing the news is different from actually meeting people. That night, Lu Si brought Cen Shu back, and several people saw the unconscious Cen Shu through the car window. The air pressure around Lu Si was very low. I didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Now that they saw that Cen Shu was fine, they were completely relieved.

Today's fireworks are actually a cover, the real purpose is to see Cen Shu.

How could Cen Shu not understand, she hugged Shi Fei back, raised her hand and pinched Shi Fei's blushing cheeks from the cold, "Aren't we going to set off fireworks? Let's start."

"Fireworks! Fireworks!"

Lu Miao moved half a carload of fireworks, and Gu Huo took several bundles and distributed them to everyone.

Cen Yanyu and the others were no strangers, so Gu Huo stuffed several small stars into his hands, "Brother Cen, don't worry, don't be polite with children and men, there are too many fireworks!"

Cen Yanyu: ...

Lu Miao also moved several oversized fireworks, put them on the open space of the hill, and lit them.



Huge fireworks exploded in the air, lighting up the sky.

Cen Shu held a small star in her hand, looked up at the man beside her, and curled her lips.

Under the twinkling fireworks, the girl's almond eyes seemed to be filled with stars, and her smile was like a flower.

Lu Si's heart moved slightly, his Adam's apple slid slightly, and he bent down.

On the side, Cen Yanyu was still in the "Sister-in-Law Cen" just now. He didn't come back to his senses. He glanced at Lu Miao, who stood expressionless on the side, and who was also full of evil spirits during the New Year's Eve. If he remembered correctly, Shushu seemed to be Call him Lu Miao?

Lu Si, Lu Miao...

What the hell!

He remembered that Lin Jian had taught him about the six great families in the capital. Among them, the Lu family was the better one and was the well-deserved boss, and the head of the Lu family was even more legendary, a typical bachelor with diamonds!
When Lin Jian talked about Lu Si's arrival, his tone of admiration seemed that even if he lifted Lu Si's shoes, he would feel that it was a matter of great honor.

So what did he just do?
Cen Yanyu's face turned pale, and he glanced at Lu Si subconsciously, and saw the two kissing under the fireworks, while the others seemed to be used to it for a long time, and they were still happily setting off the fireworks.

Cen Yanyu:! ! !

Cen Yanyu's fist hardened in an instant, and just as he was about to step forward, he was held down by a huge force on his shoulder. He turned his head and met a pair of cold eyes.

At some point, Lu Miao came to Cen Yanyu's side and looked at him expressionlessly, "Master Lu was up there after all, you can't disturb them."

Cen Yanyu:? ? ?

Due to Lu Miao's obscenity, Cen Yanyu could only stare at Lu Si from the sidelines. If the eyes could be turned into reality, Lu Si should have died hundreds of times, if not a thousand times.

The few people naturally also noticed the movements of Cen Shu and the two, and they stayed away in a tacit understanding.

Jiang Zhi took out his mobile phone, took a picture of the kissing scene under the fireworks, and sent it to Lu Si calmly.

"Okay, Wan Wan, you're actually a traitor!" Seeing Jiang Zhi's dog stalking, Gu Huo grabbed Jiang Zhi's neck, looked at him, and shouted loudly.


Jiang Zhi quickly put the phone in his pocket, subconsciously glanced at Cen Shu's direction, and lowered his voice, "Aren't we assisting Sister Cen and Brother-in-law Cen, and earning some pocket money by the way... Hehe!"

"How much does he pay?" Gu Huo rolled his eyes and asked.

Jiang Zhi stretched out a finger, "One beautiful photo, 1 yuan!"

What the hell!

Gu Huo's expression instantly softened, and he stroked Fu Jiangzhi's head.

"Wan, your elder brother usually treats you well, right? This kind of money making, oh no, how can I miss out on assists, and what else is better than me? Don't you think so?"

Jiang Zhi: ...

"Brother Gu, you betrayed so easily, I can't even use this draft." Jiang Zhi twitched the corners of his mouth.

Gu Huo sighed, "Who's that? You've been given too much!"

Jiang Zhi: ...

So you are such an ancient brother!
"You will never understand the pain of having your credit card frozen!" Gu Huo covered his face.

Jiang Zhi seemed to have thought of something, he patted Gu Huo's shoulder vigorously, and said in pain, "Brother Gu, I understand!"

The two were biting their ears here. Shi Fei looked at the two people who were kissing, subconsciously bit her lips, and took a few steps back. Unexpectedly, she stepped on the ground and was about to fall down the hill before she could exclaim. At this moment, a He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her up.

"Be careful." The cold voice was tinged with warmth because of the concern in the words.

Shi Fei was taken aback, and looked up at Lu Miao. Under the fireworks, the young man's handsome face softened.

'plop, plop'

At this moment, the heartbeat seems to speed up...

 The update is complete~
  Today is also hardworking beef!Yeah yeah yeah!
  Thank you for your votes, cuties, I love you~ Meme!
  Go to bed early, good night, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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