Chapter 370
"Hurry up! The countdown is about to begin!"

Gu Huo and Jiang Zhi worked together to move a huge firework to the open space under the hill and ignite it.

Gorgeous fireworks bloom in the sky.

Cen Shu leaned lazily in Lu Si's arms, her lips were bright red.

"Ten, nine, eight...three, two, one! Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year! Happy every day!"

Gu Huo hugged Jiang Zhi's neck tightly and grinned.

Fan Ke hugged Shi Fei and kept changing positions to take pictures.

"Cut, what a brat!" Cen Yanyu grinned, but his face was stained with a smile.

Lu Miao stared blankly at the fireworks blooming above her head, her black eyes flickered slightly, and her lips curled up almost invisible.

Cen Shu looked up at Lu Si, and said softly, "Happy New Year~"

Lu Si lowered his eyes, looking at the girl's apricot eyes, his Adam's apple slipped, and his voice sank, "Happy New Year."

It was the first time Cen Shu looked at Lu Si so seriously, and in those deep black eyes, Cen Shu saw herself.

Cen Shu's heart moved slightly, she stretched out her hand to grab Lu Si's collar, and her lips touched it lightly.

"Oh~ Sister Cen is so domineering!"

Jiang Zhi was at the bottom of the hill, and as soon as he looked up, he saw such a beautiful scene, whistled, took out his mobile phone and took three consecutive shots.

Cen Yanyu felt his heart choke again as he watched from the sidelines, but the aggrieved feeling just now disappeared for no reason. Instead, he looked at Lu Miao with an indescribable expression on his expressionless face, which made Cen Yanyu inexplicably happy.

Tsk, what a happy new year!

The fireworks feast finally ended at two o'clock in the morning, Lu Miao was in charge of bringing the two girls home, and Gu Huo simply went to Jiang Zhi's house to spend the night.

In the second half of the night, the sound of firecrackers kept going, and it was not allowed to set off firecrackers in urban areas. Some people even bought electronic firecrackers to set off.

The Bentley slowly stopped in front of the Cen's villa.

"Go back and be careful." Cen Shu got out of the car, walked around to the window of the driver's seat, and instructed.

Lu Si rolled down the car window and nodded slightly, "Go in, it's cold outside."

Standing not far away, Cen Yanyu twitched the corners of his mouth as he looked at the two people who were tired and crooked.

"Okay." Cen Shu raised her hand and wiped off the light red lipstick on Lu Si's lips very naturally.

Lu Si's eyes dimmed, and his voice sank a bit, "Yes."

Cen Shu followed Cen Yanyu into the villa, Lu Si watched Cen Shu's back disappear into the villa, and then stepped on the gas pedal.

The lights in the living room were not turned off, and the second half of the Spring Festival Gala was still playing on the TV.

Liu Lian and the others were already asleep, only Cen Qin was sitting on the sofa, with a glass of red wine on the coffee table, Cen Qin seemed a little drunk, seeing the two of them back, he smiled and said, "I thought you guys were going to play all night."

"Sister, how much did you drink?" Cen Yanyu yawned, glanced at the empty red wine bottle on the table, and frowned slightly.

Cen Shu took off her coat and sat lazily beside Cen Qin, with a strong smell of alcohol lingering on the tip of her nose.

"Your sister, I am not drunk for a thousand cups. What is this bottle?" Cen Qin said impatiently with his eyes slightly drunk, waved his hands, and then seemed to have discovered something, moved to Cen Shu's side, hehe laughed, and picked it up with one hand. Picking up Cen Shu's chin, "Little fox, are you going to eat candied haws again? Is it delicious?"

Cen Yanyu looked at Cen Qin's actions in horror, she should be beaten to death by Shushu!

Cen Shu looked at Cen Qin with a blank expression, "It's delicious, and the QQ is soft. Is it true that my sister has never eaten it?"

Cen Qin: ...

To kill a dog is to punish one's heart.

Cen Qin hugged Cen Shu and chattered, "Little fox, you are too much."

Cen Yanyu couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth. If Cen Qin woke up tomorrow and knew that he saw her like this, would he beat Cen Qin to death?

"Shushu, you talk to my sister-in-law, I'll go to bed first."

For the sake of his own life, Cen Yanyu decided to go first.

"Okay." Cen Shu nodded.

Upstairs, there was the sound of the door closing. Cen Shu looked down at Cen Qin and said, "Now there is no one else, stop acting."

Cen Qin's body in his arms froze, hehe laughed, lying on the pillow, his eyes were still hazy, everything was clear, and he brushed his long hair, "I said that my mother will never get drunk after a thousand cups, I still don't believe it .”

"How was the chat?" Cen Shu got up and poured a glass of water, then sat back on the sofa and asked.

Cen Qin subconsciously wanted to reach out to take it, but his hand was missing. Cen Shu casually held the cup and took a sip.

"I thought you poured it for me, little fox, you don't know how to respect the old and love the young!" Cen Qin curled his lips and muttered.

"Are you old?" Cen Shu raised her eyebrows lightly.

Cen Qin was stunned for a moment, couldn't hold back, covered his lips and giggled, "You child, why are you so good at talking!"

"It looks like we had a good chat." Cen Shu moistened her throat and said with a glance at Cen Qin.

"I take back what I just said, you kid, you are always so serious!" Cen Qin's smile faded a little, and he sighed softly, "Let's talk, let's just do that."

In the evening, she and Cen Yiqing had a lot of chats, but most of the time it was Cen Yiqing who persuaded her to let her go home. It didn't matter if she didn't get married, he, as an older brother, could support her for the rest of her life.

Cen Qin picked up the goblet, his expression was different from his usual chic and willful, with a little loneliness, "If I heard this sentence ten years ago, I would definitely be moved, but I don't feel much now. After so many years, I'm used to it."

At that time, because Liu Lian tampered with her college entrance examination application, she ran away from home in a fit of anger, and never returned home. These years, she worked alone in the capital. She went to a restaurant as a dishwasher and was stolen by thieves. One month's food expenses, steamed buns with pickles for a month...

When Cen Qin said this, the corners of his eyes were slightly wet, "Later, I opened my own beauty salon, bought a house of my own in Beijing, and bought a car. On the day I picked up the car, I drove to the gate of Beijing University. Wandering around..."

"For so many years, I couldn't even hear these four words. When I finally mustered up the courage to go in and see the school I had missed, I found that if I didn't have a campus card, I couldn't get in. Hahaha, it's funny!"

Cen Qin looked up, drank the red wine in the glass, laughed and cried...

When Cen Qin was young, Cen Qin didn't remember anything, so Cen Yiqing told her about it as a joke. He said that when Cen Qin was young, Cen Yiqing was alone at home with his younger sister, and when he saw that the rice wine made by Liu Lian was hungry, he secretly poured it out. Cen Yiqing sipped his chopsticks for Cen Qin, adhering to the principle of sharing blessings.

Who knew that Xiao Cenqin took a sip and collapsed in an instant, sleeping for a day and a night.

"It is said that your father was scared to death at that time, and cried for a long time..." Cen Qin raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes, his voice was extremely lonely, "But, that is all in the past!"

Now Cen Qin, who is not drunk after a thousand cups, wears armor.

Cen Shu felt a weight on her shoulders, and looked down at Cen Qin, she seemed a little drunk, talking about the past, tears kept streaming, she was very pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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