Chapter 371 Haunted House Test
"Okay! I'm old enough to go!"

"I'll go! Sister Shushu is amazing! It seems that today is expected to be the king!"

"Stop calling, I want to watch the live broadcast later!"

"Brother Cen, why are you such a disappointment! I counted, today is a good day to be the king!"


The aftermath of a hangover is body aches, Cen Qin only feels his head buzzing, and the sound of people talking keeps coming from his ears, the chirping is extremely annoying.

Cen Qin scratched his head, got up, and saw that she was still in the living room, her clothes smelled sour.

Cen Yiqing and the others didn't see anyone.

On both sides of the sofa, Cen Shu and Cen Yanyu were playing games with their mobile phones.

Cen Qin's movements were not small, and Cen Yanyu took the time to glance, "Oh, sister, you finally woke up!"

"I... What time is it?" Cen Qin's voice was extremely hoarse, and he glanced out the window, but it was still dark.

"It's already eight o'clock in the evening, little sister, you've slept soundly. You've been asleep for almost a day and a night, and you still don't get drunk." Cen Yanyu glanced at the clock on the wall and said jokingly.

Cen Qin froze for a moment, restarted his brain, and looked at Cen Shu in disbelief, "Little fox, you just let your sister-in-law sleep here for a day and a night?!" Isn't her sleeping position caught by everyone? Saw?

Cen Shu raised her head from the phone, and glanced at Cen Qin lightly, "You are too heavy to hold."

Cen Qin:! ! !
"That's right, sister, you don't look fat. I tried it, but I can't hold it at all. You should lose weight!" Cen Yanyu also echoed.

Cen Qin: ...

Young man, it's easy for you to not have a girlfriend like this, do you know that?
Cen Qin rubbed his messy hair, inexplicably agitated.

"You were seen bare buttocks when you were a child, why are you shy?" Cen Shu said with a blank expression, but her words were startling.

Cen Qin became even more irritable, "Shut up, old lady!" She was so mad at her!
"Sister-in-law, you have become angry from embarrassment." Cen Yanyu added without fear of death, and immediately received a death look from Cen Qin.

Fortunately, she took off her makeup before chatting, otherwise she would definitely have a bad face today.

"I'll go up and take a shower first, Xiao Yu, be good, get me something to eat." Cen Qin smoothed her messy hair, got up and walked upstairs.

Cue's kitchen killer Cen Yanyu subconsciously looked at Cen Shu.

Cen Shu raised the phone silently.

Cen Yanyu: ...

He's going to blow up the kitchen, for sure.

After half an hour.

Cen Qin came down in pajamas with loose half-dry hair, and then saw the instant noodles quietly placed on the coffee table.

Cen Qin couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, and cast accusing eyes on Cen Yanyu, "Xiao Yu, is this how you treat your dear sister-in-law?"

"Sister-in-law, when I entered the kitchen last time, the kitchen exploded, and the fire brigade took a long time to put out the fire. Are you sure you want me to get it for you?" Cen Yanyu spread his hands, looking like I was like this, helpless.

Cen Qin looked at Cen Yanyu's sincere expression, resignedly picked up the instant noodles, and began to tremble.

The smell of sauerkraut from the old altar quickly filled the area of ​​the sofa, and Cen Yanyu was quickly distracted. Looking at Cen Qin Suo noodles, he was inexplicably greedy, strange, could it be that other people's instant noodles are the most delicious ?

As soon as the game was over, Lin Jian quickly sent another invitation, but Cen Yanyu rejected it.

"No, what kind of live broadcast is it? Brother Cen, you don't even play games anymore?" Lin Jian asked curiously.

Cen Yanyu glanced at Cen Shu quietly, "It's not a big anchor, but the content is quite interesting."

It turned out that since Cen Yanyu went to the haunted house of the Si family with Cen Shu, he was both cowardly and eager to see it. The browser often searched for some weird things. After searching too much, it was remembered by big data.

Just after an ordinary laboratory day was over, Cen Yanyu received a push, #恶屋推达大少,死屋就就是这样问题#.

The anchor's name is Mu Yuan.

It starts broadcasting at nine o'clock in the evening and ends in the early morning.

Cen Yanyu recalled his previous experience, and clicked on it by accident.

Cen Yanyu was immediately fascinated by this. Mu Yuan does not live broadcast every day. He only broadcasts live broadcasts with the consent of the owner after receiving the job. As for whether Mu Yuan is doing this full-time, he doesn’t know. up.

A few days ago, Cen Yanyu saw the news posted by Mu Yuan, saying that today it will be broadcast live, but he did not disclose which haunted house it is.

After listening to it, Cen Qin was also a little interested, "Xiaoyu, please open it quickly, it sounds very interesting."

She had never heard of this kind of profession before. The world is full of wonders, but this person's name is too strange. There are still people named Cemetery these days?

Lin Jian stopped yelling and playing games, hung up the phone, and went to search for the anchor.

For the convenience of everyone watching, Cen Yanyu simply put down the projector in the living room, turned off the other lights in the living room, and instantly felt full of atmosphere.

Cen Qin hugged the instant noodle box subconsciously, then lowered his head and murmured a few times to suppress his shock.

Muyuan started broadcasting on time.

"Yo, you're still quite young." Cen Qin looked at the person in the video and raised his eyebrows lightly.

In the video, Mu Yuan looks about 20 years old, wearing a black leather jacket and a pair of ripped jeans, with slightly messy hair and several skull rings on his hands, which looks very unorthodox.

Cen Yanyu looked at Cen Qin silently, "Sister, he is 36 years old."

"Oh, the same age as me!" Cen Qin propped his chin and looked at Cen Yanyu with a smile, "Then do you think he is younger or I look younger?"

Cen Yanyu: ...

This is a sub-question.

Cen Yanyu pointed to Mu Yuan and said honestly, "He."

The smile on Cen Qin's face did not change, "Xiao Yu, do you now know why you can't find a girlfriend?"

Cen Yanyu:?

"Sister-in-law, you can't curse me just because I told the truth!" Cen Yanyu said weakly, filled with righteous indignation.

"Get out!" Cen Qin sent Cen Yanyu a round word.

Cen Yanyu pursed his lips aggrievedly, and looked at Cen Shu.

Cen Shu silently looked away and looked at the projector expressionlessly.

Cen Yanyu: ...

After a brief self-introduction, Mu Yuan started to get down to business, introducing the haunted house.

This is a house in Sichuan Province, a building in the 90s. The house looks old, but it is very clean and tidy. It has two bedrooms and one living room. The living room is not big.

In recent years, housing prices have risen wildly. Although the house is old, it has an excellent location. It is close to a provincial key middle school. One street is a hospital, and there is a shopping mall next to it. The light rail is just outside the door. If it is not a haunted house, the housing price should be [-] square meters.

Following Mu Yuan's introduction, the barrage quickly found out what happened in this house that year, and crazy discussions started on the barrage.

(End of this chapter)

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