Chapter 372 Haunted House Test ([-])

The original owner of the house was an authentic Sichuanese, and the woman's parents paid for the house.

There are hostesses and hostesses and a pair of twins.

This was supposed to be an extremely enviable happy family. Unexpectedly, on a day that was so ordinary that it could no longer be ordinary, the host seemed to be crazy. He picked up a knife from the kitchen and killed his sleeping wife and children one by one. Originally, he wanted to commit suicide. , but because he was afraid of pain, he failed to commit suicide.

Up to now, the male owner is still in prison, but the house was compensated to the hostess' parents. The hostess was an only child. After learning about this, her mother was overly sad and became ill, and passed away not long after.

Only the old father was left alone. This house was not compensation for him, but more like a scar. From time to time, he reminded him of the fact that his daughter was murdered. At that time, it was taboo. Although the house was put on the market, no one dared to buy it.

Until recent years, housing prices have risen, and the old father was eager to sell, so he bought it to the current homeowner at a price of [-] flats.

Homeowners are in the business of reselling haunted houses. Every time they buy a haunted house, they will find a haunted house tester to live in it for a period of time to prove that the house is actually normal, and then sell it to make a profit.

Mu Yuan was still introducing slowly, but the barrage had already exploded.

"——My mother! It's really safe to be unmarried and infertile!"

"——How can you do this? That's why men are like this. They weren't born by themselves. They are really ruthless when they are ruthless!"

"—The first few, please don't swing female fists, this is just an example. Well, there are many good men in this world, and I am one of them!"


Cen Qin also watched the whole story on his mobile phone, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Did the police not find out why?"

Cen Yanyu looked at the barrage, vaguely pieced together the truth, and said: "I think some people say it is, the host seems to be Ma Baonan, who usually looks very honest, but he will be violent at home when he drinks too much, but he doesn't do it much. "

Cen Yanyu paused and took a sip of water, "However, the host's mother has been living in the countryside, and the decoration of the house was paid by the woman. Later, the man worried that the old mother would live alone in the country, so he proposed to let the mother move in together... "

"Five people live in such a small house?" Cen Qin was shocked, what kind of shit man is this? !
Cen Yanyu also finds it unbelievable, not to mention that this man is equivalent to inserting the door backwards, it is outrageous to be so stubborn.

"What happened later?" Cen Qin was fascinated and asked.

"It must be that the woman disagreed and had a big fight with the man. The quarrel may have been fierce. It probably hurt the hero's self-esteem as a man, and then he became murderous." Cen Yanyu didn't read the barrage for the rest of the story. Can guess.

Cen Qin frowned, the box of instant noodles was pinched and deformed, "I want to curse."

"Come on, I want to scold too." Cen Yanyu glanced at the house, subconsciously felt uncomfortable, turned to look at Cen Shu, "Shu Shu, do you see anything?"

Before Cen Shu could speak, Cen Qin said, "Why are you asking the little fox, is she a magic stick?"

Really hey!

But it's not a stick.

Cen Yanyu whispered in his heart.

【Host, this house looks so dilapidated! 】Xiao Hua jumped onto Cen Shu's shoulder, looked at the video, and whispered, 【This house is worth [-] yuan? 】

Cen Shu responded softly, 【Well, it's just a rich man's game. Selling anxiety makes the young people pay for it, and even it takes three generations of their lives to afford such a house...】

[The host, if he hadn't died in his previous life, would he still save money to buy a house? ] Hearing Cen Shu's profound insights, she must have experienced a lot, Xiao Hua asked curiously.

Cen Shu propped her chin, and said calmly, 【The whole mountain is mine, why do you have to work so hard to buy a house? 】

Little Flower:  …

It is it that bothers.

The three stopped talking and continued watching the live broadcast.

All the furniture in the house has been changed, the room has also been cleaned, and the walls have been painted. If you don't know what happened here, you will definitely feel that this is an ordinary small house that is fairly warm.

"After listening to the anchor's introduction, do you guys have any doubts?" Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Mu Yuan asked the camera.

Since the window hadn't been opened for a long time, there was a faint musty smell in the air. Mu Yuan subconsciously rubbed his nose, but he didn't expect to touch the blood on his hand.

Mu Yuan was taken aback.

Is something wrong with the broadcast?

The reason for Mu Yuan's nosebleed began to be discussed on the bullet screen. Some people said that the vengeful spirit in the house was too powerful and directly reflected on the person's body. Do things in front of the camera.

Cen Yanyu subconsciously looked at Cen Shu, "Shu Shu, isn't it..."

Cen Yanyu's mind suddenly came up with many ghosts and ghosts.

Cen Shu glanced at Cen Yanyu expressionlessly, "It's just an ordinary anger."

Cen Yanyu: ...

"I'm sorry, veterans, you've been frightened, the anchor has actually been in Sichuan for several days, eating hot pot, getting a little angry..." Mu Yuan took a few sheets to block his nose, and explained.

The expected supernatural event did not happen, and there was a lot of regret on the barrage.

"If you guys want to watch something, you can tell the host..." Mu Yuan tapped his phone and activated the charge challenge.

"This person is open to money. There is a charge for this?" Cen Qin seemed to be hostile to Mu Yuan because in Cen Yanyu's heart, Mu Yuan was younger than her.

"It's okay, other people also have to support their families, and you must pay more to challenge this kind of thing!" Cen Yanyu looked at Cen Qin strangely, "Sister-in-law, don't you envy others who are younger than you?"

Cen Qin: ...

"You are destined to die alone!" Cen Qin glared at Cen Yanyu angrily.

Cen Yanyu:?

Why are you still attacking personally?

A rocket exploded in the live broadcast room, and the barrage instantly went crazy.

The captain spoke and asked Mu Yuan to look at the master bedroom.

The word 'Master Bedroom' was almost overwhelmed on the bullet screen, and I couldn't even see the video clearly.

"Could this be the legendary cloud-piercing arrow that thousands of troops will come to meet?" Cen Yanyu sighed, and took out his mobile phone to swipe the bullet screen. That's the master bedroom!The room where the hostess and hostess lived together!
"Since all the veterans want to see the master bedroom so much, the anchor will give up his life to accompany the gentleman!" Mu Yuan pinned the camera to his chest, so that the audience can better experience the charm of the haunted house from the first perspective.

The door of the master bedroom was ajar, the wooden door was very new, Mu Yuan even smelled a log smell.

Open the door and turn on the lights in the room.

A brand new Simmons bed is placed in the middle, and the cabinets are newly pressed.

The camera scanned the wall at the head of the bed in the master bedroom. Although it had been painted, a dark red color could be vaguely seen behind the white wall near the head of the bed.

'Clang! '

 The update is complete~
  I'm not feeling well today, and I haven't added any updates. I've tried to adjust the update time back to the early morning in the past two days~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys~
  Go to bed early, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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