Chapter 373 Haunted House Test ([-])

'Clang! '

Mu Yuan was taken aback, and subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound.

"So it's the wind..." Mu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

The bedroom has a small balcony with floor-to-ceiling windows, which was also remodeled by the current owner. The window was open, and the wind was strong, blowing down the clothes rack in the corner.

The clothes hanger is very old, a wooden stick with iron wires tied on it, the iron wires are rusty, as if it has been placed for a long time.

Mu Yuan put the clothes rail away, smiled at the camera and said, "Guys, I've finished watching the bedroom, what do you want to see next?"

In fact, after the homeowner bought the house, he did a major renovation, and the whole house looks like new now, but the clothes rail... probably the renovation workers forgot to take it away, Mu Yuan thought.

"I'm going! I'm scared!" When hearing that voice, Cen Yanyu had the same reaction as Mu Yuan.

Cen Qin curled his lips in disdain, "No wonder you can't find a girlfriend, what kind of man is such a timid man?"

Cen Yanyu: ...

This stalk can't pass!
Also, what happened to the man!Can men not be afraid?

"The bathroom? Okay, the old irons are talking, the anchor will definitely satisfy the old irons!" In the video, Mu Yuan walked back to the living room and glanced at the bathroom.

On the right hand side of the entrance is the bathroom. It is said that after the male owner killed his wife and children, he failed to commit suicide. He wanted to escape the punishment of the law, so he wanted to destroy the body and wipe out the traces. The location is in the bathroom.

However, this is all online transmission, and the police did not disclose the specific details.

Every time Mu Yuan took over a job, he would investigate carefully. Where the camera could not see, Mu Yuan looked in the direction of the bathroom with a little panic in his eyes, but he was still calm when facing the camera.

Cen Shu was replying to the message, and when she heard the words, she raised her head and glanced at the video, then narrowed her almond eyes slightly.

The bathroom is not big, about ten square meters, and the decoration is also very simple, with a sink, toilet and shower.

The walls were also painted white.

Mu Yuan turned around so that the audience could see the whole bathroom, "Look, there's nothing... yummy!"

"Huh?" Cen Yanyu rubbed his eyes and looked at the two of them, "Did I get dazzled just now?"

The video seems to be stuck just now, can the 5G network still be stuck now?
"You read that right, the video was stuck just now." Cen Qin glanced at the barrage, and added: "And it's not just us..."

Cen Yanyu froze for a moment, then looked up at the barrage.

"What happened to Mu Yuan? A snowflake suddenly appeared on my computer screen just now, making me think I can change to another computer."

"—I'll go! Sister, don't be scary, my phone flickered just now, I thought my new phone was broken!"

"—The more you talk about it, the more evil it gets. Well, in fact, my iPad is also spent."


The bullet screen is full of the phenomenon that just appeared.

"Guys, don't scare the anchor. If you frighten the host, where can the veterans find such a cute anchor to live broadcast for you?" Mu Yuan made a coquettish gesture towards the camera.

"Ouch!" Cen Qin was the first one who couldn't take it anymore, and looked at Cen Yanyu strangely, "I didn't expect you to like this tune?"

Cen Shu also turned her gaze to Cen Yanyu, with an expression of understanding.

Cen Yanyu:?

"No, this anchor is not usually like this..." Cen Yanyu explained clumsily.

"Don't explain, I finally know why you can't find a girlfriend. It turns out that the direction is wrong." Cen Qin analyzed seriously.

Cen Yanyu: ...

Forget it, he kept silent, what a horrible creature a woman is!

With more and more views and rewards, they almost watched all the houses, and there was nothing unusual.

Lin Lan and Cen Yiqing sent a text message, saying they couldn't come back, Cen Shu glanced at it, stroked her chin, a flash of understanding flashed in her eyes, and she replied "have fun."

Then Lin Lan didn't return, until an hour later, Lin Lan replied with an emoji.

Cen Shu raised her eyebrows lightly.

[Host, do you know that your expression is very wretched now? 】Xiao Hua nestled on the sofa, looked at Cen Shu, and whispered.

Cen Shu snorted softly, and said lightly, 【Xiaolu said, it's actually very hungry too. 】

Xiaohua:! ! !
[Hey, host, I was wrong! 】Xiaohua cried with snot and tears.

Cen Shu touched Xiao Hua's bare head with her fingertips, 【Don't worry, I won't eat you for the time being. 】

Xiaohua: trembling jpg.

"Xue'er said that she played mahjong with grandma, and they won't be coming back tonight, they are resting at Liu's house." Cen Yanyu glanced at the news and said.

Cen Qin narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, her tone was unclear, "Xiao Yu, you seem to be very concerned about Cen Xue?"

Cen Yanyu was flustered by Cen Qin's stare, "She, she is also my sister after all..."


Cen Qin withdrew his gaze, raised his head and continued watching the video.

Oh, what do you mean?

Cen Yanyu looked at Cen Qin, but Cen Qin ignored him at all and watched the live broadcast very seriously.

Cen Yanyu: ...

"It's twelve o'clock now!"

Cen Yanyu raised his hand and glanced at his watch, and said excitedly.

"What's wrong at twelve o'clock?" Cen Qin raised his eyebrows and looked at Cen Yanyu strangely.

Mu Yuan is very good at enlivening the atmosphere, and occasionally talks about some strange things encountered in other haunted house tests. Netizens listened with great interest, and three hours passed without knowing it.

"Sister-in-law, Mu Yuan is a tester for a haunted house. This is a serious job. You don't think it's over if he makes a live broadcast and laughs and laughs?" If this is the case, Cen Yanyu won't watch it.

"Hmm, what else?" Cen Qin looked at Mu Yuan who was still talking to netizens with disgust.

"The tester has to do a lot of things. Starting from zero, they have to check the condition of the house, observe whether there is any abnormality in the house, and then make records." Therefore, starting in the early morning is the high-energy collection.

Cen Yanyu opened Muyuan's Yuyu account and handed it to Cen Qin.

Cen Qin took it, glanced at it, and couldn't help but raise the volume, "2000 for one night?!" Is this a money grab?
"If it's something that may kill people, it must be charged more." If it was him, he might not be killed by a ghost, but he would be scared to death by himself. He has no skills and dare not do this job. From ancient times to the present, Chinese people are very taboo about these things.

Cen Qin's face twisted, feeling a little heartbroken, "No, I was just thinking, why didn't I know about this part-time job earlier..."

Cen Yanyu: ...


Cen Shu said softly.

The two also stopped discussing and watched the live broadcast together.

The hour hand points to twelve o'clock.

Mu Yuan stopped chatting, got up from the sofa, and walked to the bathroom.

"What is he doing?" Cen Qin asked curiously.

Cen Yanyu raised his forehead, "At twelve o'clock in the morning, I checked the situation in the bathroom without turning on the light, sister, didn't I show you?"

"Oh, I only saw money." Cen Qin said confidently.

Cen Yanyu: ...

(End of this chapter)

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