Chapter 374 The Haunted House Test ([-])

'Click! '

The clock on the wall ticked slightly as it pointed to twelve.

The surrounding doors and windows were all closed, but Mu Yuan somehow felt a little cold, subconsciously frowned, took out the indoor thermometer from the bag beside him and put it on the coffee table, got up and walked to the bathroom.

The bathroom is not big, and with the light of the living room, the bathroom can be seen at a glance.

Mu Yuan stood at the door feeling it, walked into the bathroom, and closed the door behind his back.

The door of the bathroom was frosted glass, and the light spilled into the bathroom through the door. Mu Yuan walked around the bathroom, but found nothing abnormal, and pressed the flush button of the toilet.

The toilet made a malfunctioning sound, like the sound of wind passing through the channel, and there was no water.

In the dark, Mu Yuan frowned even tighter. During the day, he checked the facilities of the house, and there were no abnormalities, and they were all usable.

Tried the head of the shower again and there was water, but in the dark the water looked cloudy and had a bad iron smell.

Mu Yuan walked to the mirror at the sink and compared a few movements in front of the mirror, but there was nothing unusual.

Turning on the faucet of the sink, with the light of the living room, Mu Yuan could see clearly that the water coming out was rather cloudy, it must have been unused for a long time, and the pipes were rusted.

Mu Yuan checked carefully, returned to the living room, and recorded everything that happened just now.

For nearly half an hour, Mu Yuan didn't say a word, but the number of viewers rose from 100 million to more than 200 million.

"Is the test so troublesome?" Cen Qin rubbed his chin, frowning slightly.

"Sure, otherwise why would you pay 2000 yuan a night." Seeing that nothing happened, Cen Yanyu breathed a sigh of relief and said.

In the video, Mu Yuan recorded the documents in detail, and even put forward practical suggestions such as repairing the toilet.

Cen Yanyu glanced at the serious Cen Qin, and laughed, "Sister, do you suddenly feel that Mu Yuan is quite handsome?"

Cen Qin did not refute, but nodded, "Well, he is indeed much more handsome than you."

Cen Yanyu:?

Time soon came to another o'clock.

Under normal circumstances, check the conditions under the bed, wardrobe, behind doors and balconies, etc., and record them.

everything is normal.

Cen Shu yawned lazily, got up and said, "I'm going to sleep first."

"Don't!" Cen Qin quickly grabbed the corner of Cen Shu's clothes, "Shu Shu, don't go, I'm afraid here alone..."

Cen Yanyu:?

He doesn't deserve a name after all, does he?
Cen Shu raised her eyes and looked at Cen Yanyu, her meaning was obvious.

Cen Qin didn't even look at Cen Yanyu, "He doesn't count."

Cen Yanyu: ...

"Then I'll sleep here." Cen Shu looked at the couch occupied by Cen Qin alone, and said expressionlessly.

Cen Qin glanced at Cen Yanyu in disgust, gritted his teeth, "Okay!"

Cen Shu lay down lazily, and fell asleep shortly after closing her eyes.

"No, sister, the seat opposite is quite big, why are you squeezing me to sit?" Seeing that Cen Shu was asleep, Cen Yanyu lowered his voice and asked softly.

Cen Qin rested his chin on the pillow, with an unnatural expression on his face, and muttered softly, "I'm afraid."

Cen Yanyu: ...

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"


Cen Shu was woken up by two screams, she frowned slightly, slowly opened her eyes, and glanced at the two people on the sofa, "What's wrong?"

"Shu Shu, your sister-in-law, I'm almost scared to death, woo woo!" Seeing that Cen Shu woke up, Cen Qin hugged the pillow and sat next to Cen Shu, crying and begging for comfort.

Cen Yanyu touched his arm and grinned in pain, "Sister-in-law, you're afraid of pinching yourself!"

Cen Qin raised his chin lightly, "Then am I afraid and hurt again? I don't want it!"

Cen Yanyu rolled up his sleeves, and saw the nine-yin white bone claws on his arm, five nail marks, one of which was torn and bloodshot.

"Shu Shu..." Cen Yanyu called Cen Shu pitifully, and looked at Cen Qin with accusing eyes.

Cen Qin looked away a little guilty.

Cen Shu responded softly, looked up at the darkened video, and frowned slightly, "What happened?"

According to what Cen Yanyu said, it should be live broadcasting all night, and it's only three o'clock in the morning.

"Shu Shu, I think Mu Yuan may have really hit a ghost."

Cen Yanyu put down his sleeves, looked at Cen Shu, and said seriously.

He's not stupid. Thinking of his experience in Si's haunted house that day, he knew that Shu Shu had her own little secret.

Hearing this, Cen Shu raised her eyebrows lightly.

Cen Yanyu didn't speak anymore, but pressed the playback button. Every time Mu Yuan broadcasts live, Cen Yanyu will record and broadcast it as material for practicing video editing.

Two in the morning.

Check the condition of the whole house without turning on the lights.

Mu Yuan turned off the lights in the living room on time. Before turning off the lights, he subconsciously glanced at the thermometer on the coffee table. At this time, the indoor temperature was 15 degrees Celsius.

Dark clouds covered the moonlight, and the room was plunged into darkness for an instant.

With professional professionalism, Mu Yuan quickly adapted to the dark environment and started to check from the room.

Darkness always makes people subconsciously breed some bad emotions, and any sound is infinitely amplified.

When Muyuan arrived at the master bedroom, Simmons' bed was still covered with a layer of transparent plastic film. When he opened the closet, the gears of the closet rubbed against the rails, making a slightly harsh sound. The closet had a three-tiered structure, and the upper two floors were used to store folded clothes. , the bottom is used to hang clothes such as suits.

As soon as Mu Yuan opened a small slit, he felt something was wrong.

The original wardrobe had a metal frame, but now it is made of solid wood. A smell of mothballs wafted out from the cracks, stimulating Mu Yuan's nerves.

Mu Yuan subconsciously let go of the cabinet door, and his intuition told him that bad things would happen if he opened the cabinet door.

And the bullet screen was swiped directly, and everyone was asking why Mu Yuan didn't continue to open it.

In the darkness, Mu Yuan pursed his lips, turned away from the cabinet door, and walked towards the balcony.

The curtains were drawn, and one could see the dark windows of the opposite building. The wind blew the curtains up, bringing the unique chill of the night.

Mu Yuan closed the window, saw nothing unusual, and was about to turn around and leave, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the corner, where the clothes rail that had been placed was gone, and the curtains next to it were curled up in an arc. From Mu Yuan's angle, it seemed that there was a The child hid behind the curtain.

Mu Yuan was shocked, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

No one posted barrage anymore, obviously everyone who was watching the live broadcast saw it.

Mu Yuan took a deep breath, walked quickly to the corner, and lifted the curtains abruptly.

'Clang! '

The clothes rail fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

Before Mu Yuan could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw a black figure escaping from behind the curtain, leaping into the master bedroom and disappearing.

'Boom boom boom! '


The sound of someone jumping and running on the floor came from the room, like drums, beating Mu Yuan's heart one after another.

'Boom! '

'Boom! '

'Boom! '

 The update is complete~
  I'm not feeling well today, so I'm going to miss a chapter, huh huh.

  Thank you for your votes, I love you~
  Go to bed early, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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