Chapter 375 The Tricky Thing
The video ends abruptly.

I don't know if Mu Yuan turned off the live broadcast, or something else...

Cen Qin looked at it again, becoming even more frightened, and pressed close to Cen Shu.

"Shushu, Brother Mu, oh no, nothing will happen to Muyuan, right?" Cen Yanyu looked at the phone anxiously, frowning.

Cen Qin looked at Cen Yanyu's anxious look, raised his eyebrows lightly, "Yo, Xiao Yu, you won't really be with that Mu Yuan...huh?"

"Sister-in-law, please clean up the yellow waste in your mind, thank you!" Cen Yanyu rolled his eyes, then sighed softly, "Actually, Brother Mu and I met on the Internet..."

After Cen Yanyu received the push, he subconsciously clicked in. Unlike the current hot viewing volume, the live broadcast room was very cold, and there were no people there. This push was sent by the platform because Mu Yuan was a newcomer and the theme was novel.

After watching it for a while, Cen Yanyu fell in love with Muyuan's live broadcasting style. He tried to send a private message to Muyuan, but he didn't expect Muyuan to reply. After a few visits, the two became acquainted, and Cen Yanyu suggested to help him edit the video and send it to another Website drainage.

"Tsk, I just said how can you still record the screen? What editing video, it turns out that the two of you have already hooked up!" Cen Qin narrowed his eyes slightly, with an expression that I had seen through you a long time ago.

Cen Yanyu raised his hands in surrender, "Sister, I beg you, please stop teasing me. The point now is that Brother Mu didn't answer my calls or send messages. I'm afraid..."

Cen Yanyu looked at Cen Shu begging for help, "Shu Shu, Brother Mu, something really happened, right?"

Cen Shu glanced at the video, shook her head and said, "I don't know, I probably won't die."

Cen Yanyu: ...

Cen Yanyu struggled for a while, but still heaved a sigh of relief, "It's fine if you can't die."

"Well, go to sleep, I'm sleepy." Cen Shu got up, holding Yazi who sneaked out at some time, and walked upstairs.

Cen Qin listened to the conversation between the two with a dazed expression, "No, why do you ask the little fox if you can't find anyone? Call the police!"

Cen Yanyu glanced at Cen Qin lightly, "Well, I'm just asking casually."

Cen Qin:?
Always feel like there's a secret!

Cen Yanyu put away the projector and yawned, "Sister-in-law, there are quite a lot of horror movies, if you can't sleep at night, watch more, I'll go to bed first, good night!"

After finishing speaking, Cen Yanyu also went upstairs, leaving Cen Qin sitting on the sofa refreshed after a day's sleep, continuing to hug the pillow and watch Mu Yuan's previous test video.

'Buzz! '

The warm winter sun shines into the room through the white gauze curtain.

The mobile phone on the bedside table kept vibrating, and the girl on the bed frowned slightly, turned sideways and buried her face in the quilt.

Yazi glanced at him, jumped onto the bed, pressed the answer button with his pink claws, and then pressed the loudspeaker along with his claws.

"Little Shushu! Happy New Year! Is chili delicious?" Zhao Minmin's cheerful voice came.


"Cough! In fact, you guessed it right. I just came to you for something, and I encountered a difficult matter..." Seeing that Cen Shu was silent, Zhao Minmin immediately understood, and said straight to the point.


"I will definitely pay you back the money. It just happened to be a big order. The person asking for help seems to be quite rich. This is the current situation. I need your help..."


Yazi put her hands in her hands, listening to Zhao Minmin's ramblings, her purple pupils were full of impatience, how could this woman be so talkative?No one can say a lot.

"Cen Shu! Are you listening to me?!" Zhao Minmin said dryly, and she didn't get a response for a long time. She was so angry that she almost crawled along the network cable.

Cen Shu turned over and gave a soft 'hmm'.

Zhao Minmin didn't dare to do anything wrong in an instant, and said softly, "Sister Cen, are you still sleeping? As a migrant worker, you should have the consciousness of being a migrant worker, and it's already the second day of the Lunar New Year!"

"Oh, then are you going to pay back the money?" Cen Shu asked lightly.

Zhao Minmin: ...

"Sister Cen, I'm trying to make money, but it's troublesome..." These days, the ancestors are the ones who owe money, why is it the other way around for her?Beep beep.

"what's up?"

"I can't tell you clearly on the phone, you will know when you come and have a look. I will cover the board, lodging and air tickets, as long as you come!" Zhao Minmin's voice was a little anxious.

Cen Shu reached out and stroked Yazi's cat's head, sat up from the bed, and rubbed some messy hair, "What's the name of the person who asks for help?"

"Mu Yuan! A haunted house tester."

Cen Shu paused as she put on her shoes, "It's not impossible to go, but the place to live may be larger."

"Bigger?" What kind of strange habit is this?

"Well, bigger." Cen Shu drank a glass of warm water and repeated.

"All right, all right, hurry up, I checked that the earliest flight is still three hours away, I'll pick you up at the airport when the time comes, see you later~" Zhao Minmin didn't think too much, in order to prevent Cen Shu from being mean-spirited , Zhao Minmin hung up the phone decisively first.

Listening to the busy tone on the other end of the phone, Cen Shu chuckled lightly, washed up briefly and began to pack her luggage.

Chuanshu International Airport.

Zhao Minmin stood at the gate boredly holding a pick-up sign, looking inside non-stop.

When she saw that familiar figure, Zhao Minmin breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it was the second day of the new year, and she was really afraid that Cen Shu would not come.

However, when he saw the two tails following Cen Shu, Zhao Minmin's smile froze before it even bloomed.

"Little girl, you don't seem to welcome us?" Cen Qin took off his sunglasses with one hand, brushed his hair, his red lips parted slightly, and his mouth was venomous.

Zhao Minmin squeezed out a smile, "Nowhere, you are all Shushu's friends, welcome! Very welcome!"

Cen Yanyu was pushing two suitcases behind him, and he was sweating all over in such a cold day, "Well, little sister, hello, my brother Mu, is he okay now?"

Little sister?
Zhao Minmin looked down, she is not young! ! !

"Fortunately, he's not dead." After speaking, he followed behind Cen Shu with a cold face.

Cen Yanyu:?

Are girls nowadays so fickle in their minds?

Walking out of the airport, an old Jinbei car slowly stopped in front of them, with the windows rolled down, revealing a young and familiar face.

"Beautiful sister!" Wang Yongqiang was surprised when he saw Cen Shu. It turns out that the awesome person that the senior sister wants to find is the beautiful sister? !

Cen Shu was taken aback for a moment, curled her lips, and said flatly, "You're not wearing Taoist robes, I almost didn't recognize you."

"You guys know each other?" Zhao Minmin glanced at Cen Shu and asked strangely.

Cen Shu got into the car, "I don't know each other, it's just a few encounters."

Wang Yongqiang nodded excitedly, "I know you now, beautiful sister, my name is Wang Yongqiang!"

Cen Yanyu put the suitcase away, slapped Wang Yongqiang's hand away, and said expressionlessly, "Her name is Cen Shu, and I'm her brother, Cen Yanyu."

Cen Qin laughed softly, and got into the car, "Let's go, Xiaoqiang."

Wang Yongqiang:?

(End of this chapter)

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