Chapter 376 The Child in the Closet
Xiao Jinbei came to a two-story old house slowly. The house looked old. There were two floors above and below. The walls were not painted white, and the red bricks were exposed. It looked a little old.

However, the location of the house is relatively good. In the city center, compared with the surrounding high-rise buildings, it seems a bit out of place.

"Hey, a small villa!" Cen Qin pushed the door and got out of the car, looked at the house in front of him, and joked.

Wang Yongqiang scratched the back of his head embarrassingly, "This is the house my grandma left me. After my grandma passed away, no one lives in it. I have returned to Sichuan and Shu recently. I thought it would be cheaper to live in my own house."

Cen Yanyu took the luggage out of the car, wiped the sweat from his forehead, took off his down jacket and put it on his shoulders, "Xiaoqiang, the location of your building is so good, it should have been demolished a long time ago, why are there still so many people around here?" How low is it?"

There are several similar small two-storey buildings around, and it looks like no one lives there.

"Maybe we didn't reach an agreement during the demolition. I'm not at home often, and I don't know the specific situation." Wang Yongqiang helped Cen Yanyu push the suitcase to the living room.

"So..." Cen Yanyu patted Wang Yongqiang's shoulder, "Thank you, Xiaoqiang, by the way, where's Brother Mu?"

Cen Qin poured himself a glass of water very familiarly, sat on the sofa, raised his head upon hearing this, and looked at Wang Yongqiang, "That's right, where are the Muyuan people?"

Knowing that the person Cen Shu was going to meet was Mu Yuan, Cen Yanyu immediately said that he would come too, but Cen Qin thought that both of them had left and she was bored by herself, so she simply came together, by the way, look at the filter Does Mu Yuan under the mirror look very old?

Wang Yongqiang raised his head and glanced upstairs, "It should be hiding in the cabinet again."


Cen Qin raised his brows lightly, what about this habit?
Zhao Minmin sighed lightly, and shook the bell around his waist, "This is the tricky part, Shushu, you can see it for yourself."

Second floor, guest room.

Although it is a guest room, it is just a simple bed and a wardrobe embedded in the wall. There is a window, which is still old-fashioned patterned glass, surrounded by iron bars, and the room can be vaguely seen through the window.

Wang Yongqiang reached out and knocked on the door.

There was no answer in the room.

"Brother Mu won't go out, will he?" Several people waited at the door for a while, but Cen Yanyu saw no one through the glass window.

Wang Yongqiang shook his head, "When the elder sister received him, he kept calling for the cabinet, and when he came to the guest room, he hid himself in the cabinet."

Said, Wang Yongqiang sighed, turned the handle directly, opened the door and walked in.

"The door of love is not locked!" Cen Qin muttered, put on his sunglasses again, showing his clean chin, pushed the frame of the sunglasses, and walked in.

The room is not big, with so many people entering, the room suddenly seems a bit crowded.

Wang Yongqiang reached out and knocked on the cabinet door, "Brother Mu, your friend is here, do you want to come out and meet?"

Still nothing in the cabinet.

"Brother Mu, it's me! Little Cen! I'm here to see you!" Cen Yanyu frowned and shouted.

"Xiao Cen?" A hoarse voice came from the closet.

Cen Yanyu breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Yes, Brother Mu, come out quickly, you will easily lack oxygen if you are bored in the cabinet for a long time."

There was silence again in the closet.

Just when Cen Qin's violent temper was about to explode and he wanted to forcefully break the door of the closet, Mu Yuan's voice came from inside the closet again, "Xiao Cen, come and help me, I've been in the closet for a long time, my legs Numb."

Everyone: ...

"Xiao Cen, I didn't expect you to look older than brother."

When everyone came to the living room, Mu Yuan took a sip of water, patted Cen Yanyu on the shoulder, and said with emotion.

Cen Yanyu, who was very excited to meet a friend in a foreign land: ...

"Brother Mu, if you don't know how to talk, talk less." Cen Yanyu brushed away Mu Yuan's hand on his shoulder expressionlessly.

Mu Yuan laughed loudly, "Brother, don't mind, I was just joking."

Cen Yanyu: Oh.

Mu Yuan looked a lot more haggard than during the live broadcast. After only one night, a lot of stubble had grown on his chin, and the two big dark circles under his eyes were particularly obvious.

"Hey! This doesn't look young, it looks like 40 years old!" Cen Qin pulled off his sunglasses, glanced at Mu Yuan, and said sourly.

Mu Yuan:?
"Who is this beauty?" Mu Yuan realized that there were several people in the living room.

Cen Qin raised his eyebrows, this man seemed to be quite good at talking.

"This is my sister-in-law, Cen Qin." Cen Yanyu introduced to Mu Yuan, "That little beauty is Cen Shu, my younger sister."

Cen Shu lazily raised her hand, "Hello."

"Hello..." Mu Yuan kept his eyes on Cen Qin and greeted him absent-mindedly.

"Brother Mu, do you still remember the time when you were possessed by an evil spirit?" Wang Yongqiang held his forehead, why didn't he shout and drill into the closet when he saw a beautiful woman?
Mu Yuan was stunned for a moment, as if he just remembered that he was a person possessed by an evil spirit, and the hand holding the water glass trembled subconsciously.

"Brother Mu, you suddenly turned off the live broadcast that day. What happened afterwards?" Cen Yanyu was afraid that Mu Yuan would drop the cup, so he took it and put it on the table, asking suspiciously.

Mu Yuan seemed to have thought of something, his eyes showed a trace of panic, and his voice trembled slightly, "I, I saw a man!"


"Actually, I didn't turn off the live broadcast that day." Mu Yuan's eyes were bloodshot.

Around 02:30 am.

In the darkness, listening to the voices coming from the room, Mu Yuan subconsciously picked up the clothes rail in the corner and held it tightly in his hand.

Mu Yuan walked lightly to the master bedroom, only to hear the sound of the closet door being slammed, and the sound of running disappeared instantly.

The room seemed to be colder than before, and Mu Yuan couldn't help shivering.

At this time, an orange, dim light came on.

Standing in the master bedroom, Mu Yuan immediately recognized that the light came from the bathroom.

'gu dong'

Mu Yuan subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and just wanted to talk to the audience in the live broadcast room to ease the tense atmosphere, but when he lowered his head, he found that the phone screen was full of snowflakes.

Mu Yuan has been in this industry for a long time, so he naturally knows that he must have hit a ghost.

Just when Mu Yuan was about to go out of the room to check in the bathroom, the cabinet door was suddenly opened a small crack, revealing a pair of pale eyes.

Suddenly, Mu Yuan took several steps back in shock, his calf hit the edge of the bed before he stopped.

"Hush! She's coming soon! Come in!"

The voice in the cabinet was a little immature, sounding like a child.

Mu Yuan instantly thought of the twins who had been brutally murdered, and his heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

"Who?" Mu Yuan asked subconsciously.


The bathroom door opened.

"It's too late, come in quickly!"

The child stretched out a pale hand, grabbed Mu Yuan's wrist, and pulled him into the closet.

(End of this chapter)

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