Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 377 The Son of Heaven's Chosen

Chapter 377 The Son of Heaven's Chosen

Mu Yuan rolled up his sleeves, only to see a black handprint on his wrist, the handprint was not big, it looked more like a child's.

"Is that child one of the twins?"

Cen Yanyu reached out to touch it, but was stopped by Zhao Minmin, "If you want to be haunted by a ghost, you can touch it."

Frightened, Cen Yanyu immediately withdrew his hand, moved his butt by the way, away from Muyuan.

Muyuan: ...

"Shushu, didn't you tell them the rules?" Zhao Minmin looked at Cen Yanyu with disgust. She disliked people who didn't know the rules and were very curious, they would only do bad things.

Cen Shu raised her eyes lightly, "Well, it's fine if you can't die."

Cen Yanyu:?

"What about after entering the closet?" Wang Yongqiang asked curiously after Mu Yuan locked himself in the closet all the time after he came out of the house and didn't say anything about it.

"After entering the closet..."

Mu Yuan hugged his arms subconsciously, "It's pitch black."

It was as if there was a black cloth covering his eyes, without light, Mu Yuan couldn't see clearly.

The little hand that strangled his wrist was bitingly cold.

Mu Yuan knew that the child was definitely not human anymore, but his subconscious intuition told him that the child had no malice towards him.

'click, click'

Footsteps from far to near.

The person who came seemed to be very irritable, looking through the things in the room, as if he was looking for something.

Things jingled and fell to the ground, making a lot of noise.

The strong smell of moth balls stimulated Mu Yuan's nerves, and a strong sense of crisis rose in his heart.

"Got you."

An old, woman's voice sounded.

Mu Yuan was shocked, his eyes widened in shock.

'Shuh! '

The door of the closet was slammed open, and a shadow blocked the moonlight coming in from outside, so Mu Yuan could clearly see who was coming.

It was a woman who looked to be in her 60s, with a hunched back, gray hair at the temples, wrinkles on her face, disheveled hair, cloudy eyes that were strangely black, holding a sickle in her hand, The sickle reflected cold light, and the bright red blood dripped down the tip of the knife onto the floor.

The woman stretched out her hand violently towards Mu Yuan.

"No! No!"

Mu Yuan struggled to get rid of the woman's control, but he was horrified to find that he had become smaller, his small arms and legs couldn't resist the woman at all, and the woman's strength was surprisingly strong, and he couldn't break free at all.

"You are very naughty." The woman's voice was ugly, like the sound of a knife scraping against glass.

Mu Yuan still wanted to struggle a few times, but he caught a glimpse of a cold light from the corner of his eye. He felt a pain in his neck, and the bright red blood sprayed out instantly, covering the closet all over.

"Mom! What are you doing?! This is Xiao An! Your grandson!"

The man covered in blood roared, his eyes were bloodshot, and he hugged Mu Yuan tightly in his arms.

"He's not, this is the bastard that woman had with another man!"

The old woman said viciously, she watched Mu Yuan's legs struggling a few times indifferently, then stopped moving, and then showed a strange smile, "Dead, all dead, all the bastards who don't belong to the old Wu family are dead .”

This is a very strange feeling, Mu Yuan is dead.

But he has feelings for the surrounding scenes, he can hear the conversation between the two, and he can also feel what the two are doing to his body.

In the dim bathroom, the porcelain white wall tiles were covered with bloodstains. When Mu Yuan died, his eyes were wide open, so he could see the ferocious face when the two men handled his corpse.

"Mom, I don't want to go to jail! I didn't do it on purpose, I really didn't do it on purpose..." The man cut off Mu Yuan's leg while crying.

This is really not convincing, Muyuan thought boredly.

From the intermittent conversation between the two, Mu Yuan finally pieced together the truth of what happened back then.

The man is indeed like the Internet rumors, he is a simple and honest backdoor, he takes good care of his wife, and loves his children very much.

The man's mother is a woman from the countryside. The man is worried about his mother living alone in the countryside, so he wants to bring his mother to live in the city. The woman doesn't say much, thinking that someone at home will help with housework every day. It doesn't matter.

But it was precisely because of this compromise that both women and children died.

"Why are you crying? It's obvious that the woman didn't abide by women's morals. If she killed her, she would be killed. If it was placed in the village, it would be soaked in a pig cage. And those two bastards, you have raised them for so many years, it is really unlucky !"

The old woman said viciously.

These were the last words Mu Yuan heard when he saw the scythe slashing fiercely at his head.

'Hoo hoo! '

Mu Yuan woke up suddenly, and looked around in a daze. He was standing on the balcony, and the building opposite the window was pitch black. He lowered his head and glanced at the clothes-drying pole in his hand, with a flash of panic in his eyes.

The body seemed to be uncontrollably walking towards the door. At this moment, the door of the closet opened a small gap, revealing a pair of pale eyes.

"Hush! She's coming soon! Come in!"

Reincarnation begins!

Mu Yuan no longer knew how many times he had died. He seemed to be caught in an endless cycle of death, rebirth, and death again.

Until a rooster crowed not far away.

Mu Yuan stumbled out of the cabinet, his face was pale, and he sat on the sofa profusely with sweat. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the thermometer on the table, which read 0 degrees.

Mu Yuan was taken aback, looked around subconsciously, only felt a chill rise from the soles of his feet, before he had time to think, Mu Yuan took his things and left the house in a hurry.

After listening to Mu Yuan's narration, everyone in the living room fell into silence.

Wang Yongqiang scratched his head, "Brother Mu, I still don't understand why you hid in the closet?" Mu Yuan had already come out of it, right?

Mu Yuan frowned, he didn't know, it seemed to be a subconscious reaction, even he couldn't control it.

Zhao Minmin looked at Cen Shu, "Shu Shu, what do you think?"

Cen Shu glanced at Mu Yuan, and said in a deep voice, "He hasn't come out yet."

What, what do you mean?
Isn't Mu Yuan in front of everyone a human being? !

Cen Yanyu moved his shoulders again, and moved away silently.

Muyuan: ...

Zhao Minmin nodded slightly. Although she was not very good at drawing symbols, she still had serious skills, and she could see that, but she didn't understand.

Now Muyuan looks so normal.

"What do you mean?" Mu Yuan was confused.

"In short, your main soul is lost and you are trapped in that haunted house." Zhao Minmin explained that people have three souls and seven souls, and the separation of the main soul is a serious injury, ranging from idiot to death. It's outrageous that Mu Yuan is still alive and kicking!

Mu Yuan froze for a moment, took out his phone and looked it up.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Minmin asked angrily.

"I'm looking through my family's electronic genealogy. Am I the legendary Chosen One?"

Mu Yuan said seriously.

Zhao Minmin: ...

 The update is complete today~
  Beef stayed up all night again (sadness of hand speed slag)

  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys, okay~
  I can't, I'm so sleepy I can't open my eyes, I'm going to sleep, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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