Chapter 378
"Have you ever heard of a water ghost looking for a substitute?"

Cen Shu looked at Zhao Minmin.

Zhao Minmin was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"Basically, the mistress of the house and the two children were murdered by cruel means, and there was a grievance after death, which could not be resolved for a long time, but for some reason, they could only move about in that house..."

Cen Shu lowered her eyes and pondered for a moment, then looked at Mu Yuan and asked, "Is everything normal when the owner is renovating the house?"

Mu Yuan was feeling very sad because he was not the chosen one. Hearing this, he wiped away the tears that did not exist in the corners of his eyes, and said, "The current owner didn't say anything, so there should be nothing wrong."

Mu Yuan said uncertainly.

"Are you sure the person looking for you is the current owner?" Cen Shu took a sip of her paper cup.


Mu Yuan was completely dumbfounded. After all, his fees were not low. Could it be that there are still people who do charity and test their own houses?
"Let's change the question, money is life-threatening?" Cen Shu glanced at Mu Yuan, whose face was slightly pale, and asked.

"Of course it's fatal!" Mu Yuan said without thinking, and then his face paled a little as if he thought of something, "You mean, someone deliberately tricked me into that house?"

Cen Shu glanced at Mu Yuan indifferently, and said nothing.

Cen Qin has been very confused, obviously everyone speaks Chinese, how come she can't understand it when they are grouped together?
"Shushu, what do you mean, the person who paid for Brother Mu may not be the original owner, but someone else, and that person wants Brother Mu's life?" Cen Yanyu finally understood, looked at Cen Shu and asked .

Cen Shu nodded, and looked at Mu Yuan sympathetically, "It's also a guess."

Muyuan: ...

"Then you look at me like this..." Mu Yuan muttered in a low voice.

"Well, following the principle of professionalism, let me comfort you as a routine." Cen Shu put down her cup and said expressionlessly.

Muyuan: ...

"Then this matter..." Zhao Minmin looked at Cen Shu with questioning eyes.

Cen Shu raised her eyes, curled her lips, and revealed a smile that didn't mean anything, "Wait until night."

Zhao Minmin swallowed the rest of the words, "Okay."

Seeing Cen Shu's calm appearance, Zhao Minmin's heart was completely relieved. After all, if Cen Shu couldn't solve it, she could only lose 1 yuan in relief money with tears in her eyes.

Mu Yuan:?
Under Cen Qin's ambiguous gaze, Cen Yanyu volunteered to sleep with Mu Yuan at night. Mu Yuan was so moved that he immediately gave Xiao Cen, who was not as young as him but full of love, a hug.

It was the first time for several people to come to Sichuan, so they discussed eating hot pot together.

"That...Yongqiang, take them to eat. I ate a lot a few days ago, and I got a little angry." Mu Yuan seemed to have thought of something, and his face was a little distorted.

Wang Yongqiang looked at Mu Yuan with pity, an expression that I understand.

"I'll wait for you in the closet, Cen!" Mu Yuan patted Cen Yanyu's shoulder bitterly, got up and walked upstairs.

Cen Yanyu always felt that this was not quite right, so he didn't think much, and went to eat hot pot with Cen Qin and the others.

As night falls, the lights are on.

The streets became lively.

In recent years, with the rise of the Internet, the city of Sichuan and Sichuan has become known to more people. It is not the peak tourist season, but there are still many tourists.

Go across the square and into an alley.

"Come to Sichuan, among other things, the taste of hot pot is definitely enough! Any restaurant is delicious." Wang Yongqiang has lived in Sichuan and Sichuan for more than ten years. Although he spends most of his time in the mountains, he is familiar with Sichuan and Sichuan. He is a living map!
Wang Yongqiang stopped in front of a courtyard door. The door was about three meters high. There was a faint voice of someone talking inside, and a strong spicy smell wafted over. Cen Qin was choked instantly and coughed uncontrollably. .

Cen Yanyu's eyes were also red from the spicy food, and he couldn't stop crying before he ate.

"You can't do it now. What will you do when you eat later?" Wang Yongqiang looked at the two people who reacted fiercely, laughed and teased, and raised his hand to knock on the door.

The iron door opened with a muffled creaking sound. The person who opened the door was an old woman wearing an apron and her hair tied up. She looked very kind. Seeing Wang Yongqiang smiled, "Yongqiang, bring a friend for dinner?"

"Grandma Sun, are there any seats left?" Wang Yongqiang glanced inside. The courtyard was already full of people. Under the big banyan tree, the hot pot was bubbling and steaming. Just looking at it made me feel hot.

"There are seats, come in quickly." Grandma Sun opened the door with a smile.

Several people walked into the courtyard.

Cen Yanyu looked curiously. There was only one small flat in the courtyard, but the courtyard was quite large, with nearly ten tables, each with three or four people, drinking wine and eating hot pot outdoors.

"Grandma Sun, I'll come." Several people waited in the courtyard for a while, and saw Grandma Sun moving a folding table and slowly walking out of the house.

Wang Yongqiang immediately stepped forward to help.

After calling a few people to sit down, Wang Yongqiang went to the back kitchen to help.

The temperature dropped sharply at night, and a few people sat around the table without feeling cold.

Soon, a large copper pot steaming with red oil was brought up.

Cen Yanyu sat on the air vent, tears kept streaming, and looked at the red oil pot in front of him in horror, "This, so spicy?"

"It's delicious when it's both spicy and spicy!" Wang Yongqiang brought the sauce with a smile.

With a blank expression, Cen Shu poured half a bowl of millet pepper into the plate, added garlic, shallots, coriander, and sesame oil, and a perfect dipping sauce was born.

Cen Yanyu stared straight at him, "Shushu, are you so good at eating spicy food?!"

Cen Shu fished out the hot belly from the pot, dipped it in the dipping sauce, and stuffed it into her mouth, her cheeks were bulging. Hearing this, she raised her eyes and looked at Cen Yanyu, with obvious disgust in her eyes.

Cen Yanyu: ...

"Grandma Sun put in all the ingredients in the morning. The vegetables are grown by them at home. They can be eaten with confidence, and they are super cheap." Wang Yongqiang ate a mouth full of oil, and threw a bundle of Houttuynia cordata into the copper pot.

Cen Yanyu's hand holding the meat stopped in the air.

"Fish, Houttuynia cordata?" Cen Yanyu felt that his mouth was a little dry.

"Yes, Brother Cen, come and try it, it's super delicious, my favorite!" Wang Yongqiang put a few sticks in Cen Yanyu's dish, and looked at Cen Yanyu expectantly.

Cen Yanyu's face turned pale, and his hand holding the chopsticks trembled slightly. Is this killing him?

"Brother Cen, you've never tried it before. Try it. I'm not lying to you. It's really delicious. If it's not delicious, I'll treat you!" Wang Yongqiang said sternly.

Cen Yanyu: ...

"Aren't you going to treat me today?"

Wang Yongqiang scratched his head, and said embarrassedly: "Isn't this shameful?"

When Cen Yanyu was fighting fiercely with the Houttuynia cordata on the plate, the people at the next table seemed to be drunk and murmured loudly.

"You said that old Zhang, it's fine if he doesn't work with us these days, he's still a bitch, no wonder he can't find a wife, because he is a bitch himself! Hahahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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