Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 379 Hush, She's Coming Soon

Chapter 379 Hush, She's Coming Soon
The speaker was bald, wearing overalls, with paint on his trouser legs. He looked about 50 years old, with a flushed face, a bottle of Erguotou in his hand, and spoke authentic Sichuan dialect.

The people at the same table were all dressed in the same outfit, like the same decoration team, and they all burst out laughing upon hearing this.

Cen Shu glanced at them calmly, narrowing her almond eyes slightly.

"Don't mind, you Uncle Zhou and the others are drinking too much and talking nonsense." Grandma Sun served a few more plates of beef, glanced at the side and said with a smile.

Wang Yongqiang was stunned for a moment, "Grandma Sun, is that Uncle Zhou? I didn't even recognize it."

When he was young, Yongqiang went to Zhou Hua's house every day to eat and drink. At that time, Zhou Hua still had a head of soft and beautiful hair.


Zhou Hua was so drunk that he looked up and called out tentatively.

"Uncle, it's me, Yongqiang." Wang Yongqiang asked Cen Yanyu and the others to continue eating, and moved the stool to sit at the next table.

Cen Yanyu sneakily threw Houttuynia cordata back into the hot pot, met Cen Shu's apricot eyes as soon as he looked up, and smiled guiltily.

Cen Shu put a chopstick of beef into the plate expressionlessly.

"I'll go! Shushu, don't you save some for me!"

When Cen Yanyu reacted, all the freshly cooked meat in the pot was finished by Cen Shu.

After eating several dishes of beef, Wang Yongqiang returned with a flushed face and a strong smell of alcohol on his body.

Zhao Minmin moved the stool away in disgust, pinched his nose, "Junior Brother, how long has it been since you drank so much?"

Wang Yongqiang was a little drunk, he laughed, "It's hard to be kind, but it's hard to turn down good kindness."

Cen Qin lost weight, took a few mouthfuls before eating, drank soy milk, and still maintained her elegance amidst the lingering smell of hot pot.

Cen Yanyu couldn't stand the spicy food. He didn't eat much food. He ate two big bowls of rice and leaned on the chair to digest his stomach.

Zhao Minmin was also fed up, fiddled with the bell, and yawned several times.

The four of them watched Cen Shu put another three plates of beef into the pot, their eyes straightened.

"Shu, Shushu! Are you still full?" Cen Yanyu glanced at Cen Shu's stomach with a look of horror.

Cen Shu scooped up a few pieces of hairy belly, looked up at the few people, "Well, it's just started."

Four people: ...

"Little fox, why are you still not fat after eating so much?" Cen Qin looked sour. Since she was 25 years old, she always ate a little more and gained weight the next day.

Cen Shu ate another piece of fat beef, thought for a while, "Maybe I'm very talented!"

Cen Qin: ...

Finally, after finishing ten plates of beef, eight plates of mutton, six plates of hairy tripe, and countless vegetables, Cen Shu was full, wiped her lips with a paper towel slowly, and glanced at Zhao Minmin lightly, "Go Come on, Pikachu."

Zhao Minmin: ...

She suddenly felt that she might as well lose 1 yuan with tears in her eyes!
Mu Yuan in the closet:?
After eating a hot pot meal for nearly three hours, people continued to come from the courtyard. Zhao Minmin emptied his wallet and reluctantly paid for the meal. .

"Yes, yes, Sister Cen, I found out. Uncle Zhou's decoration team did take over an old house recently... Hiccup!"

"What decoration team? Brother, don't go along!" Cen Yanyu hurriedly supported Wang Yongqiang.

Cen Shu glanced at Wang Yongqiang, a faint smile flashed in her eyes, "Let's talk about it when we go back."

"No, Shushu, what kind of charades are you playing?" Cen Yanyu looked at the two with a dazed expression, always feeling that he seemed to have missed something.

Cen Shu glanced at Cen Yanyu expressionlessly.

Cen Yanyu: ...

Boo!He shouldn't have asked!
"Qiang, do you mean that the hotpot table just now belonged to the decoration team? And it just so happens that they just took over the decoration of that old house?"

In the living room, several people were sitting on the sofa. After listening to Wang Yongqiang's narration, Cen Yanyu stared wide-eyed, full of disbelief.

This TV series dare not arrange it like this!

"Uncle Zhou has been doing renovations for more than ten years. Uncle Zhou is used for almost all decorations in this area. Uncle Zhou is a real person with good skills. The haunted house is not far away, so it's normal to find Uncle Zhou." Said with a glass of water.

"That old Zhang also participated in that renovation. After he came back that time, his personality changed drastically and he stopped working. Uncle Zhou said that he went to old Zhang's house not long ago and saw him secretly putting on lipstick."

The house was a well-known haunted house, and Zhou Hua also suspected that Lao Zhang had provoked some dirty things, so he persuaded him to find someone to take a look, but Lao Zhang kicked him out instead.

"Do you have a picture of that old Zhang?" Cen Shu looked up at Wang Yongqiang.

Mu Yuan also looked at Yong Qiang expectantly.

"Yes, it was a group photo taken at the annual meeting of Uncle Zhou's decoration team last year. Brother Mu, take a look, can you tell which one is Lao Zhang?" Yong Qiang handed the phone to Mu Yuan.

The decoration team has a lot of people, nearly NO.30 people.

Mu Yuan immediately recognized the person standing on the far side with a simple and honest smile, who was the "current owner" who invited him to test at that time.

"It seems that Sister Cen's guess is right..." Without Mu Yuan saying anything, Yong Qiang silently took back the phone, for fear that Mu Yuan would get angry and smash his phone.

Mu Yuan only felt that his throat was dry, feeling that he sent him to his door to be slaughtered? Wanting his life for 2000 yuan? !

"Shushu, how did you know?" Cen Yanyu was a little curious, obviously they all arrived at the same time, why couldn't he see so many twists and turns?
Cen Shu glanced at Cen Yanyu lightly, "Brain is a good thing, but it's a pity you don't have one."

Cen Yanyu:?

Why are you still attacking personally?
Cen Shu glanced at the others, seeing that their expressions were a little unnatural, she raised her eyebrows lightly, "Don't you all know?"

Zhao Minmin covered his lips and coughed lightly, then patted Yong Qiang's shoulder, "Qiang, are you sleepy after drinking so much?"

"I'm sleepy, sister, you should go to bed earlier, everyone go to rest, good night!" Wang Yongqiang got up.

Everyone said good night to each other very rationally, ending this unfriendly topic.

room, turn off the light.

Mu Yuan was lying on the bed, looking through the window at the few windows of the opposite tall building that were still lit, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Cen Yanyu belonged to the second sleeper, and felt movement around him, and muttered, "Brother Mu, why aren't you asleep yet?"

Mu Yuan withdrew his gaze and said slightly apologetically, "Did you bother me? I can't sleep, I can't move, go to sleep."

Cen Yanyu hummed and fell into a coma again.

The last few lights in the building opposite were all extinguished, and Mu Yuan finally felt a little sleepy.

Suddenly, the temperature of the room dropped sharply.

Mu Yuan shuddered, and instantly woke up, subconsciously getting goosebumps.

At this time, a childish voice came from the cabinet.

"Hush! She's coming soon! Come in!"

 The update is complete~

  Thank you for your votes and rewards, I love you~

  Everyone go to bed early!good night!

(End of this chapter)

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