Chapter 380 The Cabinet
"Brother Mu, what's wrong with you?"

Cen Yanyu fell into a drowsy sleep, when he sensed movement from the people around him, he muttered something.

No one answered.

Cen Yanyu seemed to have thought of something, he was half awake in an instant, opened his eyes and looked to the side, and saw Mu Yuan sitting on the bedside in a daze, before he could yell out, Mu Yuan suddenly stood up from the bed and went straight to the bed. Into the cupboard.

Cen Yanyu's other half was also scared away from drowsiness, and immediately lifted the quilt to get up, but he was still a step too late, when he opened the cabinet, Mu Yuan was nowhere to be seen.


Trembling, Cen Yanyu put on a down jacket and went to knock on Cen Shu's door. As soon as he knocked, the door opened from the inside.

"Shu Shu, you..."

I saw that Cen Shu was already fully dressed, as if she had expected it a long time ago.

"Hush!" Cen Shu pressed her index finger against her lips and made a silent movement. In the room, Cen Qin was sleeping soundly.

Cen Yanyu understood, stepped back lightly, and obediently stood in the corridor waiting.

When Cen Shu went back to her room to get her things, there was movement in the next room and downstairs. Zhao Minmin even tied up her ponytails and came out of the room with a satchel on her back. Seeing Cen Yanyu, she didn't seem surprised at all, and even stretched out her hand to beat him. Say hello.

Cen Yanyu waved his hand, glanced at the first floor out of the corner of his eye, and saw a figure standing beside the little gold cup, and after a closer look, he found that it was Yongqiang.

"Let's go." Cen Shu closed the door and walked downstairs.

Several people got into the car, and Xiao Jinbei was driving like a million-dollar sports car on the road.

Cen Yanyu sat dizzy and opened the car window to let in the air.

There was no more noise in Sichuan and Shu in the early morning, and the night wind was blowing on his face, Cen Yanyu shuddered and shook his head again.

The roads in Sichuan and Shu are either uphill or on the way uphill.

Just when Cen Yanyu was about to throw up in the car, Xiao Jinbei's speed finally slowed down.

The shops on both sides of the road are basically closed, and only the 24-hour convenience store is still lit.

After paying the parking fee, Xiao Jinbei slowly drove into the community.

The community is an old community, the floors are not high, the tallest building is only six floors, the community is very quiet, with a lot of vegetation, when a gust of wind blows, the leaves rustle down.

Little Jinbei's tires creaked as they rolled over the leaves.

The car stopped in front of a building. The building looked dilapidated. The paint layer on the wall was almost completely peeled off. Under the moonlight, the exposed red bricks could almost be seen.

"That's it." Wang Yongqiang parked the car and looked up at the top floor.

Cen Shu responded softly, then turned to look at Cen Yanyu, "You and Yongqiang stay in the car."

"Yes! Please follow Sister Cen's order!" Not giving Cen Yanyu a chance to struggle, Wang Yongqiang handed Cen Shu the key he got from Mu Yuan, and pulled Cen Yanyu back into the car.

"Be careful, both of you." Zhao Minmin warned worriedly.

Cen Yanyu glanced at Cen Shu unhappily, and muttered, "They're all in the car, what danger can there be?"

Zhao Minmin turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and hit it on the face. He said in a sinister voice, "That's not necessarily true. Compared with ghosts, what's more terrifying is the human heart."

Cen Yanyu: ...

"You read too many little notes." Cen Yanyu rolled his eyes, rolled up the car window completely, and refused to chat.

Zhao Minmin chuckled, seeing that Cen Shu had entered the unit building, she hurriedly followed her.

"Brother Cen, don't worry, sister Cen will be fine."

Yongqiang patted Cen Yanyu on the shoulder and comforted him.

Cen Yanyu folded his hands on his chest, and said in a somewhat aggressive tone, "Who said I was worried? Humph!"

Yongqiang: ...

These hands are almost on the window, don't you worry?
The sensor lights in the corridor are sometimes not working.

Panting, Zhao Minmin climbed to the top floor, wiped the sweat off her brow, and then looked at Cen Shu, who was not blushing and not panting, "Chu Shu, you have so much energy!"

Cen Shu inserted the key into the lock, and said calmly, "Thank you for the compliment."

There was a 'click'.

The door is opened.

A faint musty smell rushed into the tip of the nose.

"Let's go."

Cen Shu walked into the house first.

Turn on the lights, and the house looks the same as it was seen live.

With the door closed, the sound of the wind and all kinds of subtle sounds were isolated from the door, and the room was completely silent. It was so quiet that Zhao Minmin could even hear her own heartbeat clearly when standing at the door for a few seconds.

Cen Shu went straight to the master bedroom.

The curtains of the balcony were blown up by the night wind, rattling, but they didn't hear it when they were standing at the door.

Cen Shu reached out and opened the closet, and sure enough, she saw Mu Yuan disappearing from the closet.

At this time, Mu Yuan closed his eyes tightly, curled up in the closet, sweating profusely, his face was pale, his body was trembling constantly, as if he had fallen into some terrible nightmare.

"Mu Yuan!" Zhao Minmin reached out and pushed Mu Yuan.

Mu Yuan didn't respond.

Cen Shu didn't speak, but looked into the cabinet, a trace of thought flashed in her eyes.

"What should I do? You can't let me move him down?" Zhao Minmin looked at her little arms and legs.

Cen Shu didn't speak.

Seeing Cen Shu's thoughtful expression, Zhao Minmin didn't dare to disturb her, and looked around boredly. The decoration is really good. One day she bought a house, and she also went to Zhou Hua's decoration team.

"Want to know the truth back then?" Cen Shu turned to look at Zhao Minmin.

"What?" Zhao Minmin was taken aback, before she could react, she saw Cen Shu bent over and stepped into the cabinet, "I'll go!"

Just when Zhao Minmin was wondering whether this cabinet could hold so many people, Cen Shu disappeared after entering the cabinet!
Zhao Minmin was startled, and tentatively called out, "Shu Shu?"

The cabinet was dark, and Cen Shu's voice came from inside, even echoing, "Well, I'm here."

Zhao Minmin breathed a sigh of relief, "Is there room inside? I'll come in."

Cen Shu didn't speak anymore.

Zhao Minmin didn't think about it any more, and walked into the cabinet. The oppressive feeling of the small space was felt instantly. Zhao Minmin stretched out his hand and waved it, and found that the space inside was extraordinarily large, "Shu Shu?"

Zhao Minmin's waving hand was caught instantly, but soon, Zhao Minmin realized that something was wrong, because the hand that grabbed her wrist was small, with biting coldness.

Zhao Minmin grasped the bell subconsciously, but a dazzling light appeared in front of her eyes, which made her unable to open her eyes.

After the light dissipated, the tip of his nose was filled with a strong smell of mothballs, Zhao Minmin tried to push open the cabinet door.

Zhao Minmin came out of the cabinet, and when she saw the decoration of the master bedroom, she was stunned for a moment.

The wooden bed looked a bit worn out, the head of the bed and the wall were covered with bloodstains, and the bloodstains were sprayed, which looked shocking.

"Hurry up, it will be dawn soon."

"I see, Mom, you go and have a rest, I will do the rest."

Whispers came from the living room.

If it weren't for this scene, Zhao Minmin might have to sigh with emotion that this sounds like a dialogue between a loving mother and a filial son.

As if thinking of something, Zhao Minmin walked towards the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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