Chapter 381 Eaten by Mom
"Cen, Brother Cen, do you feel that it's getting colder?"

In the little gold cup, Yongqiang sat in the driver's seat and rubbed his arms coldly.

Hearing this, Cen Yanyu looked up at the sixth floor, "Oh."

Yongqiang: ...

In recent years, Sichuan and Sichuan have implemented the renovation plan of the old community, refurbished the walls, and increased green plants. This community has not changed much. Maybe the community is relatively old, so I don’t want to make troubles.

Yongqiang glanced around, and when he saw a figure not far away, he was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously glanced at the electronic clock on the car. It was only three o'clock in the morning, did the sanitation workers start cleaning?
"Brother Cen, look at that person, is she an old lady?" Yong Qiang was nearsighted, and with the dim street lights, he could only see a vague shadow.

Cen Yanyu put down the phone, looked in the direction Yongqiang pointed, and said uncertainly: "Yes, right..."

"Yes, why should I pay it back?" Yong Qiang couldn't help muttering.

"You are allowed to be short-sighted, and others are not allowed to be short-sighted?" Cen Yanyu was unhappy, and his tone was agitated.

Yongqiang: ...

The figure seemed to be approaching, and Yongqiang finally saw it clearly. It was an old woman, who seemed to be quite old, sweeping the fallen leaves on the ground with a bamboo broom. The old woman was wearing a big padded jacket and a black hat on her head. The hat almost completely covered his face, so he couldn't see clearly.

"It's winter, don't worry my family? And it's so dark, if you fall, it will be terrible." Cen Yanyu frowned, puzzled.

Yong Qiang sighed, "Yeah, who knows what the old man's family thinks, they all say that they are raising children to guard against old age, they are really old, and some white-eyed wolves don't know where to go."

Once the chatterbox was opened, it couldn't be stopped. Cen Yanyu put away the phone, straightened up, and asked curiously: "Xiaoqiang, how did you come into contact with metaphysics?"

In Cen Yanyu's view, metaphysics itself is very metaphysics, which is completely beyond the scope of ordinary people. Yongqiang's family seems quite ordinary, so how did he come into contact with this industry?
"Actually, it's not as mysterious as you think Brother Cen... I was not good at studying at that time, and I always skipped class to buy skewers, and then I saw a beggar next to a stall. I was young and soft-hearted. I gave him a skewer..."

When Yongqiang said this, he touched the back of his head embarrassingly, "Then he will become my master."

Cen Yanyu: ...

Could this be the legendary string of opportunities?

"Brother Cen, I always feel that the old woman seems to be closer to us?" Yong Qiang frowned slightly, and looked at the old woman not far away. She seemed to be sweeping the floor, but she did so perfunctorily.

Cen Yanyu also noticed something was wrong, stared at the old woman for a while, his eyes were sore, after thinking about it, he said: "Maybe she is just being lazy."

Yongqiang: ...

Well, they should be thinking too much. After all, the older they get, the less they can sleep. Maybe the old man just wants to find something for himself to do.

"How long have you been there?" Cen Yanyu looked up again, the corridor lights on the sixth floor were still dark, only the living room lights were on.

"It's only been half an hour, Brother Cen, don't worry too much, my elder sister is very powerful." Yong Qiang comforted.

Cen Yanyu remembered Zhao Minmin's bluffing, which seemed unreliable, and his brows frowned even tighter.


Walking out of the master bedroom and coming to the living room, he saw Cen Shu standing at the door of the bathroom and the boy holding the corner of Cen Shu's clothes.

The boy was wearing Winnie the Pooh pajamas and looked about four or five years old. When he saw Zhao Minmin, he flinched, raised his head and looked at her with big timid eyes.

Cen Shu responded softly, her eyes still on the bathroom.

The figures of two people, one big and one small, blocked the bathroom door tightly, but Zhao Minmin still smelled a strong smell of blood, which made people sick.

The bathroom was dimly lit, and the white tiled walls were splattered with blood.

Zhao Minmin stretched his head and looked inside, but couldn't help feeling sick, and kept retching while leaning against the wall.

In the bathroom, Mu Yuan was lying on the ground with dilated pupils and knife marks all over his body.

An old woman and a man squatted in a small space to handle the corpse, their movements seemed very skillful, their eyes were indifferent, as if they were handling a livestock.

"Can sister save brother?" The boy's innocent pupils reflected the terrifying scene, but the boy seemed to have gotten used to it long ago. He gently tugged at the corner of Cen Shu's clothes, and raised his head to ask.

Cen Shu didn't look any further, and took the boy to the living room to sit down.

"Bao'er knows, why does brother become like this?" Cen Shu raised her hand to touch the boy's head, and asked softly.

A tangle flashed in the boy's blinking eyes, "Mom, Mom won't let Bao'er talk about it."

The more Zhao Minmin heard it, the more confused she became. If she guessed correctly, the boy named Bao'er in front of her should be the boy of the twins who were killed. Seeing that the boy's soul and body are clean and without any resentment, how could he become a ghost?
And the mother in Bao'er's mouth...

"But if Bao'er doesn't say anything, my brother will be stuck in this cycle and can't get out. Does Bao'er want to see this scene?" Cen Shu asked softly instead of forcing the boy.

Bao'er wrung her little hands and lowered her head, as if she was very conflicted.

"Then sister, don't tell mom, okay?" Bao'er looked up at Cen Shu, his eyes were full of trust, he didn't know why, but he felt that his sister smelled so good that he subconsciously wanted to get close.

"Okay." Cen Shu looked at Bao'er, a hint of love flashed in her almond eyes.

"Bao'er doesn't know why his brother became like this. Mom said that only in this way can Bao'er and his sister get out of this house..." Bao'er was only five years old when he died, so he didn't understand these things at all.

"Then... where's Bao'er's sister?" Zhao Minmin never met Bao'er's sister from the beginning to the end, and Mu Yuan never seemed to mention it.

"Sister..." Bao'er's voice choked slightly, "My sister was eaten by my mother."

Zhao Minmin was startled, and looked at Cen Shu in disbelief. Seeing that Cen Shu was also frowning, she subconsciously clenched the bell tightly.

Shizi Qinggui, how heavy is this resentment!

"Mom has already walked out, hasn't she?" Cen Shu asked, stroking Bao'er's head.

Bao'er nodded emphatically, "Mom just went out not long ago. Mom said that after my brother died 49 times in place of Bao'er, Bao'er can go out too."

Bao'er is young, but he has stayed in this house for nearly 20 years. Subconsciously, he feels that it is wrong for his mother to do so.

"Then mother said, what are you going to do after you go out?" Cen Shu looked at Mu Yuan who had started reincarnation again, and asked softly.

Bao'er tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "Mom said that she wanted to seek revenge from grandma! Mom said that if it wasn't for grandma, Bao'er would have been reincarnated a long time ago, and sister... sister would not have been eaten."

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you, Chirp~
  Go to bed early, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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