Chapter 382 Murder Scene
"Brother Cen, why do I feel that the old woman seems to be watching us all the time?"

Yongqiang was sitting in the driver's seat, and he could see the old woman not far away as soon as he raised his head. He had caught her looking this way several times, which was very strange.

Cen Yanyu was leaning on the back seat and drowsy. Hearing this, he looked up and rubbed his eyes, "You're not handsome, what are you doing? You're not afraid of hot eyes!"

"Brother Cen, tell the truth, are you jealous that I am more handsome than you?" Yong Qiang combed his hair in the rearview mirror, feeling more handsome today than yesterday!
Cen Yanyu snorted lightly, "Just kidding, your eyes should not be nearsighted, but blind."

Yongqiang: ...

Yongqiang stared at the mirror unrepentantly, and saw a black shadow flashing by, startled in his heart, subconsciously raised his head to look forward, and saw a scene that left him dumbfounded.

I saw a tightly wrapped man rushing towards the old woman who was sweeping the floor. Within a few seconds, Yong Qiang saw the old woman slowly limp on the ground.

The man's speed was so fast that the two of them had no time to react.

But what shocked them was still behind.

The man seemed to be red-eyed, kneeling on the ground, holding a knife in both hands, stabbing the old woman non-stop.

Soon, bright red blood flowed all over the place.

"Fuck!" Cen Yanyu cursed in a low voice, picked up his phone and started calling the police.

Yong Qiang looked around in the car, and there was no one in his hand, except for the mahogany sword lying on the co-pilot...

Yong Qiang hesitated for a second, glanced at the blood-stained knife in the man's hand, and gave up this unrealistic idea.

"Cen, brother Cen, are we just watching in the car?" The distance between the two is not too far, and Yong Qiang can even hear the puffing sound of the knife piercing the flesh.

After Cen Yanyu called the police, he made an emergency call, although he thought it was unnecessary.

"You want to sacrifice yourself to save others?" Cen Yanyu encountered this situation for the first time, and even his hands were trembling. Fortunately, it was midnight and there were almost no one around. It would be troublesome if more people were hurt.

Wang Yongqiang stopped talking and watched the man stabbing him more than a dozen times before finally stopping.

Kneeling beside the old woman, I don't know what I'm doing.

The siren sounded, from far to near, the man seemed to be frightened, he got up from the ground suddenly, took off his bloody coat, and left the scene in a hurry.

"Shu Shu, what Bao'er said, is what I think it means?"

After listening to Bao'er's words, Zhao Minmin couldn't believe it.

Almost everyone said that the hero killed his wife and children like a madman, but what they saw was not the case. The mother of the hero was the real culprit, but in the end only the hero went to jail.

The host's mother seemed to be resentful towards the dead hostess and her grandchildren because her son was imprisoned for this, and she would not let them go even when they were dead. .

Let the souls of the hostess and grandchildren be trapped in this house forever, and will fall into reincarnation at a fixed time every day.

In reincarnation, they are constantly being killed, reborn, and killed again...

Until one day, the soul is exhausted and the soul flies away.

Cen Shu pursed her lips lightly, did not speak, and stroked Bao'er's head lightly.

Bao'er didn't know why the two elder sisters stopped talking all of a sudden, and tugged at the corner of Cen Shu's clothes with her little hand, "Sister, Bao'er has said everything, can elder sister save brother?"

"After saving my brother, Bao'er will have to enter this reincarnation again, isn't Bao'er afraid?" Cen Shu asked softly.

Bao'er shook his head without hesitation, "Bao'er is a man now, this is Bao'er's own business, brother is innocent, and Bao'er is used to it, it doesn't hurt..."

Bao'er has been trapped in this house for nearly 20 years, and has to experience countless deaths every day, but still retains the sincerity of a child.

Zhao Minmin's tears were not low, but she couldn't help but her eyes were red.

Cen Shu sighed softly, stretched out her hand, and gently hugged Bao'er, "Is Bao'er sleepy?"

"Sister, you forgot, Bao'er is no longer human, so she won't be sleepy...ha." Before Bao'er could say anything, he couldn't help yawning, and his upper and lower eyelids began to fight, "Sister, Bao'er Very sleepy."

"Sleep if you're sleepy." Cen Shu's voice was soft, and she patted Bao'er's back lightly.

Bao'er responded softly, her little soul softened, and she closed her eyes, as if she had really fallen asleep.

"Minmin, Bell." Cen Shu looked up at Zhao Minmin.

Zhao Minmin reacted immediately, and shook the bell lightly. The crisp sound of the bell echoed in the living room. Bao'er turned into a cloud of green smoke, followed the sound of the bell, and got into the bell.

"Why don't you let Bao'er stay in your talisman?" Zhao Minmin looked at Cen Shu strangely.

Cen Shu covered her lips and coughed softly. She had just used her energy, her lips were a little pale, "I got a little injury."

Hearing this, Zhao Minmin looked at Cen Shu carefully, and said in a surprised voice, "Your energy is almost exhausted? Is this a minor injury?!"

"It'll be fine after a few days." Cen Shu raised his eyelids, glanced at Zhao Minmin, and took out a talisman from his bag, "You can do it about Mu Yuan."

Zhao Minmin took it, "Okay, you have a rest, and when this matter is over, I will take you to have a big meal."

Zhao Minmin had a serious look on his face, and the scene around him began to change as the soul-returning incantation was uttered.

It was the first time that Cen Shu saw Zhao Minmin with such a serious expression, she curled her lips, and was not used to her serious look.

The hero's mother entrusted someone to set up an array that was not as strong as it used to be, otherwise the hostess would not have used the method of escaping the dead ghost. It would be a matter of time before the array was destroyed, and the arrival of the decoration team just sped up the speed.

And Mu Yuan is also unlucky. If he hadn't met Yong Qiang, even if he was soul-changed, not many people would find out.

After the talisman incantation was finished, the talisman suddenly emitted a golden light, and the bloody scene gradually dissipated like broken glass, and the living room returned to its original appearance.

There was some movement in the master bedroom closet.


"Ouch! My old waist! My head!"

The space in the closet is very narrow, and there is no room for Mu Yuan. When Mu Yuan woke up, he subconsciously wanted to escape from the closet. As soon as he stretched his legs and feet, his head hit the board above, and he grinned instantly in pain.

Mu Yuan yelled and came out of the master bedroom, and saw Cen Shu and Zhao Minmin sitting on the sofa calmly, "Shu are you?"

Immediately, he seemed to react, looked around, and cursed in a low voice, "Damn!"

"If we're one step late, Brother Mu, you..." Zhao Minmin glanced at Mu Yuan, raised his chin, and looked like you understand.

Mu Yuan immediately understood, and said very politely, "I will transfer the money to your account as soon as possible."

Zhao Minmin pursed her lips, and wanted to say something, when she heard the sound of police sirens from far and near, her expression changed, "What happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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