Chapter 383

"Why are you here so late? Is it just the two of you?"

When the three of them came to the first floor, they saw Yongqiang and Cen Yanyu standing beside the little gold cup with their heads down, like two quails.

Two policemen stood beside them, asking. When they heard the movement, the two policemen raised their heads. Among them, the older policeman looked at the three of them with sharp eyes like eagles, "May I ask who you are?"

Only Mu Yuan was wearing pajamas, scratched his head, and said with a smile: "Officer, we are the residents upstairs, and we couldn't sleep because of the noise from such a big battle, so we came down to see what happened."

Zhao Minmin also agreed, with an expression that we are just here to see the excitement.

Cen Shu glanced at the area surrounded by a yellow cordon not far away. There was a large bloodstain on the ground, which was particularly conspicuous even in the dark.

"It's nothing. Did you see any strange people when you came down?" The older policeman looked away and asked casually.

Mu Yuan was wearing pajamas, shivering from the cold, and asked tremblingly, "Human? We didn't see it, officer, did some murder happen here?"

Mu Yuan moved his gaze not far away, obviously noticing it.

The policeman said 'hmm', didn't say any more, and glanced at Cen Shu and Zhao Minmin, "There's nothing exciting to see, it's very cold, if you wear so little to watch the excitement, you won't be afraid of freezing, learn from you two." Little girlfriend."

Two... little girlfriends?
Mu Yuan's smile froze for a moment, "Officer, don't make fun of me. These are my sisters. There is nothing to do. We went up first, but suddenly we heard the siren, so we came down to take a look out of curiosity."

"Go, go." The police officer waved his hand and let them go.

The three turned around and walked into the corridor. Mu Yuan didn't look back because he knew that the policeman was still watching them.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of the anti-theft door being slammed shut that the senior police officer completely withdrew his peripheral vision, looked at Yongqiang and the two, and said to the policeman next to him: "You find someone to take them back to make a record, and by the way, ask the security guard , Check the monitoring of this community."

Yongqiang and Cen Yanyu were brought back to the police station.

Mu Yuan stood at the window of the living room and looked down. The police were still investigating the scene, and the sky was faintly white. A rooster crowed not far away, and he wondered, "What happened down there? Did someone die?"

Cen Shu took out her mobile phone and sent a text message. She raised her eyes and looked out the window, her voice was extremely cold, "The master's mother is dead."

Zhao Minmin was taken aback for a moment, then sighed softly, "I guessed it."

The soul has been trapped for nearly 20 years. With such a big hatred, the first thing to do is to seek revenge for the culprit of the year, but I didn't expect that the host's mother has not gone far all these years, and has been staying in this community.

"What... are you talking about?" Mu Yuan sat on the sofa with his arms folded, not understanding.

"Talking about metaphysics." Zhao Minmin looked at Mu Yuan with disgust, and silently moved his back.

Muyuan: ...

what happened again?Didn't he just go into the cabinet a few times? As for it!


Zhang Tian, ​​oh no, Qiu Lanlan kept running forward, her vision was blurred by tears, the biting wind entered the lungs along the respiratory tract, and every time she ran, her lungs ached.

Qiu Lanlan's hands trembled a little, she stopped a taxi, and reported a most familiar but very unfamiliar address.

"Young man, the address you mentioned was demolished a few years ago and transformed into a farmers' market. Are you going to this place?" The driver looked at Qiu Lanlan in the back seat strangely and asked suspiciously.

Qiu Lanlan tucked her hands into her sleeves, her body trembled slightly when she heard this, and she asked in a hoarse voice: "Master, do you know where the community has been resettled?"

"That boy, you are asking the right person. I have been driving in Sichuan and Sichuan for more than ten years. I am very familiar with that area. It is not far away. It is near the farmer's market. Are you sure you want to go there, boy?" The driver was not sure. asked again.

Qiu Lanlan said 'hmm', then lowered her head and stopped talking.

The driver saw a lot of passengers behaving strangely, and stepped on the accelerator without thinking too much.

After coming out of that house, Qiu Lanlan has been looking for the old woman, and finally she found it. She wanted to wait for Bao'er to come out before doing anything, but when she saw the person who came down from the little gold cup, Qiu Lanlan knew that if she If you don't do it again, you will never have another chance.

She turned around and went to a nearby convenience store to buy a knife. She clearly remembered the unbelievable look in the old woman's eyes before she died after she knew that she was Qiu Lanlan.

Hot blood splashed on her face and body, but she didn't feel happy to get revenge.

That year, despite her parents' opposition, she resolutely followed the penniless Zheng Liqiang. What she valued was that Zheng Liqiang treated her well and had an honest personality.

The parents felt that Zheng Liqiang's family was poor, and Zheng Liqiang had no great ability, so they felt sorry for her in the end and paid for the wedding for the two.

After two years of marriage, Zheng Liqiang became a small manager of a state-owned enterprise with the help of Qiu Lanlan's father, and his life is quite happy.

Qiu Lanlan also gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins, named Zheng Baoguo and Zheng Anan. During that time, it was the only happy time Qiu Lanlan had left in her lifetime.

Then, the nightmare began.

Zheng Liqiang proposed to take Yan Rongjuan to live in the city and help take care of the children by the way.

Qiu Lanlan thought about going to work by herself and not taking good care of the children. Although the house was a bit cramped, at least someone would take care of the house together, so she agreed.

Unexpectedly, Yan Rongjuan not only didn't help, but also made a mess at home every day. The food had to be cooked for her when she came back from get off work.

Qiu Lanlan couldn't take it anymore, so she complained to Zheng Liqiang. Zheng Liqiang hit her for the first time, saying that it was the mother who gave birth to him and raised him, and now he should repay his mother for her kindness.

With Zheng Liqiang's support, Yan Rongjuan not only did not restrain herself, but intensified, and began to abuse Bao'er and An An, saying that the two children had beautiful features, and they were not from their old Zheng's family.

Qiu Lanlan couldn't hold back, and had a fight with Yan Rongjuan. After all, Yan Rongjuan was too old, so she didn't win the fight, so she was locked in the room and sulked. When Zheng Liqiang came back, Yan Rongjuan didn't complain, but cooked a table of good dishes.

Qiu Lanlan thought that this matter was over like this, but she didn't expect that Yan Rongjuan actually put sleeping pills in the dish, and then...

"Young man? Wake up, young man, we're here." The driver yelled a few times, pulling Qiu Lanlan back from his memory.

At this time, it was already daylight, Qiu Lanlan paid the money and got out of the car.

The community is very new, the name is still the same, but the environment is completely different from the memory.

Qiu Lanlan stood there for a long time, and was about to go to the security booth to inquire, but when she saw a trembling figure walking towards the door not far away, she stood there instantly.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys~
  Go to bed early, everyone, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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