Chapter 384 Tofu Brain

"Uncle Qiu, why did you get up so early to buy tofu nao?"

The security guard of the security booth has worked in this community for many years, and every day before dawn, he can see Uncle Qiu come out to buy tofu nao.

Qiu Jian'an was wearing a cane, wearing a black vest and jacket, and a hat, which was tightly wrapped. Hearing this, he greeted cheerfully, "Yes, the older you are, the harder it is to sleep."

The security guard opened the door for Qiu Jian'an, and said, "Uncle Qiu, be careful on the road alone."

Qiu Jian'an waved his hand and walked towards the farmer's market across the street with a cane.

Not far away, a tall figure looked at Qiu Jian'an's figure, hesitated for a while, pulled down the brim of his hat, and followed behind him not too far away.

"Uncle Qiu, why is it so early? I just opened the shop not long ago, it's still the same, you go shopping a few times first, and then come to get fresh tofu nao."

There is a breakfast shop at the entrance of the farmer's market. The signboard of the shop has faded, revealing the white background. It looks like it has been open for many years. A middle-aged man wearing an apron stood at the door. Seeing Qiu Jian'an, he opened his mouth and said.

Qiu Jian'an hummed and emphasized, "It must be fresh, otherwise my daughter won't like it."

The smile on the middle-aged man's face froze for a moment, and he wiped his apron with his hand, "Oh, good!"

Qiu Jian'an didn't stay any longer, and started wandering around the farmer's market with a cane.

At this point, many of the stalls were empty, and those who came early had just put out their dishes. They greeted Qiu Jian'an when they saw him, and they seemed to be used to it for a long time. The little old man started to visit the vegetable market at this point.

Qiu Jian'an bought some food, not many, but his hands were trembling while holding the plastic bag, and he went back to the door of the breakfast shop while pinching some food.

"Xiao Wang, is the tofu brain ready?" Qiu Jian'an stood at the bottom of the stairs and shouted at the top of the stairs at the entrance of the breakfast shop.

Xiao Wang hurried out with the thermos box, "Uncle Qiu, it's all packed for you, it's still the same, a spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of raisins."

"Okay, okay!" Qiu Jian'an carefully put the thermos cup into a plastic bag, took out a crumpled five yuan from his pocket, and handed it to Xiao Wang.

"Uncle, don't be polite to me, it's not worth much." Xiao Wang refused to take it.

Qiu Jian'an couldn't resist, so he had to take the money back, "Xiao Wang, you are so kind..."

Xiao Wang smiled, and just wanted to go back to the store to take care of the business as usual, when he heard Qiu Jian'an sigh, and said in a soft voice: "My family, Lan Lan, is unlucky."

Xiao Wang's smile froze on his face like this, looking at Qiu Jian'an's receding back, he felt very depressed.

"Brother, do you smoke?"

At this time, a hoarse man's voice sounded.

Xiao Wang lowered his head and glanced at the cigarette handed over by the man, took it in a mysterious way, put it in his mouth, and didn't light it. In fact, he hasn't smoked for a long time, since he had a child.

The man was dressed so much that he could barely see his face, only a pair of reddish eyes, as if squinted by the cold wind.

"Brother, do you know me?" Xiao Wang was a little strange, looking at those eyes, he always felt as if he had seen me somewhere.

"Well, I'm Qiu Lanlan's friend, and I've met Xiao Wang a few times." The man's voice was a little heavy, and he looked up at Qiu Jian'an who had almost entered the community, "Uncle Qiu, is it so early every day?"

Xiao Wang was stunned, and suddenly heard the name, still a little dazed, "Lan Lan's friend, it's really been a long time, and Uncle Qiu was not like this in the early years, just these years, from time to time he would forget something..."

Always thought that Qiu Lanlan was still alive, thinking about her love of tofu.

The man's eye sockets became even redder, and Xiao Wang sighed, not knowing how to comfort him.

"Father, you are smoking again. If you are caught by your mother, I will accuse you again." At this time, a little girl came out of the store, hugged Xiao Wang's thigh, tied two ponytails, looked It looks white and tender.

"Why did you get up so early?" Xiao Wang rubbed his daughter's head with a light smile, and then introduced to the man: "This is my daughter, a naughty ghost."

"Hi Uncle, I'm Wang Yaya." Yaya was not afraid of strangers, but took the initiative to say hello.

The man didn't speak, and raised his hand to caress Wang Yaya's head. As if a certain emotion could not be suppressed at last, the man suddenly withdrew his hand and turned around, "Brother Wang, I have something to do, so I'll go first."

"Hey, brother..." Stay for breakfast!

Before Xiao Wang could say a word, the man quickly disappeared from sight.

"Father, that uncle smelled so bloody just now!" Wang Yaya raised her head to look at Xiao Wang.

Xiao Wang hooked his daughter's nose, "You are so young, but the smell of blood is so strong, have you ever smelled it?"

"I smelled it on Uncle Zhu who butchered the pig." Wang Yaya retorted solemnly.

Xiao Wang glanced at the direction the man left, thought for a while and said, "Maybe that uncle has to rush back to kill the pig."


"It's good for you guys, you don't remember to call me for fun things, you know how to call me when you want to catch someone?"

Cen Qin walked out of the gate of the police station with exquisite makeup, looked at the two people who looked like eggplants beaten by frost, and raised their clean chins, "Tell me, what did you guys do last night?"

Yongqiang and Cen Yanyu took notes for several hours, and they were finally released. Unexpectedly, they received a call from the traffic police, saying that because of Yongqiang's lightning speed last night, his little Jinbei was temporarily impounded. , and deducted 6 points.

Yong Qiang couldn't hear the latter words, because his mobile phone was completely out of battery.

The two of them had no cash on them, and their mobile phones were out of battery, so they asked the police uncle to call the 'parents'.

"Have Shushu and the others gone back?" Cen Yanyu asked without answering.

Cen Qin looked at Cen Yanyu expressionlessly, "I came back early, and I fell asleep as soon as I got back. No one mentioned you two, do you understand anything?"

"Understood, Shushu must be too tired, so tired that she forgot my brother." Cen Yanyu touched the non-existing tears in the corner of his eyes.

Cen Qin: ...

Yong Qiang nodded emphatically at the side, "Looks like it must have been a fierce battle last night, it's really hard for Sister Cen and the others."

Cen Qin:?
Cen Qin couldn't help but rolled his eyes in an inelegant way, "You two are really hopeless."

As soon as the two walked out of the police station, they saw the potato stall at the entrance of the police station. Cen Yanyu and Yongqiang subconsciously stopped in their tracks. After looking at each other for a second, they looked at Cen Qin in unison.

"Want to eat?" Cen Qin raised his eyebrows.

The two nodded.

"Say something nice." Cen Qin brushed her long hair.

"Sister-in-law, you are really a beautiful and kind-hearted Bodhisattva. Apart from looking older than Brother Mu, you have no shortcomings!"

"Yes, yes, Aunt Cen, you are the second person who looks so young besides Brother Mu I have ever seen!"

Cen Qin: ...


(End of this chapter)

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