Chapter 385 Strange Man
Thinking that the three of them were still sleeping, going back at this time would definitely disturb them, Yong Qiang and Cen Yanyu thought about it, and decided to sacrifice their ego to make everyone happy.

The two played the Yangtze River cableway with the dark circles under their eyes that hadn't slept all night, walked past the Jiefangbei, and went to Hongya Cave...

After a full circle, Cen Qin stepped on the high heels and was half dead tired. Looking at the two silly boys behind him who seemed to have more than enough thoughts, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "It's getting dark today, can I go back?"

Cen Yanyu reluctantly glanced at the crowded riverside, gritted his teeth, "Okay."

Cen Qin: ...

When the three of them took the light rail back to the second floor, Cen Shu and the three of them were already awake and fully dressed, as if they were about to go out.

"Where are you going?" Cen Qin glanced at the lively Mu Yuan and asked.

Zhao Minmin said 'Oh', "Brother Mu treats you, I'm going to eat dry pot."

Mu Yuan looked at Zhao Minmin in bewilderment, and asked, "Didn't you say you wanted to treat me?" '

Zhao Minmin looked away expressionlessly, looked at Cen Qin and asked, "Sister Cen, are you coming together?"

Cen Qin glanced at Mu Yuan calmly, took off his sunglasses, and raised his chin slightly, "Someone treats guests, so don't eat for nothing."

After arriving home, Cen Yanyu and Yongqiang were paralyzed, waved their hands and rejected Mu Yuan's polite invitation, and went upstairs to catch up on sleep.

The dry pot restaurant is near a local civil engineering university. The store is quite large, with two floors above and below. It was meal time and there were many people. The four of them found a window seat on the second floor.

Zhao Minmin sat next to Cen Shu, so Mu Yuan had no choice but to sit next to Cen Qin blushing.

In view of the appetite shown by Cen Shu yesterday, Zhao Minmin waved his hand and ordered five catties of beef, three catties of chicken feet, and two catties of rabbit meat...

Mu Yuan stared straight at him, "Are you... finished eating?"

Zhao Minmin snorted softly, "Who do you look down on!"

Muyuan: ...

He just kind of cared about his wallet.

Mu Yuan very naturally ironed the bowls and chopsticks for Cen Qin, and pushed them in front of Cen Qin.

Cen Qin glanced at Mu Yuan, raised his brows lightly, "What's the matter? Do you want to ask for help?"

Mu Yuan laughed, looked embarrassedly at the two of them, Cen Shu, and lowered his voice, "I heard from Xiao Cen, are you still single?"

"Like me?" Cen Qin curled his lips together, revealing an inexplicable smile.

Mu Yuan didn't expect Cen Qin to be so direct, he was taken aback, "Well, I like you."

"Why?" Cen Qin picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Mu Yuan answered decisively this time, "It was love at first sight."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I prefer long-term love." The water in the quilt was a little hot, and Cen Qin accidentally got it on his body, took out a piece of paper and wiped his wrist.

"It's okay, I can do it." Mu Yuan smiled, not feeling lost because of being rejected, and got up, "I want to drink Coke, do you have anything you want to drink?"

Mu Yuan got up and looked at Cen Shu and the two politely.

When they came, several people bought milk tea and shook their heads, expressing that they didn't need it.

There is a convenience store nearby. Seeing Mu Yuan go downstairs, Zhao Minmin looked at Cen Qin with a gossip, "Sister Cen, what were you two talking about just now?" Both of them lowered their voices on purpose just now. Going to the next table was a bit noisy, and she couldn't hear it clearly, but she could feel the spark between the two just by looking at their expressions.

Cen Qin raised his head, met a pair of apricot eyes that seemed to see through everything, inexplicably guilty, "It's nothing, just chatting casually."

The dry pot was served in two large portions, and Zhao Minmin was immediately distracted by the delicious food.

Cen Qin breathed a sigh of relief.

Cen Shu ate the dry pot slowly, glanced at Cen Qin who didn't move his chopsticks much, and curled his lips.

On the other side, a convenience store.

After paying the bill, Mu Yuan went out. As soon as he walked out, he saw the man standing at the door, and subconsciously shuddered.

The man's whole body was wrapped tightly, and a pair of black eyes stared at him without blinking.

Mu Yuan glanced strangely, then looked away, and unconsciously quickened his pace.

"What's wrong? It's like seeing a ghost." Zhao Minmin couldn't enjoy using chopsticks, so he just started to use them. Just after finishing a chicken foot, Mu Yuan walked upstairs with a troubled expression.

Mu Yuan smiled, "It's okay, I just met a strange person."

"Aren't you going to buy Coke?" Zhao Minmin glanced at Mu Yuan's empty hand and asked strangely.

Mu Yuan scratched his head, he was in his 30s, and smiled like a fool, "I forgot."

Zhao Minmin: ...

Under the table, Mu Yuan took out a Band-Aid from his pocket and handed it to Cen Qin.

Cen Qin had eaten a lot outside, had no appetite, kept drinking water, saw the Band-Aid, and was taken aback, "What are you doing?"

"Your heel is broken, stick it on." Mu Yuan stuffed the Band-Aid into Cen Qin's hand.

After Cen Qin came back, he changed into another set of clothes. He was wearing small sneakers and wide-leg pants. If he didn't look carefully, he couldn't see the wound.

Cen Qin clenched the band-aid in his hand, pursed his lips, said nothing, and subconsciously picked up the cup to drink water.

Mu Yuan didn't mind either, he rolled up his sleeves and started to eat, but he hadn't eaten all day and was almost starving to death.

Just as Mu Yuan stuffed a piece of beef into his mouth, he caught a glimpse of the strange man he saw at the door of the convenience store and went up to the second floor from the corner of his eye. come.

Cen Shu never stopped chopsticks, the bones piled up into a hill, she seemed to have sensed something, and looked up at the person coming.

Zhao Minmin paused slightly, looking at the man with a look of vigilance, and subconsciously stroked the bell.

"Minmin, ask the waiter to add a seat." Cen Shu said softly.

"Shushu, she..." Zhao Minmin lowered her voice and looked at the man with hostility in her eyes.

Cen Shu responded softly, "I know."

You know let her sit? !
Zhao Minmin was puzzled, but still asked the waiter to add an extra seat.

The man froze for a moment, looked at Cen Shu, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, let's eat first." Cen Shu raised her chin.

The man pursed his lips, sitting in a very rigid posture, with his legs close together, his hands folded on his knees because of tension, he looked... very feminine.

A bold guess crossed Mu Yuan's mind, and his eyes widened suddenly.

"You, hello, I'm here..." The man didn't move his chopsticks, he seemed a little uncertain about Cen Shu's attitude and hesitated.

"I know, let's eat first." Cen Shu put the bowl and chopsticks in front of the man, "Let's talk after eating."

The man's eyes turned red instantly, he raised his hand to wipe his eyes, grabbed his chopsticks and started eating.

Although the man looked anxious, his movements seemed well-bred, and he hardly made any noise.

At the end of the meal, only the man was still eating, as if he hadn't eaten well for hundreds of years. While eating, tears kept streaming, silently, but Zhao Minmin felt a little sad for no reason.

"Thank you, thank you..."

 The update is complete~
  Go to bed early, cuties, Beef is a bit insomnia today, buzzing.

  Thank you for your votes, love you guys.

  good night~
(End of this chapter)

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