Chapter 386 Death
"Minmin...what do you think of his face?"

Cen Shu took a sip of her tea and asked softly.

Zhao Minmin glanced, curled his lips, as if being called by a teacher, and said dryly: "Black forehead, heavy head, black nose, withered complexion, looks like death."

Cen Shu nodded.

"No, Shushu, isn't this death normal? This body is already dead, but there are some ghosts who occupy the magpie's nest." Zhao Minmin was very puzzled by Cen Shu's behavior of inviting Qiu Lanlan to dinner. What happened to her is worthy of sympathy, but it is also a fact that Zhang Tian died because of her rape.

Cen Shu hooked her lips, "It's a dead face, but it's also Zhang Tian's original face."

Zhao Minmin was taken aback, "You mean, even if Qiu Lanlan was naked, Zhang Tian wouldn't be able to survive?"


Cen Shu responded softly, and seeing that Qiu Lanlan had almost eaten, Cen Shu reached out and handed the paper to her.

Qiu Lanlan took it embarrassingly, wiped her lips, and a trace of nostalgia flashed in her eyes, "I'm sorry, I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time."

After a person dies, the sense of taste will also disappear. In fact, these things in front of him are like chewing wax to Qiu Lanlan.

Zhao Minmin didn't expose it, and looked at Qiu Lanlan softly.

"Well... I want to ask, how is Bao'er?" Qiu Lanlan looked at Cen Shu, her eyes full of worry.

"Bao'er is fine, don't worry." Cen Shu comforted her, narrowing her almond eyes slightly, looking at Qiu Lanlan, "But, I have a doubt, where did An An go?"

Qiu Lanlan's expression froze, and a flash of obvious hatred flashed in his eyes.

"An An was killed by that old woman."

Zhao Minmin frowned, this was totally different from what Baoer said.

"An An's favorite is her father..." Qiu Lanlan's eyes were slightly red, "But when she is caught in that terrible cycle every day, she can't stand it at all, and her soul and body are getting weaker every day..."

"So you ate An An?" Zhao Minmin asked.

Qiu Lanlan lowered her head, shrugged her shoulders slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Yes."

Zhao Minmin frowned.

Cen Shu sighed softly, "Qiu Lanlan, surrender yourself."

Qiu Lanlan was taken aback suddenly, "But this body..."

"Zhang Tian didn't die because of you, but don't let this body be crowned with the title of murderer, and the subsequent trial will be left to the door."

Cen Shu raised her eyes, looked at Qiu Lanlan, and moved her lips, "Actually..."

"What?" Qiu Lanlan subconsciously looked at Cen Shu.

"It's nothing." Cen Shu shook her head, "Just tell the truth after you surrender yourself."

For some reason, Qiu Lanlan looked into Cen Shu's eyes, and her nervous mood gradually calmed down, she nodded heavily, "Okay! Master, please help me take care of Bao'er."

"Okay." Cen Shu seemed to have a feeling, and turned her head to look downstairs.

Downstairs, there were two figures standing in front of the store, wearing casual clothes, as if they were waiting for someone. Among them, the older man seemed to notice Cen Shu's gaze, and raised his head suddenly, his eyes still sharp.

Cen Shu looked back calmly, "Go."

"Thank you." Qiu Lanlan's mood suddenly calmed down at this moment. The things that happened back then should be settled here.

Cen Qin listened to the conversation of several people with a dazed face the whole time. Seeing Qiu Lanlan leave, he looked at Cen Shu suspiciously, "Qiu Lanlan?" Isn't that the name of the former mistress of the haunted house that Mu Yuan tested?

Cen Shu drank a glass of water, moistened her throat, and was about to speak, when she heard movement from the stairs, looked sideways, and met a pair of eyes full of scrutiny.

"Hello, I'm Bai Guang, a criminal policeman from the Southern District Criminal Investigation Team. I want to ask, what's your relationship with Zhang Tian?" Bai Guang took out his police officer ID, pulled up a stool and sat at the table, looking carefully at him. The four of them finally set their sights on Mu Yuan.

"Mu Yuan, right? I know you. I want to ask why you guys showed up in that place early this morning? What's the relationship with those two people who called the police?"

The sudden appearance of this group of people made this seemingly passionate murder a little more unusual.

Mu Yuan glanced at Cen Shu, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Officer, isn't it, we just couldn't finish eating, and this man happened to beg at our table and treated him to a meal based on the principle of not wasting food. Are you going to arrest us too?"

Bai Guang observed carefully, glanced at the girl sitting by the window, drinking tea from a cup, and continued to ask, "What are you doing there early this morning?"

"There was an accident in the live broadcast that day, and I was in a hurry, and I forgot to take some things." Mu Yuan raised his brows lightly, with a bit of rebellion in his eyes, "By the way, take my younger sisters out to see the world."

After several questions, Mu Yuan answered every detail, and Bai Guang didn't ask any questions, and left after a few instructions.

"I didn't expect you to be so talkative?" Cen Qin glanced at Mu Yuan lightly, his tone was unclear.

Mu Yuan immediately put away the sloppy sitting posture, scratched his head, and returned to being naive again, "Isn't this a necessary skill to survive outside all the year round."

After this interruption, Cen Qin also forgot about Qiu Lanlan.

The next day, the real owner who bought the haunted house approached Zhao Minmin and begged for a few town house charms to return. Zhao Minmin made another small profit as a result.

The sixth day of Xuancheng No. [-] Middle School was about to start classes, and the three of Cen Shu didn't stay long, and caught the earliest flight back on the fifth day.

On the way to the airport, Mu Yuan begged for a long time before exchanging WeChat with Cen Qin.

"Shu Shu, I will miss you, there is not enough chili, remember to tell me."

At the airport, Zhao Minmin tugged at the corner of Cen Shu's clothes, with a reluctant expression on his face.

Cen Shu looked at Zhao Minmin with a blank expression, "Oh, then you have to pay off the debt first."

Zhao Minmin immediately let go, touched his head and smiled, "You have a good trip! I won't keep you, remember to call me after landing~"

Chuanshu claims that although it is only a two-hour flight.

There are already no seats in the economy class, and there are still some vacant seats in the first class.

Since it was the end of the new year, there was no choice for a row row, so Cen Qin simply didn't occupy a seat when he bought it.

The seats in the first class cabin are slightly larger. Cen Shu sat in the thirteenth row by the window, and there was no one in the seat next to her. The cabin was a bit noisy, so Cen Shu put on her earphones and closed her eyes.

When Cen Shu opened her eyes again, the plane had already taken off.

Today's weather is exceptionally clear. After reaching the clouds, the sun's light is extremely glaring, making it hard to keep your eyes open.

Just as Cen Shu was about to pull down the partition, she heard an impatient voice, "Wake up, can you please pull down the partition when you wake up?"

Cen Shu didn't speak, she pulled down the partition and glanced to her side.

The woman was dressed in hot clothes, her slender legs were tightly wrapped by knee-high boots, her makeup was exquisite, and she wore expensive sunglasses, her chin was slightly raised, she was very arrogant.

Seemingly aware of Cen Shu's gaze, the woman's voice was a little sharp, "What are you looking at?"


(End of this chapter)

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