Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 387 The Child on the Shoulders

Chapter 387 The Child on the Shoulders
A comforting voice came from the back seat.

The woman was very impatient, "I said it all, private cabins, who are you meeting here!"

The person in the back seat lowered his voice and said a few more comforting words, saying that there was still less than an hour to go, so if he could bear it, the woman stopped complaining, but her face was still a little ugly.

"I'm sorry, little girl, my friend has encountered some things recently, and he's not in a good mood." A woman with short hair behind the seat facing Cen Shu, wearing a small purple suit, looks extraordinarily capable, apologizing to Cen Shu Said.

Cen Shu shook her head and said she was fine.

The cabin became quiet again, Cen Shu glanced at the woman's shoulder, and met a pair of bloodshot eyes, cold and cold.

Cen Shu looked away expressionlessly, and began to lower her head to play match [-] games.

Blood Eyes: ...

When the plane landed, the woman beside her couldn't wait to get out of the cabin first. The short-haired woman was carrying two backpacks behind her. She didn't dare to shout loudly, so she could only speed up her pace, looking a little embarrassed.

"Shu Shu, what are you looking at?" Seeing that almost everyone in the cabin had left, Cen Shu still stood there motionless, a little strange.

Cen Shu withdrew her gaze, and said in a slightly ambiguous voice, "I'm looking at a child."

"Child?" Looking in the direction Cen Shu just looked at, Cen Yanyu didn't see the child, "Where is the child?"

Cen Shu curled her lips and said nothing.

When she returned to Cen's house, Cen Xue had already rushed back to the set.

Cen Shu took a shower, fell asleep, and slept until night.

Little Lihua hadn't seen Cen Shu for several days, so she nestled on the edge of the pillow and slept with Cen Shu obediently. She felt that Cen Shu seemed to wake up, opened her green pupils, and moved her wet nose to Cen Shu's. Kissed on the face, "Meow~"

Cen Shu opened her eyes, curled her lips, reached out to touch Xiao Lihua's head, and got up.

After tidying up briefly, he opened the door.

As soon as she went out, she saw Liu Lian walking towards the elevator on the first floor, her face seemed to be in a bad mood.

In the living room, Cen Qin and Cen Yanyu woke up early and were sitting in the living room waiting for their meal. Seeing Cen Shu, Cen Qin raised his hand and waved at Cen Shu.

On the slender white wrist, a glittering golden bracelet seemed to blind people's eyes, and a few huge diamonds reflected the dazzling light, which was particularly eye-catching.

"How much?" Cen Shu poured a glass of water, moistened her throat, and asked.

Cen Qin raised her phoenix eyes, "Sure enough, Shushu, you are the one to go on the road. This bracelet is 1000 million...a piece."

Cen Shu chuckled, "Happy?"

Cen Qin casually fiddled with the diamonds on it, and reluctantly said: "It's okay."

Cen Shu glanced at Cen Qin, with a smile that couldn't be hidden in her eyes, without revealing her duplicity, Cen Shu took out her mobile phone and started playing games.

"By the way, little fox, aren't you a senior in high school? It's been so many days in the winter vacation, have you finished your winter vacation homework?" Cen Qin asked casually while applying a hand mask.

Cen Shu's hands froze while playing the game.

"No way, you didn't move a single word, did you?" Cen Qin straightened up, his tone full of gloating.

Cen Shu looked at Cen Qin expressionlessly, and curled her lips, "I forgot to tell you, not long ago, my dad bought her a necklace for 3000 million."

Cen Qin: ...

The first day of school after winter break is always extraordinarily lively.

After Cen Qin found out about the 3000 million necklace, he packed his luggage overnight and caught the earliest plane back to the capital.

I didn't come to class for ten days, and a thin layer of dust fell on the desk.

Cen Shu wiped the table slowly with a wet tissue.

"Child, have you finished your comprehensive test paper? Let me copy it." Gu Huo was busy copying his winter vacation homework, glanced at Cen Shu and said.

"I didn't write it." Cen Shu's voice was a little cold.

"Just copy, I will change the answer, don't be so stingy." Gu Huo thought that Cen Shu didn't want to borrow, so he came up with such a lame excuse.

Cen Shu paused, looked at Gu Huo, and said word by word: "I didn't write."

Guho: ...

Are you so confident without writing?
"Shushu, let me write for you." Shi Fei whispered.

Cen Shu glanced at the test papers piled up almost one centimeter, hesitated for a second, then shook her head, "Forget it, the teacher won't read it anyway."

"It makes sense!" Gu Huo put down his pen and rubbed his sore neck, "Then I don't need to copy it anymore? I have worked hard all night, and I still have the last three test papers."

Gu Huo shook the test paper in his hand, proudly showing the results of his overnight struggle.

"You can't." Cen Shu's cold voice broke Gu Huo's delusion.

"Why?!" Gu Huo was angry.

Cen Shu raised her eyebrows, "You don't know?"

Guho: ...

How angry, he misses his brother Zhi more and more now, and he doesn't know if brother Zhi is doing well in the resort.

After the morning reading class, the class representatives began to come to collect the winter homework for each class.

Under the astonished eyes of the class representative, Cen Shu handed in the blank paper very naturally.

Wang Hui was the representative of the English class. Seeing Cen Shu's blank paper, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she stuffed Cen Shu's test paper in the middle, and said to Cen Shu, "I can only help you so far."

Cen Shu nodded slightly, "Thank you."

Wang Hui waved her hand, took the test paper out of the classroom, and walked to the office.

"When did you play so well?" Gu Huo looked at Wang Hui carefully and asked.

Shi Fei was practicing the questions, but she stopped writing when she heard this, and looked at Cen Shu.

"Okay? Isn't this the most basic mutual aid between classmates?" Cen Shu played the game without raising her head.

Gu Huo wanted to continue asking, but he felt a shadow appearing at the back door, blocking the light.

"Shushu! I love you so much! My parents are reconciled!" Fan Ke appeared at the door carrying two large plastic bags.

Gu Huo took the plastic bag very naturally, turned it over, and was very rude.

Shi Fei pulled a stool for Fan Ke, and Fan Ke sat down, holding Shi Fei's shoulders and looking at Cen Shu, with a look of admiration on his face, "After I go back, my parents are still in a cold war. After being ill for several days, the two made up immediately."

"That's because your parents love you." Cen Shu said with a smile.

Fan Ke seemed a little embarrassed, "Well, that's why my dad asked me to bring you these again."

"Uncle is too polite, um, it's delicious." Gu Huo said vaguely as he removed a piece of pork jerky and threw it into his mouth.

"Eat slowly, no one will grab you." Fan Ke couldn't help laughing, then seemed a little embarrassed, looked around, and lowered his voice: "I have something to tell you."

"Say! What's the matter, so mysterious?" Gu Huo raised his chin.

"My little food factory seems to be going public..."

"It's listed? Isn't that good?" Gu Huo looked at Fan Ke strangely, "It's a good thing, what expression do you have?"

"No, the point is, my dad wants to make it bigger, and wants that popular star, Hu Lili, to shoot the commercial..."

Gu Huo was stunned for a moment, with a strange expression on his face, and said slowly after a while, "Huh?"

 The update is complete~
  Another day of staying up late, thank you cuties for voting, I love you~
  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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