Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 389 Mom!Don't you want me?

Chapter 389 Mom!Don't you want me?
【Host!The hero from the original book has appeared! 】

As get out of class was approaching, Cen Shu was lying on the table drowsy, and Xiao Hua's voice suddenly appeared in her mind.

Cen Shu opened her eyes and responded softly.

[Host, didn't you say anything? ] Xiao Hua jumped out of the space, rolled and landed on Cen Shu's textbook, and asked strangely.

Cen Shu tapped her fingertips, poked Xiaohua's light ball that seemed to have grown bigger again, raised her eyebrows lightly, [What do you mean? 】

[Hero!The final boss! 】Xiaohua seems to be very dissatisfied with Cen Shu's calm appearance, so why can't she respond!That's the original hero!

Cen Shu tilted her head and thought for a while, then said slowly, 【Oh? 】

Little Flower:  …

[Are we really in the same book? 】

Cen Shu looked at Xiao Hua who was so depressed that she was about to close herself, and said slowly.

[What, what do you mean? 】Xiao Hua felt that her brain was not enough.

Cen Shu raised her eyes and looked out the window, 【Do you think the plot you saw is exactly the same as in the book?If this is a book, there will definitely be bugs in the settings, but this world is very real...]

Xiaohua suddenly remembered a sentence that she didn't know where to read, that is, when people start to doubt whether the world they live in is real, then this person should not be far from crazy.

Could it be that my own host has engaged in too much metaphysics and is starting to feel a little crazy?
Xiaohua rolled on the textbook, very worried.

Cen Shu didn't continue. If the setting of the book is excluded, then what disturbed Xiaohua's judgment and made her think that Cen Xue was the original heroine?
The school bell rang.

The phone in the drawer suddenly vibrated.

Cen Shu lowered her eyes, raised her brows lightly, got up, and walked out of the classroom with her mobile phone.

Came to a slightly quiet corner, and then pressed the answer button, "Director Meng."

"Miss Cen, I want to ask you, how are you thinking?"

Although there is still more than a year before Huaguo was established for a hundred years, with the addition of a series of time such as filming and editing, it is barely enough. After Meng Wu came back from vacation, he took the time to find Cen Shu.

Meng Wu is very strict about casting, because he met better ones, so he didn't want to choose others.

Listening to Meng Wu's slightly anxious voice, Cen Shu pursed her lips and said, "I'm sorry Director Meng, I have no plans to enter the entertainment circle."

Is this a straightforward rejection?
Meng Wu sighed. In fact, he knew it a long time ago, but he didn't give up and wanted to try again.

"Miss Cen..."

"Director Meng, I have a suggestion, it might be a bit abrupt." Cen Shu held her hands a little sorely, changed hands, and said softly.

Meng Wu was stunned for a moment, "Say it."

Cen Shu knew that Meng Wu had invested a lot of money in the filming of this TV series, including casting and so on.

"In Huaguo, there are actually many scientific researchers..." Cen Shu leaned on the railing and looked towards the playground not far away. "In fact, many people have already known the glorious deeds of the ancestors. Why doesn't Director Meng focus on the present?"

Meng Wu didn't speak, he seemed to be thinking, and asked slowly after a few minutes: "Miss Cen, you mean to make a documentary?"

"Well, but this means that you prepare in advance..."

"It doesn't matter. I can introduce those actors who have signed contracts to my friend. He just happens to be planning to shoot a new drama." Shu reminded that he didn't know how much he would lose.

"However, the shooting of this documentary..." Meng Wu had this idea a few years ago, but he has never been able to contact him.

After all, scientific research institutes don't follow the entertainment industry.

"I don't know if you've heard of the CS research institution?" Cen Shu asked softly.

Meng Wu was stunned, feeling inexplicably unreal, could it be?

"Well, I've heard of it." Meng Wu tried hard to restrain a certain thought in his mind, but his voice couldn't help becoming excited.

"If you don't mind, I can help you get in touch." Cen Shu's voice was still very light, as if she was talking about the most common thing.

Meng Wu was sitting in the room at this time, and he couldn't help but gasp when he heard Cen Shu's calm voice. He actually asked someone to contact him, even the Lu family, but he still failed.

But he didn't feel that Cen Shu was bragging at all, instead he had a feeling that she should be so awesome, which was really weird.

Trembling, Meng Wu took out a cigarette from his pocket, "Then Miss Cen will trouble you."

"You're welcome, I'm looking forward to your work."

After a few polite words, Cen Shu hung up the phone, took out her elderly phone and sent a message.

"Lily, Hu Lili..."

Yes, who is it?
Hu Lili was lying on the bed, her nose filled with the strong smell of disinfectant, and a deep voice suddenly appeared in her ear, which sounded very familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it before.

The body seemed to be bound by something invisible.

The sound is from far to near.

Hu Lili tried hard to open her eyes, but she couldn't.

Until a crisp voice sounded close to my ears, "Mom! Don't you want me?"

Hu Lili opened her eyes suddenly, with a stream of tears running down the corner of her eyes, her eyes were empty, she stared blankly at the ceiling, and murmured, "Baby."

"Mom! Come and save me, the baby hurts so much!"

Childish voice mixed with pain.

Hu Lili turned her head to look at the baby sitting on the window sill. It looked like it was only two months old, with a round face and an abnormal white body. A black snake was swimming around on it, which looked particularly frightening.

"Get out! Don't hurt my child!"

Hu Lili straightened her body, supported the bed, tremblingly grabbed the fruit basket that was placed aside, and the fruit fell to the ground.

The black core was spit out, and the faint blue vertical pupils looked at Hu Lili, extremely cold.

"Ah! Mom, it hurts so much!"

The baby screamed and cried for help.

Hu Lili felt a pain in her heart, and she stepped forward suddenly, trying to beat the black snake away, but she hesitated because her footsteps were too fast, and she didn't have time to brake. empty.

Babies, snakes, and windows all disappeared.

Only then did Hu Lili suddenly come to her senses, but it was already too late.

She heard the wind blowing past her ears, and the feeling of weightlessness came from her body.

Hu Lili was about to close her eyes in resignation, but she heard a laughing sound coming from her ear.

Hu Lili turned her head suddenly, and met a pair of cold blood eyes. A sinister smile appeared on the baby's round face, and she said in an extremely immature voice:
"Mom, don't you remember? From the beginning to the end, the only person who hurt me is you."


Hu Lili screamed and sat up suddenly from the bed, sweating profusely.

"Lily? Lily, what's wrong with you?" Wang Minhui's worried voice came from the side.

Hu Lili looked at the window subconsciously, only a pot of green plants was placed there.

"Huihui, I dreamed of Bao'er."

Wang Minhui's expression changed.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you~

  There are some things recently, the update time is a bit unstable, and the beef will return to normal update in a few days~
  Go to bed early, little cuties, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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