Chapter 390 The old past

"Go out, you don't need so many people in the ward."

Wang Minhui squeezed Hu Lili's hand tightly, and said to the three assistants in the ward.

The three assistants obediently walked out of the ward upon hearing this, and closed the door by the way.

Wang Minhui looked at the door vigilantly, lowered her voice, stood up and patted Hu Lili on the back, and comforted her: "Lily, that's all in the past. At that time, you had no choice but to..."

Hu Lili was still wearing make-up on her face, crying fiercely, tears mixed with liquid foundation, she looked very embarrassed, "No, no, I killed Bao'er, I killed Bao'er."

The words about the baby in the dream lingered in Hu Lili's mind like a spell.

Seeing Hu Lili's crazy appearance, Wang Minhui's eyes flickered slightly. He stood up and hugged Hu Lili's body, comforting her softly, "Lily, don't think about it, it's over."

Hu Lili raised her head and looked at Wang Minhui with tears in her eyes, full of confusion, "Huihui, Bao'er really won't blame me?"

"Lily, there was nothing you could do at that time, and didn't Bao'er stay by your side forever in another form?" Wang Minhui's voice was a little bewildering, and she said seductively.

Hu Lili took out a porcelain bottle from her neck. The red string of the porcelain bottle was a bit old and faded.

"Yes, Bao'er has always been by my side, Bao'er, my Bao'er..." Hu Lili lowered her head, her expression almost obsessed, and kissed the porcelain bottle.

Wang Minhui sat back on the chair, looked at Hu Lili's appearance, lowered her eyes, and slightly raised the corners of her lips.

"Mom and Dad, I'm going to country M to study for graduate school."

Cen's living room.

Except that Liu Lian didn't come back to eat, the family of four seldom dined at the dining table.

Cen Yanyu ate very fast, wiped his mouth, and saw that several people had almost eaten, so he opened his mouth.

This sentence was like a blockbuster, which caught Cen Yiqing and Lin Lan off guard.

"Yan Yu, why is it so sudden?" Cen Yiqing had almost eaten, put down his chopsticks and looked at Cen Yanyu, frowning slightly.

The two father and son had had many in-depth discussions about Cen Yanyu's future career plans, including whether to accept Cen's real estate. Cen Yanyu's decision was too sudden and he didn't even discuss it with anyone.

"Yeah, Xiao Yu, why did you suddenly change your mind?" Lin Lan was also puzzled.

Only Cen Shu was eating quietly, raising her eyes to look at Cen Yanyu, a hint of understanding flashed in her almond eyes.

Cen Yanyu looked into the concerned eyes of his parents, and sighed softly in his heart, "This matter was also decided suddenly. The school happened to have a study abroad program. I looked at the plan and learned a lot. The time urged by the instructor is relatively urgent. , so I thought about it and agreed first..."

Cen Yiqing pondered for a moment, but did not object.

"Yan Yu, you are already an adult and you can take responsibility for your own choices. If you think you can, then go for it. Don't worry about your parents. Although Cen's real estate is called Cen's real estate, it doesn't have to be People in our family are in control, so don't be caught by the family business."

Cen Yiqing has always been very fond of children and grandchildren who have their own blessings.

"Yeah, Xiao Yu, don't worry, Mom and Dad are fine here."

Shushu is half a year away from the college entrance examination. With Shushu's grades, Beijing University is not a problem. When she thinks that her family will be deserted by then, Lin Lan lowers her head, feeling a little sad. How can these little children grow up so suddenly? It's over.

In fact, this is what Cen Yanyu is really worried about. He is going abroad, Shushu is going to college, and his parents may not be able to accept it for a while.

"Is brother going to find sister Wenwen?"

When the dining table fell silent, Cen Shu finally finished eating, drank some water, and spoke calmly.

Cen Yanyu's drinking hand trembled, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Cen Shu, his ears turned red inexplicably.

Lin Lan was the first to react, and looked at Cen Yanyu in surprise, her piggy finally knows how to play cabbage? !
Cen Yiqing glanced at his son, there was an inexplicable gloomyness in his deep eyes.

"Shu, Shushu, what are you talking about?!"

Cen Yanyu pretended to be calm.

Cen Shu looked at Cen Yanyu, curled her lips, and said lightly: "Brother, brother, you are stuttering."

Cen Yanyu:! ! !

Can you not learn how to speak from him!

into the night.

Thick clouds blocked the moonlight, and the surrounding area seemed silent.

There was only one bed in the ward, the curtains were not drawn, and tall buildings lined up opposite could be seen.

There were constant sounds of nurses walking in the corridor outside the ward.

Hu Lili opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling above her head, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

After that nightmare, she suddenly recalled those memories that she had deliberately forgotten deep in her mind.

Ten years ago, she was poorly educated, and she was useless except for being pretty. She didn't even get a college diploma, and she could only screw screws on the factory assembly line every month.

After a month, excluding the daily expenses, she can't make much money at all, let alone satisfy her desire to buy some high-end cosmetics occasionally.

So she resigned within a few months.

Later, she learned from a fellow villager that the base of Hengqing Film and Television City was recruiting group performers. Hu Lili thought, since she can't make much money herself, she might as well give it a try, in case she gets lucky.

She was very lucky, with a good figure and a good face, and she soon became a prospect. She went to the film crew every day, and there were thousands of them in a month.

But she was gradually dissatisfied with just being an ordinary prospect, obviously the acting skills of the protagonists were also average...

Later, Hu Lili came into contact with a certain director.

Although it can be regarded as an [-]th-tier star, there is still a long way to go before the public and become well-known.

Until she met Huihui, in her most difficult days.

Two years ago, her period was suddenly postponed. Hu Lili felt bad at the time, and the test results on the test strip came out, with two bars.

She is pregnant.

It is not known who the father of the child is.

She was reluctant to part with this child, and the doctor also said that if she aborted, the chances of getting pregnant again would be greatly reduced, so she finally kept the child.

But she didn't expect that because she traveled to various crews every day, she had a difficult delivery and the child died within two months.

Hu Lili thought, if she was destined not to have a child, then let this child stay with her. She took the child and smuggled to country T...

Since then, she has become an instant hit, turning red and purple, and she is soft-handed when receiving notifications.

Holding the porcelain vase around her neck, Hu Lili stared straight at the lamp above her head, trying to fall asleep, but found that the lamp above her head seemed to be turning.

The surroundings seemed to start to turn, as if a vortex had fallen.

Hu Lili struggled to get up, but her body suddenly couldn't move.

"Mommy mommy……"

The childish voice sounded again.

Hu Lili's eyes gradually blurred, her body seemed out of control, and she walked slowly towards the window in a daze...

(End of this chapter)

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