Chapter 391 Spring Is Here

"Have you heard? That actress Hu Lili suddenly committed suicide by jumping off a building last night!"

"The trending search went viral, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it!"

"Is Cen Xue still acting in the same TV series as her? Oh my god, what happened here?"

"Also, Hu Lili has taken another TV series recently. It was only announced a few days ago. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like she's going to commit suicide!"


In the morning reading class, everyone in the class was whispering.

Gu Huo seldom paid attention to the public opinion of celebrities, and when he heard the discussion around him, he also turned on his mobile phone and looked at it. When he saw the explanation sent by Hu Lili's studio, the expression on his face became weird.

" are amazing!"

Cen Yanyu became angry last night and dragged Cen Shu to play games until midnight, but it was Cen Shu who pulled Sun Wenwen out before Cen Yanyu was willing to give up.

As soon as Cen Shu arrived in the classroom, she lay down on the table and fell asleep. At this time, she was pushed awake by Gu Huo, her apricot eyes looked like she was getting up, and her tone was cold, "What are you doing?"

Disturbing people's lucid dream will be struck by lightning.

Gu Huo put the phone on Cen Shu's desk, "Look for yourself, do you know that something will happen to Hu Lili, that's why you asked Fan Ke's family not to invite her to speak for you?"

Cen Shu glanced at it, and was slightly taken aback when she saw the content on the trending search.

When Hu Lili jumped off the building, there was no one in the ward. When the nurses checked every hour and opened the door of the ward, all they could see were the wide open windows and the rattling of the curtains blown by the night wind.

"It should be depression again. After all, these days, one side is in front of the camera, and the other side is behind the camera." Gu Huo couldn't say he regretted it too much, but simply felt that death is not a good thing, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Cen Shu frowned slightly as she looked at the obituary in the studio.

She met Hu Lili on the plane that time, and carefully observed her face. Although at that time she had already been backlashed by the Gumantong, it would not hurt her life. The little ghost seemed to be treating Hu Lili. quite attached...

Cen Shu's fingertips slid down gently, and she didn't want to read it again after watching it for a while. The public opinion was that she would not let go of any topic of people with traffic, from daily necessities of life to even death.

Many fans of Hu Lili mourned Hu Lili under the obituary, and some people commented under Hu Lili's latest scarf, saying that they hope this is just a joke jointly made by her and the studio, and they will not blame her, just hope she can show up.

But there are people like Chen Yu who only see the heat.

Hu Lili's last TV series before her death was his "Palace Curtain". Chen Yu put on a scarf appropriately and recalled some details. Got a little hot.

"I don't know." Cen Shu's voice was slightly cold.

Gu Huo was stunned when he heard this sentence when he took the phone back, "The kid you said that day..."

Cen Shu didn't speak anymore, but she didn't feel sleepy either. Looking out of the window, a cold light flashed in her almond eyes. Hu Lili didn't look like she was dead, but she died.

[Little flower! 】

[Come on!What are your orders, host? ] Xiao Hua jumped out of the space, seeming to sense that Cen Shu was not in a good mood, so she obediently lay beside Cen Shu.

At this time, a few birds flew by in the sky, and Cen Shu's almond eyes narrowed slightly, 【That day, you said the hero of the original book appeared? 】

[Yes, yes...] This is already what happened that day, why did the host react?

[I remember, you also reminded the appearance of the male supporting role in the original book a long time ago...] Cen Shu turned the pen, her voice was flat and unpredictable.

[Yes, yes! 】

Xiao Hua looked at Cen Shu strangely, as if she didn't quite understand what her host wanted to ask.

[How did you detect it? 】Cen Shu stopped turning the pen, and poked Xiao Hua's ball of light with the cap of the pen.

[Just, the reminder will be given automatically, as long as the important person appears next to the original heroine, the reminder will be automatically given... What's wrong with the host? 】The host has never asked these things before, suddenly asked so carefully, Xiaohua looked at Cen Shu suspiciously, wondering what kind of medicine she was selling in her gourd.

[Well, it's all right. 】

Cen Shu was in a good mood, so she poked it a few more times with a pen, and said nothing.

"You don't know, when Bao'er came out and didn't see you, she was crying, heart-piercing, and said that I lied to him, and kept yelling for sister Shushu, which made me mad and hurt me." I almost collapsed, I want him to have a complete childhood and beat him!"

Cen Shu was sitting on the carpet, listening to Zhao Minmin's ramblings, she pursed her lips.

"Send away?"

Zhao Minmin seemed to be outdoors, and the voice over there was a bit noisy, "Well, I'm seeing him off, and I'm going to have dinner with Mu Yuan. He's going to the capital tomorrow."

"The capital?" Cen Shu seemed to have thought of something, her brows raised slightly.

"That's right, I said I received a job in a haunted house in the capital, and I'll let him practice it." Zhao Minmin took a bite, and his voice was a little vague, "After all, this meal is just to eat less."

"I'm going! Minmin, are you cursing me? Don't worry, my wife hasn't gotten married yet, so I'm definitely reluctant to die so early!" Mu Huan snatched the phone, "Shushu, how is your study? There are still half a year left. The college entrance examination will be over soon, so relax, me and I are waiting for you in the capital."

Zhao Minmin robbed for a long time, but couldn't get enough, so he simply asked Mu Yuan to play a foreign voice.

Cen Shu was in a good mood when she heard the noise over there. She glanced at the camphor tree that had sprouted twigs, and said with emotion, "Spring is here."

Mu Yuan's voice over there stopped abruptly.

Then he hung up the phone with a guilty conscience.

Cen Shu couldn't hold back, and chuckled lightly.

"Cen Shu and Fan Ke, how are you two preparing for the biology competition retest?"

The next day, during recess, Xia Qing called the two of them to the head teacher's office.

The wife of the biology teacher in the second class had recently given birth, so she took paternity leave, and Xia Qing took over the class.

Fan Ke grabbed the hem of her clothes and said nothing, feeling extremely uncertain. After all, if it wasn't for Cen Shu's cuddly guidance, she might not have made it to the finals.

"It's okay." Cen Shu stood a little tired and leaned against the office table.

Naturally, Xia Qing didn't miss Cen Shu's little moves, and let her do the same.

"I will take you to the capital to take part in the re-examination for this re-examination. Just go this weekend. Tell your family."

Every year, the finals of competitions of this level are held in the capital, and then the first, second and third place are competed to go to country M to participate in the global finals.

This is simply not something that Fan Ke can think about.

The two obediently responded.

Xia Qing gave some more instructions before letting them leave the office.

Walking out of the office, Fan Ke seemed a little excited. After all, it was considered a trip at public expense, and it was considered a profit. It seemed that he had thought of something. Fan Ke grabbed the corner of Cen Shu's clothes and asked, "Shu Shu, is your male ticket? Are you in the capital? You can meet again."

Cen Shu looked down at the message sent by someone, and curled her lips, "Yes."

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys~
  Go to bed early, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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