Chapter 392 Good Brother

Friday night.

Cen Yiqing drove the four of them to Xuancheng Airport. When Cen Yanyu took Cen Shu's suitcase down, he heard his father say, "Take care of Shushu." The tone was meaningful and seemed to point.

Cen Yanyu was stunned for a moment, without thinking too much, he nodded and said, "Okay."

After speaking, pushing the two suitcases, he quickened his pace and followed behind Cen Shu.

Cen Yiqing looked at the back of his silly son, couldn't hold it back, his forehead bulged and he had a headache.

Cen Yanyu was going back to school early, so he decided to have a meal with the family early and go to the capital with Cen Shu, so he could take care of it.

Cen Shu's suitcase is not big, and Cen Yanyu pushes it lightly. Fan Ke doesn't carry many things, just a small suitcase. On the other hand, Xia Qing's suitcase is the largest.

Pushing the heavy suitcase, Xia Qing glanced at Cen Shu and Fan Ke, always feeling that they were on a trip.

When going through the security check, Xia Qing's suitcase was overweight. She took out a biology competition exercise book thicker than a brick from the suitcase and put it in her backpack.

There are relatively few people at the airport at night, and it looks a little cold. The plane at 01:30 in the middle of the night has to transfer in the middle, and it will not arrive in the capital until the next morning.

After tossing around in a daze like this all night, I finally arrived at the Beijing airport.

It has just snowed in the capital, and through the glass of the airport, almost everything you can see is covered in heavy snow, covered in plain silver, which is very beautiful.

"Just now the hotel called and said that the car broke down halfway, let us take a taxi there, and they will pay for the toll." The hotel was officially prepared, and Xia Qing received a call from the hotel as soon as he got off the plane.

Walking out of the airport, the piercing cold wind blows head-on, Fan Ke couldn't help wrapping his little padded jacket tightly around his body, "Teacher, what should we do now?"

Due to the heavy snow that had just fallen, there were not many vehicles coming and going at the airport.

Xia Qing also had a difficult time. When she was thinking about asking the hotel to send another car, a Cullinan slowly stopped on the road not far from them.

The window rolled down, revealing a familiar face.

"Miss Cen, Lord Lu asked me to pick you up."

Lu Mu's complexion looked much better than before, with a ruddy complexion. It was hard to imagine that he had suffered such a serious injury not long ago.

Cen Yanyu's face was a little smelly, and he reluctantly got into the car behind Cen Shu.

"Master Lu is in a meeting right now. I'll take you to the company, but I don't know that your friends, Ms. Cen..."

Lu Mu winked very much. Master Lu definitely didn't like his and Miss Cen's two-person world being disturbed, so he asked separately on purpose.

"Wherever Shushu is going, I will go." Cen Yanyu was the first to speak coldly, hum, want to take advantage of Shushu?Think beautifully!
Fan Ke raised his hand weakly, "Shushu, I'm a little tired, just take me back to the hotel later."

Xia Qing simply thought that Master Lu was a friend of Cen Shu's father in the business field, so she was too embarrassed to bother him, so she went back to the hotel.

Lu Mu glanced at Cen Yanyu through the rearview mirror, and silently mourned for his Master Lu in his heart for 3 minutes.

Soon the car stopped in front of a tall building, surrounded by tall buildings.

I have heard that Lu's family is rich, but I didn't expect Lu's to be so rich.

Owning a building in the most prosperous financial street in Beijing...

Cen Yanyu said 'tsk' in his heart, he was not envious!

Under Lu Mu's guidance, Cen Shu and the others came to a lounge on the top floor, where meals were prepared for three people.

"Miss Cen, if you need anything, just call the assistant at the door, and I'll take care of other things." Lu Mu said with a smile.

Cen Shu nodded, "Okay, thank you."

Lu Mu walked out with a smile, the door of the lounge was closed, and Cen Yanyu lay lazily on the sofa, took out a banana from the fruit plate next to him, and suddenly understood what his father said before he left.

"Little girl, how far have you developed?" Cen Yanyu thought that, as a big brother, he couldn't let that brat who looked rich, but was actually very rich, fool his sister.

Cen Shu ate her meal slowly. Hearing this, she glanced at Cen Yanyu faintly, "Do you want to impart experience?"

Cen Yanyu was stunned for a moment, before he could speak, he heard Cen Shu suddenly say: "Oh, I forgot, you have no experience."

Cen Yanyu:? !
After holding back for a long time, Cen Yanyu took a bite of the banana angrily, "Shushu, are you so poisonous to his mouth?"

Cen Shu ate a piece of chicken, her voice was a little vague, "Why move your mouth when you can move your hands?"

Cen Yanyu: ...

I always feel that these words have some other flavor.

At this time, the door of the lounge was opened from the inside, and a man in a black suit walked in.

Her hair was black, and her long and narrow eyes flicked across Cen Yanyu's body, and fell on the girl who was eating.

"Hello brother."

Cen Yanyu heard the man's deep and hoarse voice, full of magnetism... Shit!
Fuck, who is your name?He is clearly only twenty years old!
The banana in his hand was not fragrant in an instant, and he looked at Lu Si with hostility. Before the Chinese New Year, he did not remember the fault of a villain, and he did not care about people who underestimated his sister, but he did not expect this man to be so eye-catching. , You don't even write your horoscope, you want to marry into the Cen's family?

"You..." Cen Yanyu was about to say something when his sister pushed the lunch box in front of him.

Cen Shu pulled Lu Si very naturally, let him sit beside her, glanced at Cen Yanyu lightly, "Eat."

Cen Yanyu: ...

My heart hurts, I haven't married yet, so I'm so eccentric, if I really get married, does he still have family status as an older brother?

Lu Si looked down at the girl, his throat moved slightly, and he raised his hand to help the girl tidy up the messy hair, "Shanshan, I'm hungry."

Cen Shu responded softly, helped Lu Si open the lid of the lunch box, and handed over the chopsticks, "Eat."

The voice is gentle and soft, where is the fierceness just now.

Cen Yanyu felt even more depressed, and tried his best to pick up the rice.

After lunch, Lu Si went to the meeting again. It was the end of the year, and many projects had just started, so Lu Si needed to nod. In addition, he was not in the capital during the Chinese New Year, and he had accumulated a lot of things that needed to be dealt with.

After eating and drinking enough, Cen Yanyu rubbed his stomach and lay on the sofa drowsy.

Cen Shu nestled on another sofa, playing games.

At this time, the bell that Cen Yanyu placed on the coffee table rang.

Cen Yanyu was about to fall asleep, but was so startled by the ringtone that he almost fell off the sofa. He glanced at the caller ID, rubbed his hair irritably, and pressed the answer button.

"what's up?"

"I'll go! What's the matter, didn't you say you're coming back today? Haven't you arrived yet? A few buddies in the dormitory have formed a sorority, do you want to come here now?"

Lin Jian's carefree voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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