Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 395 Is it such a coincidence?

Chapter 395 Is it such a coincidence?
"Thank you."

Cen Shu heard what Ding Yan said.

Cen Shu raised her arms to hug Ding Yan back, curled her lips, "You're welcome."

Hug and share.

After saying hello, Cen Yanyu pushed their suitcases and walked towards the subway entrance.

Ding Yan looked at the backs of the two people who were drifting away, and felt unprecedentedly relaxed in her heart, and she had no regrets anymore.

[Ding, the prestige value has increased by 2000.

Congratulations on being promoted to level 13, prestige value calculation ing
Currently, reputation: 58000/80000
Malicious value: 1010/160000
Once the reputation is reached, it can be upgraded, I hope the host will continue to work hard, chirp~]

Xiao Hua's voice rang in her mind, and Cen Shu paused when she went down the stairs.

"What's the matter Shushu?"

Cen Yanyu followed her with two suitcases. Seeing her movements, he was slightly taken aback and asked strangely.

"It's okay..." Cen Shu turned her head, "Brother, do you think it's heavy? Let me lift it."

It was rush hour now, and the escalators in the subway were crowded with people, so the two decided to take the stairs instead.

"Don't worry, your brother is strong." Cen Yanyu sideways avoided Cen Shu's outstretched hand, raised his chin, "Let's go."

The subway is crowded with people, almost being pushed forward.

Fortunately, the two of them just caught up with the nearest one and squeezed into the compartment before the sensor door closed.

The smell in the compartment was not very pleasant, mixed with various strange smells.

Cen Shu huddled in a corner, and Cen Yanyu stood in front of her to prevent others from squeezing her.

"Look at you, and at other people's boyfriends, you don't love me at all."

There was a young couple standing next to her. The girl watched Cen Yanyu's actions, and a trace of envy flashed in her eyes, and she complained to her boyfriend.

The boy frowned, seemed a little impatient, and couldn't help but raise the volume of what he said, "Hello, someone else's boyfriend, then go find someone else, why are you looking for me?"

The girl just wanted to act like a baby, but she didn't expect her boyfriend to be so impatient.

And as the boy's volume increased, the girl could feel many curious eyes looking at them from around, the girl's eyes turned red instantly, and she pushed the boy hard, "Wu Tian, ​​what do you mean? Do you want to break up with me?" ?”

The carriage was already quite crowded, and Wu Tian didn't hold the handle at all. When he was pushed like this, he stepped on the people behind him, who screamed and cursed at Wu Tian.

Wu Tian has a bad temper, and he got angry in front of so many people, "Yes, I just want to break up with you, I've had enough of your temper, obviously you don't look good, and you keep going In comparison, if you are half as good-looking as that girl, I will be more considerate than that man!"

Wu Tian pointed to Cen Shu who was being protected by Cen Yanyu and said.

Guan Tong had never been insulted like this since he was a child, so he couldn't hold back, raised his hand, and said, 'Crack! '

There was only a crisp sound, and all the onlookers in the carriage were stunned.

Wu Tian tilted his head to one side, but he didn't react for a long time.

Cen Yanyu looked at the two people fighting and frowned. He wanted to take Cen Shu to a place a little further away to avoid being affected, but there were too many people in the carriage, and it was no different if they moved for a long time.

Wu Tian touched his red and swollen face with a ferocious expression. It's not good to hit a woman in front of so many people. He said bad luck and walked away with a cold face.

Guan Tong froze in place, then covered his face, knelt down and sobbed softly.

A farce ended here.

Cen Yanu breathed a sigh of relief, lowered her head, and saw Cen Shu staring in a certain direction in a daze.

Following Cen Shu's direction, Cen Yanyu saw a group of people in commoner clothes, which looked like uniforms, but the colors were different.

"Shushu, what's the matter?"

Everyone in that group was carrying a wooden box. They looked like people who came out of the Republic of China. They should be actors from a certain crew, Cen Yanyu thought.

Cen Shu glanced at the suitcase and looked away, "It's nothing, that box looks like it's made of willow wood?"

The younger sister is too knowledgeable, and he is a bit embarrassed as an older brother.

"Cough... I don't really understand." Cen Yanyu glanced, but couldn't see anything.

Cen Shu glanced at Cen Yanyu lightly, "Actually, I didn't expect you to understand."

Cen Yanyu: ...

With a swollen face, Wu Tian pushed away the crowd and came to the junction with another carriage. Unexpectedly, the carriage shook violently and bumped into a person.


Wu Shan fell to the ground together with a suitcase.

"Fuck!" Wu Shan cursed lightly, and climbed up from the ground while leaning on the wall of the car.

"Not good intentions……"

"You are fucking sick!"

Before Wu Shan could say his apology, he heard this sentence, and his anger surged instantly, "Isn't it just a box? Noisy fart! Isn't it over if I pay you?"

The person who scolded was a fat man, more than 1.8 meters tall, wearing a black cloth jacket with rich golden patterns embroidered on the cuffs, tall and big, with a fierce look on his face.

"Compensation? Ten of you are not enough to pay for the contents of this box!"

The wooden suitcase was supposed to be handled with care, but the fat man was tired of carrying it, and just about to change his hand, Wu Tian bumped into it, and the suitcase fell to the ground.

Wu Tian snorted softly, looked down at the things exposed in the cracked box, and said disdainfully: "It's just a few shadow puppet skins, how much is it worth? Pin Xixishang grabbed a lot of them." , the ten-yuan wallet was mailed home."

The fat man wanted to say something more, but he was stopped by a thin man beside him. The thin man was also very tall, about the same height as the fat man, but very thin. The wide cloth was swinging with his movements, and the inside was empty.

It's just that the color of the clothes is azure blue, but the pattern on the cuffs is the same.

"I'm sorry little brother, my brother has a bad temper and is a little irritable."

The thin man's voice was hoarse, as if something was stuck in his throat, it didn't sound very pleasant.

Everyone else got down the steps like this, so Wu Tianben justified himself, waved his hand, and didn't say anything more.

The fat man seemed to want to say something more, but was stopped by the thin man's gloomy eyes. The fat man knelt down, hugged the suitcase, and fell silent.

The thin man looked gloomyly at Wu Tian, ​​who was leaning against the wall of the car and playing a game, full of scrutiny.

The eyes are cold and gloomy, making people shudder.

After two transfers, the two finally arrived at the hotel they booked.

Having called in advance, Xia Qing was waiting for the two of them in the lobby a few minutes earlier.

"Why did you come back so late? Have you had dinner yet?"

Fan Ke was still in the room making final preparations for the retest, Xia Qing handed the room card to Cen Shu and asked.

"Not yet, teacher, go back to your room and rest first, I'll go have dinner with my brother." Cen Shu took it, thanked her, and said softly.

"Okay, you guys go to eat first, take a hot bath later, and have a good rest." Xia Qing was very relieved of Cen Shu, after all, with Cen Yanyu watching, what could happen?
The two went back to the room to put the suitcases, discussed to eat something nearby, found a snack bar at random, and walked in.

As soon as I entered the snack bar, I saw a girl who was eating fried skewers with her back to the two of them.

Cen Yanyu glanced at Cen Shu, and said silently, "Is it such a coincidence?"

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute~
  Go to bed early, everyone, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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