Chapter 396 Couple's Suite
It was close to ten o'clock at this time, and there were not many people in the snack bar. It seemed that she heard the voice, and the girl subconsciously looked towards the door. When she saw Cen Yanyu, her face immediately became gloomy.

"Why are you again?"

The girl was holding a bunch of grilled corn skewers in her hand, and she was still chewing something, her mouth was full of oil. There were nearly twenty skewers on the plate, which seemed to be quite a lot.

Is this the legendary turning grief and anger into appetite?
"Hello." Cen Yanyu also felt a little embarrassed, who would have thought that fate would be so wonderful, this girl is none other than Guan Tong who was broken up in the carriage and slapped her ex-boyfriend back.

Guan Tong snorted coldly, ignored the two of them, and continued to eat her fried skewers.

Cen Yanyu found a clean table and sat down, put Shushu's bag next to the seat, and glanced at the menu on the table, there are both fried skewers and light porridge and soy milk.

"Shu Shu, look, what do you want to eat?"

Cen Yanyu pushed the menu to Cen Shu, and Cen Shu glanced at it. She was not very hungry, so she ordered red bean porridge, "Brother, you should eat something light, you drank a lot in the afternoon."

Cen Yanyu was so moved that his younger sister finally cared about his elder brother!

"Then I'll order the same one as Shushu." Cen Yanyu handed the ordered menu to the boss, turned around and met a pair of inquiring eyes.

Cen Yanyu: ...

"What, what's wrong?" Cen Yanyu felt goosebumps all over his body.

Guan Tong wiped the oil from his mouth, "Are you brothers and sisters?"

"Yes, yes, what's wrong?" Cen Yanyu returned to his seat.

Guan Tong: ...

Then she was jealous on the subway just now, did she feel lonely?

"But it's okay, I can see the true face of that man clearly, he just doesn't like me, and now he finally found an excuse to get rid of me." Guan Tong directly hugged the tray and sat beside Cen Yanyu very familiarly .

"Men are not good things." In the end, Guan Tong took a bite of the roast mutton and said angrily.

The man Cen Yanyu:?

The porridge was served quickly, steaming hot, with a little green onion sprinkled on top of the porridge, which smelled delicious.

Guan Tong quickly finished eating a plate of fried skewers, seeing the two eating with gusto, he felt a little greedy again.

"Hey, is this porridge good?"

Cen Yanyu glanced at Guan Tong, "Are you still full?" There are so many things.

Guan Tong was a little embarrassed, rubbed his stomach, and laughed, "I'm a food and broadcasting company, so I'm hungry at night."

Hearing this, Cen Yanyu glanced at Guan Tong in surprise, Guan Tong looked very thin under the down jacket, unexpectedly he was still a big eater? !

Guan Tong was startled, took out his mobile phone, clicked on the live broadcast platform, and showed it to the two of them, "Childhood eating and broadcasting, this is my account."

Cen Yanyu glanced at it. There were only five videos and more than 50 fans. It must have been a short time since the live broadcast.

"Meeting is fate, little brothers and sisters pay attention and go."

The two were entangled so badly that in the end Guan Tong looked at the two extra fans on his account and smiled happily.

"One scumbag ex-boyfriend for two fans, this wave of business is not bad."

The porridge was almost done, thinking that Cen Shu would have an exam tomorrow, and urged Cen Shu to go back to her room to sleep after paying the bill.

The three of them walked out of the snack bar together.

The cold wind was biting, and it kept drilling into the collar of the clothes.

Because it is the Chinese New Year, there are fewer pedestrians on the street, and most of them are bent over, wrapped tightly, and rush forward.

"Is your house near here?" Cen Yanyu asked strangely seeing that Guan Tong had been following them.

Guan Tong shook the room card in his hand, "You guys should also stay at Qinglong Hotel, it's just right, I live there too."

"Then why did you travel so far?" After all, it's nearly two and a half hours from the starting station of the subway to here, and it's neither near the airport nor the train station.

"Don't you know? Isn't Valentine's Day coming soon? Qinglong Hotel has specially launched suites for couples, and it also provides spa services..." After Guan Tong said, his mood became depressed again.

In fact, she has been in love with Wu Tian for three years. He works in BJ, and she found a job as a clerk at home.

Her character is indeed a bit petty, he has always been very tolerant, but today he broke up with her in front of so many people, she should have thought that Wu Tian didn't hold her in his arms when he just graduated In her arms, she promised to love her man forever.

Love, couple suite?
Cen Yanyu's face was a little stiff, are you sure this is an official hotel?Why does it suddenly feel unreliable.

"By the way, I haven't asked what you guys are here for?" Fortunately, Guan Tong can rely on food to heal his wounds, and thinking that there are so many delicious things waiting for her to taste, he didn't feel so uncomfortable in an instant.

Cen Yanyu looked at Guan Tong expressionlessly, "We, we are here to participate in the biology competition."

Guan Tong's expression also became weird, this hotel is awesome!
"Little cutie, are you asleep now?"

After getting off the subway station, Wu Tian went straight to a nearby neighborhood, and when he heard the sweet coquettish voice from the opposite side, he showed a lewd smile.

Wu Tian has long been displeased with Guan Tong, he is just average in appearance, and has a good temper. After graduating from an ordinary university, he can only find a job with three or four thousand dollars.

Unlike him, as soon as he came to the capital, he had a monthly salary of [-]. Any female colleague in the company was prettier than Guan Tong. He even wondered if he thought Guan Tong was beautiful because he was blind.

The occupancy rate of the community does not seem to be high. After entering the community, there are not many lights on, and the security guard at the door is dozing off.

After chatting for a few words, Wu Tian hung up, whistled, and walked in the community with his hands in his pockets.

In the past, he used to come here during the day on weekends. At that time, there were quite a lot of people. At night, it looked a little gloomy.

As the cold wind blew across his neck, Wu Tian couldn't help getting goose bumps and quickened his pace.

'click, click'

Footsteps suddenly sounded from behind.

Wu Tian's body froze, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Xiaofang's house is in the corner of the community, and it doesn't feel long when walking during the day, but listening to the voice behind him, Wu Tian suddenly felt that this community is really big!

Wu Tian didn't dare to look back, for fear of seeing something unclean, he subconsciously moved a little faster.

Fortunately, the unit building is not far away. In the whole building, only one room is lit. The sensor light of the unit building is on. Go straight in and you will find the elevator.

Seeing the light, Wu Tianxia was consciously relieved.

Stride into the elevator and press the floor where Xiaofang is.

The elevator doors closed slowly, and at this moment, a pale, skinny hand blocked the elevator.

Wu Tian's heart skipped a beat, and when he looked at the person coming, his eyes widened.

Isn't this the fat and thin combination you met in the subway?

(End of this chapter)

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