Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 397 Turns out to be a person!

Chapter 397 Turns out to be a person!
The room is, as always, a standard room for two people.

Seeing Cen Shu come back, Fan Ke put down the review materials in his hand, "Chen Shu, you should go take a shower quickly, and then have a good sleep."

After entering the finals, Fan Ke was not so nervous. Anyway, she knew her own strength, so she might as well calm down.

Cen Shu responded softly, hung the satchel on the hanger, took the clothes from the suitcase and walked into the bathroom.

Just as Fan Ke was about to hug Buddha's feet again, he heard a slight sound, like the sound of objects falling to the ground.

Fan Ke looked up and saw the lipstick lying quietly on the ground. Judging from where it fell, it should have fallen from Shushu's bag.

The lipstick is the most popular lambskin at the moment, a popular color, very flamboyant red, which doesn't fit Cen Shu's personality.

Besides, Shushu usually doesn't wear makeup.

Fan Ke didn't think much, picked it up and put it on the bedside table near Cen Shu's bed.

But as soon as I squeezed it in my hand, I felt a little strange to the touch, as if it was some kind of animal skin, which was quite slippery. Fan Ke couldn't hold back, and touched it a few more times, it was very different from the lipsticks on the market.

It feels... like pigskin.

Cen Shu took a shower very quickly, and it was resolved in 10 minutes. She walked out of the bathroom wiping her hair, and saw the lipstick on the bedside table at a glance, raised her eyebrows lightly, "Ke Ke, this...your Valentine's Day gift?"

Fan Ke was taken aback, and immediately reacted, "Isn't this lipstick Shushu's?"

"No..." She doesn't like makeup very much, and usually doesn't carry these things with her.

Thinking of her bag being carried by Cen Yanyu for dinner tonight, maybe Guan Tong accidentally dropped it in.

"It should be a friend who accidentally lost it, and I will return it to her tomorrow." Cen Shu said softly.

"That's it." Fan Ke hesitated to speak, looking at the lipstick, his hand was inexplicably itchy.

Cen Shu blew her hair and glanced at Fan Ke, "What's wrong?"

Fan Ke swallowed, "That lipstick...is weird."

This uncontrollable feeling is exactly the same as when I was in the resort.

Hearing this, Cen Shu turned off the hair dryer, picked up the lipstick and looked at it carefully.

This tentacle feeling...

Cen Shu's eyes turned cold.

"Shu Shu, what, what's the matter?" Fan Ke looked at Cen Shu's solemn expression, feeling a little flustered for no reason, isn't it, isn't it real and supernatural?
Cen Shu put down the lipstick and shook her head, "It's okay, I just think the packaging of this lipstick is quite novel."

Fan Ke swallowed, "I felt it too, it should be pigskin..."

It feels like no other animal's skin is so soft.

Cen Shu glanced at Fan Ke lightly, "Well, it's pigskin."

Looking at Cen Shu's almond eyes, Fan Ke shuddered inexplicably.

The corner of Cen Shu's mouth twitched into a playful smile, inexplicably wanting to tease Fan Ke, "You don't think it's human skin, do you?"

"Just kidding!" Fan Ke wiped his hands subconsciously, and then said uncertainly: "Shushu, are you kidding?"

"Well, it's pigskin." Cen Shu turned her back and wiped the wet ends of her hair with a towel.

After getting an affirmative answer, Fan Ke breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it wasn't supernatural, otherwise she would really not be able to sleep today.

After a tiring day, Fan Ke was also tired, so he said goodnight to Cen Shu, lay on the bed, and fell asleep after a while.

Cen Shu opened her eyes, looking at the lipstick lying quietly on the bedside table, a cold light flashed in her eyes.

The cold moonlight spilled into the room through the curtains.

On the big bed in the room, Wu Tian was sleeping soundly with his arms around Xiaofang's waist.


A slight, noisy sound rang out, and it was impossible to ignore it.

Wu Tian turned around irritably, rolled up the quilt a little, and covered his ears.

But the voice seemed to have penetrating power, and it became louder and louder. Wu Tian couldn't take it anymore, and sat up from the bed after throwing off the quilt.

Xiaofang's room is not big, only more than 20 square meters. The desk is placed in the corner, and there is a bookshelf next to it, which occupies almost a quarter of the entire room.

The bed was facing the door, he glanced at the room, there was nothing, and the annoying voice disappeared, as if everything just now was just his illusion.

Wu Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to continue falling down to sleep, when he heard the sound of teeth grinding, accompanied by chattering in sleep...

Wu Tian's expression was a little stiff. When he slept with Xiaofang before, he would sleep until dawn. Didn't expect her to still have this habit?

Suddenly he felt that Guan Tong was pretty good, at least she didn't snore or talk in her sleep.

I don't know how she is now.

However, this idea only flashed in Wu Tian's mind for a moment, and then it was forgotten.

Lying on the bed again, listening to the sound of Xiaofang grinding her teeth, Wu Tian felt sleepy for no reason.

Recalling the fat and thin combination I met when I came back at night, I was inexplicably scared.

a few hours ago.

Standing in the elevator, Wu Tian looked at the fat and thin combination who suddenly appeared in front of him. He was startled, thinking that the two of them came to seek revenge afterwards.

two against one...

Wu Tianxia consciously squeezed his phone tightly, and if there was any change in those two people, he would call the police!
After the two entered the elevator, they didn't speak, and no one pressed the elevator.

Wu Tian was even more flustered. It's okay to meet him on the subway by chance, but he still lives in the same neighborhood, same building, and same unit?
Who will believe this?


When the elevator arrived, the elevator door slowly opened, and the fat and thin group walked out of the elevator first, without even looking at Wu Tian.

There are two households on the floor, Wu Tian deliberately slowed down his pace, he was slightly relieved when he saw the fat and thin people opened the door of the other household.

Then he knocked on Xiaofang's door with confidence.

Many things, only in retrospect, will discover some details that were not noticed at the time.

For example, Wu Tian is lying on the bed now, and he still remembers that when the two of them entered the door, he accidentally glanced at them. The colors of their clothes are different, and their shoes are the same, which are traditional Beijing cloth shoes.

Wu Tian looked at the ceiling above his head, with a stiff expression on his face, cloth... shoes?

Then when he was walking in the neighborhood earlier, he heard the sound of high heels hitting the ground, who made it?

Wu Tian was shocked by his own thoughts and broke out in a cold sweat.


That damn annoying sound.

And the sound seems to be much louder than before.

Wu Tian was frightened by himself, feeling extremely depressed, sat up from the bed again, turned around and wanted to wake up Zhengxiang who was sleeping beside him, but he didn't sleep well, why did Xiaofang sleep so soundly?

However, before Wu Tian could move, he glimpsed something squeezed in from the crack of the door out of the corner of his eye.

By the moonlight, Wu Tian saw the appearance of that thing clearly, and froze in place for a moment in shock.

That thing... turned out to be a person!

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys~
  Go to bed early, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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