Chapter 399
"What's the matter? What happened to the used one? Do whatever you want, throw it away if you want, don't come to pester me, we're done, it's annoying, hang up!"

Wu Tian came out of the hotel, with two huge dark circles under his eyes, and said impatiently to Guan Tong's voice on the phone.

Not far away, the sound of suona came, and a funeral procession walked into the opposite community beating gongs and drums.

Last night, after leaving Xiaofang's house, Wu Tian randomly found a hotel opposite the community to make do for the night.

I didn't sleep well at first, and I got even more irritable when I received a call from Guan Tong.

Seeing such a big battle on the opposite side, he looked curiously at the cleaning lady who was also standing at the door watching the excitement.

"Auntie, has anyone left around here?"

The aunt glanced at Wu Tian, ​​"Young man, you are not a local."

It is located in the outskirts of Beijing, and it is the first choice for many Beidiao people.

"No, what's wrong?" Wu Tian became even more curious.

"Did you see the neighborhood across the street? There are no living people living in that neighborhood..." The lobby manager came down from the second floor, and the cleaning lady mopped the floor meaningfully with a mop.

Hearing this, Wu Tian was completely dumbfounded, what does this mean?
"You also know that this is the capital, where every inch of land is expensive. A cemetery costs hundreds of thousands or even millions. How can ordinary people afford it!"

The aunt stepped on her feet and looked into the lobby. Seeing that the manager had left, she glanced at the funeral team that had already entered the community, and continued, "So someone came up with a good idea. Buy the community and put the ashes in the urn."

This is located in the suburbs, and the housing price is less than [-] yuan per square meter. Wouldn't it be a good deal to buy a house that can hold the ashes of the whole family.

"So, the feng shui location of this community is selected according to the cemetery. Under this banner, many people came to buy it, which in turn drove up the housing prices of this community..." The aunt was amazed, the current real estate capitalist Really all kinds of tricks.

Wu Tian could no longer listen to the words that followed.

Bones, urns?

No wonder he felt gloomy and unpopular when he walked in the community last night. Even if the occupancy rate was low, the lights in Chen Xiaofang's house were not the only ones in the whole community.

Then... does Xiaofang know about this?

Only then did Wu Tian realize that he didn't seem to know Chen Xiaofang at all. She had a house in the capital, but she worked in that kind of place. He had never heard Xiaofang mention her family.

After thinking about it, Wu Tian decided to make a phone call to talk to Xiaofang.

But no one answered the phone call for a long time, Wu Tian cursed in a low voice irritably.

He said hello to the aunt, and walked towards the opposite neighborhood with his pocket in his pocket.

The exam bell rang.

Cen Shu rubbed her sore eyes, packed her things and walked out of the examination room.


Fan Ke's voice sounded from behind, and before Cen Shu could turn around, Fan Ke trotted over and hugged Cen Shu's arm.

"How was the exam?" Cen Shu asked with a smile.

"It feels a little easier than I thought it would be."

During this period of time, Fan Ke has been trained by Cen Shu, and with a good attitude, he was not so nervous during the written test.

"Of course, it's only a little bit." Fan Ke said, comparing his fingers.

Cen Shu curled her lips and said nothing.

Walking out of the examination room, I saw Cen Yanyu and others who seemed to be waiting outside the examination room for a long time.

"Hello, Shushu, we meet again!" Guan Tong took the initiative to say hello.

"What a coincidence."

Cen Shu nodded, looked around, saw that their stay seemed to have attracted the attention of many people, and said, "Let's find a place to eat."

"Private rooms have been booked for you a long time ago, you should try this authentic Beijing cuisine!"

Cen Yanyu took Cen Shu's backpack very naturally, "Let's go."

Lin Xuan Pavilion.

in a room.

Five people sat at the round table, and since they were basically girls, Cen Yanyu ordered some juice.

The decoration of the private room is very classical, with vermilion walls, plum blossoms are outlined with watercolors on the walls, and a snow scene outside the window, very elegant.

"It's all ordered in advance, and I don't know if you like it or not." Cen Yanyu saw that no one spoke, the atmosphere was a little awkward, and he took the lead in breaking the atmosphere of silence.

"It's okay, I love to eat all kinds of food in the world!"

Guan Tong is very generous.

"Brother Shushu's dishes must be delicious!" Fan Ke was also very helpful, and took out pork jerky from his bag and distributed them to everyone, "Before the dishes are served, let's eat some of these small snacks first. "

As soon as Fan Ke finished speaking, the door of the private room was opened.

Cen Yanyu ordered seven dishes and one soup, which was almost perfect for five people, and it would not be wasted.

"It's okay, I'll eat some snacks when I'm hungry." Guan Tong thanked him, put the snacks in his bag, and accidentally dropped the lipstick on the ground again.

Guan Tong picked it up and was about to put it in the bag, but felt something was wrong. The skin that was originally packaged on the surface of the lipstick was gone, revealing the transparent cover, and the red paste inside the lipstick could still be vaguely seen.

"What's the matter?" Sitting next to Guan Tong, Cen Yanyu asked suspiciously when he saw that Guan Tong was bent over and couldn't get up for a long time.

Guan Tong was inexplicably flustered, "Pi, Pi is gone."

Cen Yanyu was taken aback.

Looking at the past along the line of sight, seeing the lipstick in Guan Tong's hand, which seemed to have been forcibly torn off the package, he frowned, turned his head and called: "Shu Shu."

Cen Shu ate very fast and was already drinking soup. Hearing this, she turned her head to look at Cen Yanyu. When she saw the lipstick in Guan Tong's hand from the corner of her eye, her almond eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of coldness flashed in them.

Before Cen Shu could speak, Guan Tong's cell phone on the table rang, and there was a lot of noise.

Guan Tong immediately got up and pressed the answer button, and accidentally pressed the loudspeaker button in a hurry.

"Tongtong! Jinyuan! Help! Ah!"

Wu Tian's screams came, and even echoed in this small private room.

"Wu Tian? Wu Tian?!"

Guan Tong wanted to ask more questions, but the phone was hung up.

"So... it's still supernatural, right?" Fan Ke obviously also noticed that the lipstick that seemed to have been peeled off subconsciously shuddered.

Only Xia Qing looked at the four of them in bewilderment, not knowing what happened.

"Have you finished eating?" Cen Shu asked after finishing the soup, looking at the almost wiped out meals.

Cen Yanyu and Fan Ke immediately understood, "It's over, let's go."

"What? What happened? Where are you going?" Xia Qing got up subconsciously.

Cen Shu paused, "Ke Ke and the teacher go back to the hotel."

Fan Ke was taken aback for a moment, but knew that Shu Shu naturally had her reasons, said "Oh", and obediently dragged Xia Qing, who didn't understand anything, to the hotel.

"Where are we... going?" Guan Tong asked in a daze before he could react from Wu Tian's phone call.

Cen Shu glanced at Guan Tong lightly, and parted her red lips, "Jin Yuan."

 The update is complete~
  Go to bed early, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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