Chapter 400 is dead
"She ran away, he chased, she couldn't fly..."

The security guard was slurping snail noodles, and watched with relish watching the overbearing president falling in love with me being played on his mobile phone.

'Boom dong dong'

There was a knock on the window, and the security guard was frightened. He raised his head suddenly, and saw three heads suddenly appearing on the window, and bit off the powder in shock.

"Scary people will scare people to death, don't you know?" The security guard complained and opened the window.

"We've been calling you for a long time, but you didn't hear it yourself, so blame us." Guan Tong muttered in a low voice.

The security guard put down the snail noodles, "Hey! Girl, I heard it all. It's not a good habit to secretly speak ill of people."

"Master, don't be as knowledgeable as her, I just want to ask, do you know a person named Wu Tian?"

Cen Yanyu pulled Guan Tong's sleeve with his hand.

Only then did Guan Tong snort coldly, and when he glanced at the Jin Garden, he always felt a little strange.

"Wu Tian?" The security guard thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't know, no one usually lives in this place." Except for the pretty girl in Building 13.

"Master, master, what do you mean?" Cen Yanyu and Cen Shu looked at each other, inexplicably feeling that these words sounded flustered.

The security guard was taken aback, looked at a few people, and waved his hand, "Literally, do you have a photo?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Just a moment!"

Cen Yanyu turned his head to look at Guan Tong.

"What are you doing? You already have an ex-boyfriend. Why do I keep his photo?" Guan Tong was afraid that Cen Yanyu would not believe him, so he opened the photo album on his phone and showed him.

Indeed, it was completely deleted.


Cen Yanyu looked at Guan Tong's desktop with a strange expression, raised his phone, and asked uncertainly, "This... is a photo of you and Wu Tian, ​​right?"

Guan Tong looked at the photo on the table, Wu Tian hugged her neck and kissed her passionately, his face darkened instantly.


The security guard took the phone and looked at it carefully, "Well, I have a little impression, this kid just came here not long ago."

Cen Yanyu's eyes lit up, "Master, do you know which building he went to?"

"Who are you? Why are you looking for him?" The security guard didn't say directly, but looked at the three of them suspiciously. Although they were all white and clean, there was no rule that bad guys must be ugly.

Cen Yanyu's mind turned quickly, and he pulled Guantong past, with a sad expression on his face, "Master, we will not hide the matter from you now, you have seen the photo, this is my sister, that man is with us Everyone is talking about marriage, my sister and child are pregnant, but he is!"

Guan Tong watched Cen Yanyu's performance with a dazed expression. This guy must have graduated from Chinese opera.

The security guard looked at Cen Yanyu sympathetically, and returned the phone, "This man is such a jerk!"

"Isn't it?" Cen Yanyu sighed, "He's hiding now, we finally found out here, so please master, please tell us where is that scumbag? My sister's stomach is not good. Wait for someone!"

Guan Tong accidentally ate a little too much when he was eating, his belly was slightly swollen, and he wore a lot of winter clothes, it seemed that it was true.

The security guard glanced at Guan Tong's stomach, "Okay, originally I couldn't disclose this kind of information, although this little girl has a bad temper, but her life is really miserable, so I'll tell you forget it, here, right here Building 13, walk along this road to the end, and you will see it.”

Cen Yanyu was overjoyed, and said gratefully: "Thank you, master, you are really a good person."

The security guard opened the door for the three of them, waved his hand, "You're welcome."

The three walked into the community.

Guan Tong glanced at the buildings on both sides of the road, always feeling a little strange, "Shushu, don't you think this neighborhood is desolate?"

After walking for nearly 10 minutes, I didn't see half a person. Today is the weekend, so it stands to reason that the community should be quite lively.

"Don't tell me, I also feel this way." Cen Yanyu hugged his arms, his right eyelid has been twitching since he entered the community.

"Shu Shu, what do you think?"

Cen Yanyu looked at Cen Shu who had been very silent along the way.

Cen Shu glanced around, "Well, do you still remember what the security guard said just now?"

"What, what sentence?" Cen Yanyu scratched his head, he remembered that the security guard said a lot.

"No one lives here..." Guan Tong said uncertainly, "Is that the sentence?"

It was weird when I first heard it.

Looking back now, it's even more creepy.

"No one lives here, do ghosts live there, haha...ha." Cen Yanyu subconsciously said, and then seemed to think of something, the expression on his face was a little distorted, "Isn't it?"

"There is at least one urn in every house in this community." Cen Shu said expressionlessly, her voice so calm that it was scary.

A gust of cold wind blew, and Cen Yanyu and Guan Tong shivered involuntarily.

There was an eerie silence for a few seconds.

"Shu Shu, you, how do you know?" Cen Yanyu approached Cen Shu in fear. Even in the daytime, when Cen Yanyu looked at the tall buildings, he always felt that there were a pair of unknown eyes staring at him. People shudder.

Cen Shu silently glanced at Cen Yanyu, "Du Niang, I know everything."

Cen Yanyu: ...

He is shallow.

Ever since encountering these strange things, Cen Yanyu has always felt that his brain is not enough.

Come to Unit [-], Building [-].

"The security guy didn't say which building he lives in." Cen Yanyu stood at the door, feeling troubled.

Cen Shu walked in first, glanced at the elevator, and pressed the button.

The elevator showed that it was on the 13th floor.

Cen Yanyu looked at the falling floors, and a flash of light flashed in his mind, "Ah, I see, there is usually no one living here, and Wu Tian came again today, so the floor where the elevator stops is where Wu Tian goes!"

Cen Yanyu had an expression on his face, why am I so smart, just when he asked for a compliment, he heard a 'ding'.

The elevator door opened slowly.

A man stepped out of the elevator.

He glanced at the three of them strangely, and walked towards the door with his pocket in his pocket.

Guan Tong froze in place. This man was none other than Wu Tian who called her for help half an hour ago.

"What's your pet name for Wu Tian?" Cen Shu's voice was very soft, only Guan Tong heard it.

"Tianbao." Guan Tong subconsciously said.

Cen Shu nodded lightly, raised her voice, looked at Cen Yanyu and said, "Tianbao!"

Cen Yanyu was taken aback for a moment, and just about to say something, he met Cen Shu's eyes and fell silent.

Cen Shu looked at the back of 'Wu Tian' who didn't stop, narrowed her almond eyes slightly, and stepped into the elevator.

Cen Yanyu didn't understand, so he followed in.

Guan Tong followed closely behind.

After the elevator door closed, Cen Shu pressed the thirteenth floor, and then slowly said: "Wu Tian, ​​he should be dead already."

(End of this chapter)

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