Chapter 401 Bad luck
The elevator fell silent for a moment.

Guan Tong pursed his lips, and suddenly didn't know what to say. Although Wu Tian was a scumbag, the two had been together for so long, and it was impossible to say that they had no feelings.

Hearing the news of Wu Tian's death suddenly, Guan Tong was haunted by complicated emotions.

"Dead, dead?" Cen Yanyu's expression was a little complicated. Although he didn't know Wu Tian, ​​he only met him last night. He heard Wu Tian's voice a few ten minutes ago, and he died all of a sudden...

Cen Shu responded softly and did not speak again.

The elevator soon reached the thirteenth floor, and when they got out of the elevator, there were two households in the east and west.

In front of Xihu's door is a simple three-layer shoe cabinet, which is full of girls' shoes.

When Guan Tong saw it, he couldn't feel the slightest anger in his heart. Wu Tian cheated. In fact, she had expected it a long time ago. What's more, now that he is gone, Guan Tong's mood is unusually calm.

Cen Yanyu glanced at the two of them, and was about to knock on the door when the door opened from the inside.

A woman with a good figure in a hip-wrapping skirt and a leather jacket came out. Seeing the three of them, she was stunned for a moment, and finally her eyes fell on Guan Tong, and she said, "Wu Tian is no longer here."

"You know me?" Guan Tong raised his eyebrows lightly.

"Well, my name is Chen Xiaofang, and I am Wu Tian's ex-lover." Chen Xiaofang admitted openly.

She once saw a photo of the two of them in Wu Tian's wallet.

Chen Xiaofang's straightforwardness made Guan Tong stunned, and the scenes of the war that he had originally imagined seemed to be imagining loneliness.

Cen Yanyu keenly caught a word, "Front?"

Chen Xiaofang raised her hand and glanced at her watch impatiently, "Well, just today, I dumped him."

Cen Yanyu: ...

"Is there anything else you need? I still have work, so I don't have time to chat with you." Chen Xiaofang said impatiently, frowning.

Cen Shu glanced at the door of the other house and said, "Yes, do you want to know why you are so unlucky?"

Chen Xiaofang was taken aback, and a trace of panic flashed across her expression, "What are you talking about? I don't want to understand."

After finishing speaking, Chen Xiaofang pushed Cen Yanyu away and walked quickly to the elevator.

However, before Cen Yanyu called her to stop, he heard a slight 'click' sound.

I saw that Chen Xiaofang's hate sky was broken without any external force!
Chen Xiaofang staggered and was about to fall, but Guan Tong, who was nearest to him, gave her a hand and saved her from falling on her face.

"Thank you." Chen Xiaofang patted her chest with lingering fear.

"You're welcome." Guan Tong glanced at Chen Xiaofang's ankle, "Is it not hurt?"

Chen Xiaofang supported the wall at the side, tried to twist her foot, and felt a tingling pain, "It should be a sprain."

"How about you go into the room first, you will definitely not be able to go to work like this." Guan Tong said with concern.

Chen Xiaofang took a deep look at Guan Tong, pursed her lips, "Okay."

Several people entered the house.

The layout of the room is very warm, there is a large bay window on the balcony, and a silver gradient with a broken tail is lying on it lazily basking in the sun.

Seeing a few people, he was not afraid, just raised his eyelids, turned his head and continued to look at Asuka outside the window.

"There is only water at home." Sitting on the sofa, Chen Xiaofang pointed to the water dispenser next to the sofa, "If you want to drink water, pour it yourself."

"It's okay, take a look at your feet first, don't call us."

Cen Yanyu waved his hand very familiarly.

Chen Xiaofang took off her socks, looked at Lao Gao's ankle with swollen eyes, and skillfully took out the safflower oil for bruises from under the coffee table, and rubbed it against the swollen area.

"You seem to get hurt a lot."

Cen Yanyu glanced at the medicine drawer and asked strangely.

Chen Xiaofang glanced at Cen Shu who was sitting on the sofa, "Didn't she already know all about it? What are you asking me for?"

"Your luck is very low." Cen Shu raised her eyes and added, "It's ridiculously low."

Since a person is born, the tone of the momentum has been set, but it will fluctuate slightly with every decision made, just like a wavy line, with highs and lows.

Therefore, if a person has been unlucky for a long time, it is very likely that there will be great luck in the future.

Chen Xiaofang's aura was already peaceful, and a light gray aura lingered around her body, like a plague, keeping Chen Xiaofang's luck at a very low level.

Things like falling on the flat ground can even be regarded as commonplace.

"I don't understand what you are talking about, but I can understand that it is because of this that I have been so unlucky?" Chen Xiaofang asked after rubbing her feet.

As soon as Chen Xiaofang was born, her mother died in the operating room due to dystocia. Her father thought that she killed her mother and left her to be raised by her grandma.

Later, not long after, grandma also passed away due to high blood pressure.

After these two incidents, her father thought that she was the dead star, that she killed her mother and grandma, and threw her to the boarding school alone in a fit of anger.

Until she graduated from high school and failed to enter university, she never saw her father again.

Later, she started to go out to find a job by herself, and was tricked by a black heart agent into working in a factory as an assembly line. She went out shopping together, and bird droppings fell on top of her head...

Until she was encouraged by her friends to live here by chance, she found that she didn't seem to be so unlucky, although occasionally she would fall on the ground...

"It can be understood in this way." Cen Shu looked at Chen Xiaofang, frowning slightly, "Where are you from?"

"Me? I'm from Xuancheng, what's the matter?" Chen Xiaofang was a little surprised, but she still spoke.

"Xuancheng?!" Such a coincidence?

Cen Yanyu looked at Chen Xiaofang in surprise.

The capital is so big, how did it happen that Wu Tian and Guan Tong quarreled, and then lived in the same hotel as Guan Tong, and the ex-lover who Wu Tian cheated on turned out to be from Xuancheng? !

Chen Xiaofang saw the strange expressions of several people, and asked in disbelief: "Could it be that you are also from Xuancheng?"

Guan Tong weakly raised his hand at the side, "Actually, I'm also half a Xuancheng native."

Cen Yanyu: ...

This fate is really wonderful.

"Shu Shu, is there any explanation for this?" Cen Yanyu looked at Cen Shu and asked.

Cen Shu changed her posture, "Well, it's really nothing, it's just that Xiaofang's accent sounds like Xuancheng's, so I asked casually."

"Phew, you're scaring me to death. I almost thought someone arranged it on purpose." Cen Yanyu breathed a sigh of relief and joked with a smile.

Cen Shu didn't speak, a dark color flashed in her eyes.

"By the way, do you know why I am so unlucky?" Chen Xiaofang looked at Cen Shu and asked eagerly.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys~
  Go to bed early, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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