Chapter 402 Life and Death
"A person's fortune can actually be robbed."

As soon as Cen Shu said this, everyone present was stunned.

Chen Xiaofang had a faint suspicion in her heart, she pursed her lips, "So, the reason why I am so unlucky is because... I was taken away by someone?"

The cat on the bay window came to the sofa at some point, looked at them with purple pupils, and finally jumped on Cen Shu, rubbing Cen Shu's arm affectionately.

A trace of surprise flashed in Chen Xiaofang's eyes, Bai Bai was the coldest person on weekdays, even she, a shit-shoveling officer, would not allow her to be touched more, obviously she was so close to Cen Shu, Chen Xiaofang couldn't help being a little jealous, "Bai Bai, you little white-eyed wolf. "

Bai Bai seemed to understand, he raised his head and "meowed" at Chen Xiaofang, and continued to lie in Cen Shu's arms and roll around begging for rua.

Chen Xiaofang: ...

"This is my guess." Cen Shu said softly, rubbing the cat's head with her hands.

Chen Xiaofang has never thought about this, and even thought that maybe this is her fate, or she did a lot of wrong things in her previous life, and she is here to pay for it in this life.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaofang pursed her lips, looked up at Cen Shu who was petting the cat, "Actually, there is something I don't know how to tell you..."

Cen Shu's movements remained unchanged, she raised her eyes and hooked her lips, "It's okay, they are all quite strong psychologically."

Guan Tong who has not recovered from Wu Tian's death:?
"Actually, this house was given to me by a grandfather, including Bai Bai, and also..."

Chen Xiaofang doesn't have a high degree of education, and she works in a place like a bar. Although it's a serious job, every time she talks to others, those people look at her very strangely. As time goes by, she doesn't have many friends anymore. It's fine to be alone.

"I'll go! I'm going to give you a house and a cat as well? Do you still have the old man's contact number?" Guan Tong felt relieved and feared. Moved to Chen Xiaofang's side.

Chen Xiaofang was stunned for a moment, glanced at the unchanged expressions of the few people, and pursed her lips helplessly. In fact, she had told about this matter to her best girlfriends before.

Later, when she went to the toilet, she heard her girlfriends discussing her, and thought she must have made some dirty deal with that old man...,

"You...don't think it's strange?"

"What's so strange? The forest is big, and there are all kinds of idiots." Cen Yanyu looked envious. Although he had quite a lot of houses, he really didn't mind having one more.

Silly grandpa:? ? ?

"Thank you, thank you..." Listening to the words of several people, for some reason, Chen Xiaofang's eyes were inexplicably sour. She hadn't heard such unbiased words for a long, long time.

Guan Tong raised his hand and patted Chen Xiaofang on the back comfortingly, and said, "Those people are just envious of you having a house, and they are still working part-time."

Cen Yanyu wandered around in the living room, looked curiously at Chen Xiaofang's room, and saw a mass of black stains on the floor beside the bed in the room at a glance.

"Is your room on fire?" A fire extinguisher stood next to the black stain.

Cen Yanyu asked curiously.

Chen Xiaofang glanced at the room, and the scene of last night came to mind again. She glanced at Cen Shu and shook her head, "It's not on fire, it's a piece of burnt human skin."

Curiously stepped forward, Cen Yanyu put some stains on his hands and put them under his nose to smell:? !
"Human skin?" Cen Shu paused when she licked the cat.

"Little Celestial Master..."

"Just call me Cen Shu."

Cen Shu came to the door of the room with the cat in her arms, staring at the stain with almond eyes, even though the window was open to let in the wind, she could still smell the smell of barbecue.

"Okay, Xiaoshu..." Chen Xiaofang was kind, "I think you all know that, except for my house, the rest of the community is filled with ashes..."

When she said this, Chen Xiaofang's face was calm, without the slightest expression of fear.

"You, aren't you afraid?" Guan Tong looked at Chen Xiaofang adoringly, and she was still on night shift, Guan Tong felt scared just thinking about it.

A wry smile appeared on Chen Xiaofang's face, "I'm already unlucky enough, am I still afraid of this?"

When the grandfather gave her the house, he told her not to worry about any noises she heard at night, never to be curious, not to turn back when walking, and to use fire if something difficult happened.

This is why she puts a lighter under her pillow even when she sleeps.

Chen Xiaofang narrated the experience of last night. When Wu Tian left, she looked at Guan Tong with some guilt. After all, she had indeed been with Wu Tian when she knew that Wu Tian had a girlfriend.

Guan Tong was very open-minded, after all there was no Chen Xiaofang, there could be others, a man was determined to cheat, any reason could be an excuse, besides Wu Tian was dead, so it was meaningless to talk about it.

"That is to say, since Wu Tian left early this morning, you have never seen him again?" Cen Yanyu went to the bathroom to wash his bald hands, and he spit out acidic water for a long time before he regained his strength, walking weakly , slowly sat down on the sofa.

Chen Xiaofang nodded, and looked at them suspiciously, "Wu Tian... did something happen?"

At first, she thought that the three of them were here to beat Xiaosan, but Cen Shu's words stunned her, and she didn't realize until now.

"Well, Wu Tian is dead." Cen Shu sat back on the sofa again, her voice was flat, "Just half an hour ago, he called Guan Tong for help, and then we just saw someone in a suit downstairs. grabbed Wu Gang's skin and walked out."

Chen Xiaofang's face turned pale, and she asked tremblingly, "If...if I hadn't chased Wu Tian out yesterday, would he, wouldn't he have died?"

When the grandfather gave her the house, he had warned her that the house was very dark and might attract a lot of strange things. She shouldn't let Wu Tian leave so late...

"Life is a matter of life and death, so you don't have to worry too much about it." Cen Shu comforted, got up and walked around the house, and finally her eyes stopped on the door, and then she looked back calmly.

"It's almost time. We have other things to do, so don't bother."

Bai Bai seemed to understand, and was about to jump out of Cen Shu's embrace, but Cen Shu strangled Destiny by the back of his neck. He raised his cat's head and looked at Cen Shu, his purple pupils were full of doubts.

Cen Shu looked at the purple pupils, raised her hand and patted its cat's head lightly, a stream of purple light flew into Baibai's pupils, and Baibai blinked.

"go to play."

Cen Shu put Bai Bai on the cat climbing frame.

The cat glanced at Cen Shu, then used all fours to fight against the fur ball on the cat climbing frame.

Coming out of Chen Xiaofang's house, in the elevator, Cen Yanyu glanced at the silent Cen Shu, hesitated for a while, and asked, "Shu Shu, is it dangerous for Xiaofang to live here by herself?"

After all, it seems that people in Wu Tian's skin also live here.

Cen Shu raised her head and glanced at Cen Yanyu lightly, curled her lips together, and smiled with an inexplicable meaning, "Guess."

Cen Yanyu: ...

have to!He knew it again, it was a secret he couldn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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