Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 404 One kill and it's over!

Chapter 404 Let's Kill Together!

In the end, under Cen Yanyu's supervision, Lu did not achieve his small goal of coming here.

"Coco, be careful when you sleep, and don't open the door if someone knocks on it."

After dinner at night, Cen Yanyu sent Cen Shu to his room, and instructed Fan Ke.

Lu Si put his hands in his pockets and leaned lazily against the wall. Xiao Xiaolian revealed a round head from his pockets. Mung bean-sized eyes looked at the figure of Cen Yanyu blocking the door, and his eyes were full of sadness.

Fan Ke glanced at Lu Si, then at Cen Yanyu's hideous expression, nodded obediently, and closed the door.

Only then did Cen Yanyu show a satisfied smile on his face, and looked at Lu Si with a straight face, "Let's go."

Lu Si glanced at Cen Yanyu lightly, and there was no emotion in his black eyes.

Cen Yanyu faltered in an instant, covered his lips and coughed lightly, his voice was a little weaker, "You can leave later if you want."

Lu Si responded softly.

"Then, then I'll go first." After finishing speaking, Cen Yanyu didn't dare to look at Lu Si again, so he quickened his pace and walked towards the elevator.

Xiao Xiaolian tilted her head, looked at the back of Cen Yanyu who fled in a hurry and almost tripped over the carpet, then looked up at her master's stern chin, and silently retracted her head.


Dark clouds cover the moon, everything is quiet.

The street lights in the neighborhood were also turned off.

A snow-white cat lay lazily on the bay window, with its eyes closed, its body curled up, its body undulating with its breathing, and fell into a deep sleep.

The curtains were not drawn, and the layout of the living room could be vaguely seen through the light coming from nowhere.



A soft voice sounded at the door.

Something seemed to squeeze in through the crack in the door.

The cat's ears moved, and its eyelids lifted, revealing a pair of purple pupils, quietly looking at the little thing that finally got in through the gap in the door.

It was a slender piece of human skin, covered with something silver that looked like tinfoil.

"Fuck, this fireproof paper is too hard!" The human skin was about two meters tall, like a chopstick, leaning against the door, panting heavily, and cursed in a low voice.

After resting for a while, Human Skin walked towards the bedroom on hands and feet.

But just halfway through, I felt something was wrong.

Ren Pi paused, and slowly turned his head to look at the position of the bay window, and met a pair of bewitching purple eyes.

Fortunately, it's just a cat.

Human Pi heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that his accomplice was killed by this person in the room, a trace of hatred flashed in Ping Ping's eyes, and he was about to sneak into the bedroom when he caught a glimpse of a white figure out of the corner of his eye.

At some point, the white cat was already approaching, stepping on the sofa, looking up at him.


Human Pi was taken aback and scolded in a low voice.

Not only was the white cat not afraid, but there seemed to be a hint of sarcasm flashing through its purple pupils, the hair all over its body exploded, and it groaned at the human skin.

The white cat made a lot of noise. If it woke up the people in the house, it would be troublesome if the woman called the police.

Thinking of this, there was a gloomy look in Human Piping's eyes, he took out a sharp knife from his waist behind him, and raised his hand to grab the white cat.

The white cat dodged swiftly, scratching the ground with all four limbs, arching its body in an attack-like manner.

"You little bastard! See if I don't kill you!"

The human skin suddenly bulged, and even the sharp knife began to grow slowly, becoming a steel knife of nearly five meters.

Not only was the white cat not afraid, but it licked its hair and roared at the human skin.

'Roar! '

The huge coercion suddenly pressed down, and the human skin's steel knife fell to the ground, making a loud noise, and the human skin's body couldn't support it, and knelt limply on the ground.

That guy from Jingye never told him that there was such a ferocious beast beside this woman, no wonder Jing Wei would die, asshole, if he knew earlier, what revenge would he have?It's too late to hide!

Jing Jian felt remorseful, and wanted to slip away while dragging his human skin, but saw that the white cat's body suddenly swelled several times, blood-red light flashed in its purple vertical pupils, and it opened its bloody mouth at him.

Jing Jian didn't even have time to let out a scream before being swallowed by the white cat.

Chen Xiaofang was awakened by strange movements outside the house, thinking about what happened yesterday morning, holding a lighter in her hand, carefully opened the door, and poked her head out.

I saw my cat, which is usually extremely cold, swallowed a human skin nearly two meters long into its mouth. The living room was filled with the sound of teeth chewing the skin, and the white cat looked very enjoying it, as if it was a feast for the eyes. .


Chen Xiaofang felt her stomach churning, covered her mouth, and rushed straight to the bathroom.

After Chen Xiaofang vomited in the bathroom, the white cat returned to its usual aloof appearance, still cute... and aloof...

It seemed that everything Chen Xiaofang saw just now was just an illusion.


The white cat tilted its head to look at its own excrement shoveler, and took a step closer.

'den den den'

Chen Xiaofang took several steps back in shock.

The white cat shook its tail, didn't come any closer, jumped onto the blanket by the bay window, and continued to sleep.

Chen Xiaofang froze in place for a long time, and it took a long time to realize, was she just acting coquettishly with her in vain?


A purple light passed through the window of a certain room, and then disappeared.

In the darkness, Cen Shu slowly opened her eyes, raised her hand and gently stroked the bracelet on her left hand.

He closed his eyes again.

Upstairs hallway.

The light was dim, and two long and narrow shadows were reflected on the corridor wall.

"That kid Jing Jian made every move for a long time, and he didn't know if he succeeded." A deep voice sounded in the corridor.

"Who knows, it's also because that boy Jing Wei didn't listen to the persuasion and insisted on going to Wu Tian to settle accounts. Don't worry about Jing Jian's work. We'd better kill that guy quickly and complete the boss's mission."

'Wu Tian' had a gloomy look in his eyes.

"With this kid's skin, you look a lot better than before." Jing Guo glanced at Jing Ye, who was a head taller than him, and mocked bluntly.

"Looks good?" Jingye licked his lips, as if he had thought of something, "The one my boss is going to kill is the one that looks good, with thin skin and tender flesh. It's agreed that when I kill him, that person's skin will be mine. .”

"It's yours, it's yours..." Jing Guo glanced at the room impatiently, "Let's go, that person should be asleep."

The two human skins looked at each other, and squeezed in through the cracks on both sides of the door.

As soon as he squeezed in, before he had time to check the situation of the man in the room, he met a pair of mung bean-sized eyes.

"Ye, Brother Ye, is this a paper man?"

Jing Guo subconsciously clenched the knife in his hand, looking at the little paper figurine standing on the TV cabinet watching them, feeling flustered for some reason.

The owner clearly said that this person doesn't understand profound arts.

"Never mind him! If we kill him together, we'll be done!" Jing Ye said in a low voice with a fierce tone, and slowly walked towards the paper figurine with a knife in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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