Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 405 Has the yellow skin become a essence?

Chapter 405 Has the yellow skin become a essence?

Little Lian tilted her head, her mung bean-sized eyes looked suspiciously at the two...human skins.

Seeing the knives in their hands, their small eyes narrowed slightly, and their chubby little faces had a serious expression.

Hearing their words, the little body began to swell, growing into the height of an adult, rolled up the sleeves, and punched and kicked the two of them.

Xiao Xiaolian's strength was so great that the two pieces of human skin were pinched by fate's throat at once, lying limply in Xiao Xiaolian's hands, like two flesh-colored noodles.


The bedside lamp came on.

The man who was supposed to be lying on the bed had clear eyes, leaned lazily on the chair, the light fell on the man's handsome side face, his slender legs crossed, and his eyes looked coldly at the two people in Xiaolian's hands. Skin.

"I'll go! So handsome? Brother Ye, no wonder you want this man's skin." When Jing Guo saw the man, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.
Jing Ye, who was dumped by Xiao Xiaolian, was left breathless: ...

Damn, is this the time to say something like that?

Think they didn't die fast enough?

"Who sent you here?"

Lu Si looked at the two of them with a chill in his black eyes.

"It's because our skills are inferior to others. We all have professional ethics and will never reveal the name of our boss!"

Ikuni said, scratching his neck.

Jing Ye, who was just about to beg for mercy:?
Lu Si snorted coldly, and glanced at Jing Ye lightly, "Really?"

"No, no! Heavenly Master, our brothers also took over a job to collect money and help people eliminate disasters. If you want to know, just ask us. We will know everything without talking. I just ask Heavenly Master to forgive us." Life!"

Iye opened the mouth crying bitterly.

"Brother Ye!"

Jing Guo looked at Jing Ye in disbelief.

"You ass! My life is gone, so what's the point of professional ethics? You won't have to worry about no firewood if you keep the green hills." Jing Ye said in a voice that he thought Lu Si couldn't hear.

Jing Guo didn't speak, and seemed a little downcast. After a few seconds, he muttered: "Brother Ye, I don't think we should..."

"You fucking shut up for me!"

If it weren't for being pinched by this big paper man at this time, Jingye really wanted to twist Jingguo's skin into twists!

Jing Ye took a deep breath, and showed a flattering smile to Lu Si, "Tianshi, I said, I said, the person who hired us is called Yi..."

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew into the room.

The room is clearly closed, where does this wind... come from?

Lu Si sat up slightly, looking around with his long and narrow eyes.

Both Jing Guo and Jing Ye looked at the black snake that suddenly appeared on the TV cabinet with horror in their eyes. They, they are about to be silenced!

"Master save me!"

"Master help!"

The two danced and exclaimed.

Xiao Xiaolian also saw the black snake. The black snake had a pair of dark green vertical pupils, which looked extremely cold and spit out snake cores.

Xiao Xiaolian tilted her head and thought for a while, then grabbed the two 'noodles' in the same hand, raised her right hand, and pinched the black snake's seven inches.

The black snake's body was cold and attacking. Before it could move, it felt a big hand strangling its lifeline. The dark green pupils dilated slightly, as if a little surprised.

Jingye and Jingguo also stopped crying, and watched Xiaoxiaolian shake the black snake back and forth like noodles with dazed faces.

Looking at Xiao Xiaolian's movements, Lu Si had some guesses in his heart, narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly, he seemed... vaguely saw a black thing in Xiao Xiaolian's hand, although he couldn't make out the outline.

Jing Guo accidentally glanced at Lu Si, his eyes widened suddenly, this, this person actually has green eyes!

In just a moment, Lu Si's eyes turned black again.

Could it be that the yellow skin has become refined?Jing Guo was secretly surprised.

The black snake was shaken a few times by the little lotus, and completely passed out, with the red core sticking out, how pitiful it was.

Seeing Xiao Xiaolian opened her mouth as if she wanted to swallow the black snake, Lu Si stopped her, "Be careful with diarrhea."

Xiao Xiaolian hesitated for a while, put the black snake in her pocket, and pulled up the small zipper to ensure that the black snake would not escape, and then set her sights on the two 'noodles' in her left hand.

"Big brother, spare your life, big brother, spare your life!"

None of them were fools, and the black snake was obviously the master's backup to prevent them from leaking information.

"Can you talk now?"

Listening to the cries of the two, Lu Si pinched his brows.

"It's Yi Liangfeng! Boss, that boss's name is Yi Liangfeng!"

It is said that Huang Pizi must take revenge, and the most important thing is to hold revenge. Jing Guo filled his head with many stories about Huang Pizi chasing and killing thousands of miles, and told them all at once in shock.

Jing Ye, who was about to tell the whole story: ...

"Easy cool breeze?"

Lu Si drooped his eyes, and murmured softly, his thin lips curled up slightly, and there was some unclear gloom in the bottom of his eyes.

The next day is the interview.

A lottery is drawn to form a group, and the test questions are drawn at random.

Exams are conducted in batches.

When Fan Ke jumped out of the examination room, he saw Cen Shu waiting for her at the gathering place on the floor.


Compared with those dejected people who came out of the examination room, Fan Ke's happy tone attracted many people's attention.

"This girl actually knows that person! She must be a top student, this time the practice questions are much more difficult than before."

"What happened to that man? Do you know him?"

"I happened to be in the same group as her by drawing lots. I dissected animal tissues and conducted slice analysis. I'll go. This Cen Shu's movements are smooth and smooth, 6 times better than my high school teacher. Sure enough, in the finals, hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Sure enough, even if the competition mechanism has been changed, the battle between me and Xueba There is still a gap that cannot be bridged!"

Fan Ke listened to the discussions around, Xing Xing looked at Cen Shu, and grabbed Cen Shu's arm, "Shu Shu, you are so amazing!"

Cen Shu raised her hand to touch Fan Ke's head, and curled her lips, "You are stronger, let's go, Xiaofang is here too."

Fan Ke was taken aback and lowered his voice, "Did something happen yesterday?"

Cen Shu responded softly, "Well, let's go."

"That's how it happened..."

A few people found a box to sit down, Chen Xiaofang narrated what happened last night, and took a few extra glances at the man sitting next to Cen Shu, feeling as if he had seen him somewhere.

"You don't have to worry about this matter, and nothing else will happen in the future. Just in case, if there is anything, you can call me at any time." Cen Shu took two sips of tea and said softly.

Chen Xiaofang breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, thank you Shushu!"

Xia Qing was in a daze the whole time, obviously everyone was speaking Xuancheng Mandarin, so why didn't she understand what was being said?

and also……

Xia Qing moved closer to Fan Ke and lowered her voice, "Ke Ke, is the boy sitting next to Shu Shu also her brother?"

Fan Ke was taken aback, and the expression on his face was slightly distorted.

"Old, teacher, that person...is, is Shushu's boy ticket."

Xia Qing:? ? ?
 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys!

  Go to bed early, good night early~
(End of this chapter)

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