Chapter 407 Hang Zhou is Dead
#Palace Curtain#
#颜素苏做爱向恨! #
#Hu Lili's Last TV Series#
#Miss Hu Lili#
On the second day after returning from the capital, a series of hot words became popular searches.

"Isn't this eating people's blood all over their heads!"

In the classroom, Gu Huo wentssips on time every day. When he opened his scarf at one point, he saw this series of trending searches, and couldn't help complaining.

Before the real cause of Hu Lili's death was investigated, Chen Yu couldn't wait to release the TV series that had just finished. Although there were only two episodes, with this popularity, the number of broadcasts would definitely not be low.

Cen Shu was laying on the table to catch up on sleep, when she heard Gu Huo's startled voice, she frowned, and glanced at Gu Huo's cell phone, "It's about [-]-day swearing-in, have you finished your exercises?"

Guho: ...

"Let's not talk about that, we are still good friends." Gu Huo turned off the phone angrily, took out the practice questions from the drawer, and was about to start working, when he heard a noise from the door.

"I'm going! I'm not dreaming, am I? Cen Xue is back?"

"Ahh! Cen Xue, I really like your role as Yan Susu, can you sign me?"

"Cen Xue! Cen Xue! Are you coming back to take the college entrance examination?"


Cen Xue was wearing a white dress, a shawl, and delicate makeup. She calmly dealt with each of them, and entered the first class surrounded by everyone.

"Child, don't you have anything to say when your adopted daughter is back?" Gu Huo looked at Cen Xue, and for some reason, he felt that the smile was fake, and he didn't like it from the bottom of his heart.

Cen Shu glanced lightly, "What do you mean?"

"This happened so suddenly, you see, even you don't know she's coming back." Gu Huo looked at Cen Shu with hatred, "Child, if you move your ghost-catching IQ to In these matters, you will not be deceived by this woman."

Cen Shu: ...

"Have you finished the exercises?" Cen Shu looked at Gu Huo expressionlessly, "As long as you put your mind on gossip and study, you won't be ranked third last in the monthly exam."

Guho: ...

Is this the legendary mutual harm?

Cen Xue sent another person away with a smile, lowered her eyes, touched her face that was a little stiff with a smile, took out a bottle of perfume from her bag, and turned her head to look at Wang Hui behind her.

"Huihui, long time no see, this is a gift from me."

Wang Hui paused while she was writing the question, glanced at the perfume Cen Xue put on her table, and pursed her lips, "Long time no see, Xuexue."

Cen Xue has almost never contacted Wang Hui since filming. She knew that Wang Hui was inevitably angry, but Wang Hui was the one who was greedy for petty gains. If she gave some expensive gifts, her anger would almost disappear. That's all.

"Huihui, are you angry with me?" Seeing Wang Hui continue to do the question, a coldness flashed in Cen Xue's eyes, but an aggrieved expression appeared on her face, "Huihui, I didn't mean not to contact you Yes, these days I've been on the set, I'm so busy that I can't breathe, and I still have to read books..."

Wang Hui stopped writing.

"The college entrance examination is coming soon. Although I have been studying with my private teacher, there are still many questions that I can't do well. Huihui, can you teach me?" Cen Xue took out the exercise booklet and pushed it to the king. In front of Hui, "Huihui, don't be angry with me~"

Wang Hui took a deep breath, looked at the perfume, "Xuexue, as a friend, I'm very happy that you can come back, ask yourself, do you really regard me as a friend?"

Wang Hui's voice was not loud, but there were people around. Cen Xue was considered a star now, and naturally many people followed her every move. Hearing Wang Hui's words, the smile on Cen Xue's face froze.

"Hui, Huihui, what are you talking about? You are my best friend."

"You like irises. I've always known that you like No. 4 of this brand of perfume the most..." Wang Hui squeezed the pen tightly in her hand. In fact, she wanted to say these words to Cen Xue when she first figured it out. "But, Xuexue, you know, what do I like?"

Cen Xue was stunned, she had always regarded Wang Hui as her little follower, how could she remember so much.

Seeing Cen Xue's expression, Wang Hui showed a smile that was more bitter than crying, "Look, Xuexue, you don't remember at all. I used to think that we were best friends..."

However, after seeing the friendship between Cen Shu and the others, she realized that she was completely wrong.

"Xuexue, you should take back this perfume. I just want to study hard now. If you really have a question that you don't understand, you can ask me. If it's just a polite way, then there's no need. I just want to study hard."

Wang Hui is not a fool. She has done many wrong things in the past, but now she just wants to use the last hundred days to rush to her favorite school.

Listening to the voices of discussion around her, Cen Xue almost couldn't maintain the smile on her face, pursed her lips, and said in a hurt tone: "Huihui, I know who told you what, I always treat you as a Very good friend, if this is what you wish, then I respect you..."

After finishing speaking, Cen Xue raised her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes, but did not take the perfume away.

Wang Hui didn't speak any more, just lowered her head and continued to work on the questions.

The matter of Cen Xue returning to school to prepare for the college entrance examination was immediately trending.

From morning to afternoon, after every get out of class, Gu Huo could see a lot of people gathered at the door of a class, all of them seemed to come to see Cen Xue.

If Xuancheng No. [-] Middle School hadn't strengthened the security and stopped those media people pretending to be students, the first class would have been even more lively.

"Tell me, what exactly does she want to do?" Gu Huo came back from the toilet, managed to squeeze through the crowd and returned to his seat with resentment on his face.

They are all public figures, so it would be nice to spend more money to hire a teacher. Now that I come back, I follow a group of people who are almost indifferent to study. Isn't this a mentality?

Cen Shu glanced at Cen Xue, who was surrounded by the crowd to sign, and said calmly, "You can't deprive others of their right to education, right?"

"That's what I said, but I always feel that the visitor is not kind." Gu Huo scratched his head, always having a bad feeling, obviously he didn't hate Cen Xue so much before.

"The soldiers came to cover the water and the soil..." Cen Shu drew a picture on the practice question with a pen, and pushed it in front of Gu Huo, "Wrong."

Guho: ...

When will this kid be enlightened!

Gu Huo grabbed the exercises and scratched his head to think about his ideas.

At this time, Cen Shu's cell phone in the drawer lighted up, and it was a WeChat message.

Sister-in-law: Hang Zhou is dead.

Cen Shu looked at those four words, and immediately thought of the girl in the wheelchair with stars in her eyes.

Cen Shu: My condolences.

Cen Shu thought for a while, typed these two words slowly, and sighed softly.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys~
  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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