Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 408 They seem to have obtained the certificate

Chapter 408 They seem to have obtained the certificate

In her past and present lives, Cen Shu has practiced mystical arts for more than [-] years, but she still doesn't like parting.

After hearing the news, I was not very emotional all afternoon.


Cen Yiqing didn't come back because he just finished the new year and had many things to deal with in the company.

When Liu Lian saw that Cen Xue was back, she was very excited, as if someone finally joined her camp.

At the dining table, Cen Xue kept serving dishes, until Cen Xue said that she wanted to keep in shape, then she stopped.

Lin Lan was also very happy to see Cen Xue come back, but for some reason, she always felt alienated after seeing Cen Xue for a long time, including this time when Cen Xue came back, she didn't tell anyone in the family, which made Lin Lan feel a little uncomfortable.

Liu Lian greeted Cen Xue coldly and warmly, but she didn't push Cen Shu down, and the meal was harmonious.

And it happened that at this time, Zhao Lijuan also came back, as expected.

From Cen Shu's point of view, Zhao Lijuan's goal has always been clear, that is to take care of Cen Xue personally.

After dinner, Cen Shu lay lazily on the bed and didn't really want to move. The old phone, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly vibrated. Cen Shu looked at the caller ID, it was a string of irregular numbers.

Cen Shu pressed the answer button, and there was some silence on the other side.

Yazi jumped to Cen Shu's side, and sat down next to the phone, and Xiao Lihua followed suit on the bed, listening to the slight sound of electric current coming from the phone, her green eyes narrowed slightly, drowsy, A comfortable grunt came out of his throat.

"Shu Shu, Hang Zhou is dead."

The voice of the swamp is a little hoarse and a little sad.

Some things, some people are like this, after knowing it, Zhe Hua personally finished the funeral for Hang Xinyi, at first I just felt a little lost, but that dream, the shy look of the girl after secretly kissing him on the Ferris wheel became more and more clear .

It was only then that Zhao Hua gradually realized that maybe he actually liked Hang Xinyi, but this feeling came too slowly and warmly, like a trickle of water.

After returning to the capital, Zhehua kept himself busy, and even went to several war-fighting countries as a field reporter. During the Chinese New Year, he declined everyone's invitations, but just called Hang Zhou and invited him out for a drink .

Then I heard a bloody and sad story.

Hang Zhou's father is a branch of the Hang family, and he can be regarded as a young man with good roots. In response to the country's call, he went to the mountains and went to the countryside. Later, he met and married Hang Zhou's mother, who was also Hang Xinyi's grandmother.

However, even if the Hang family in the capital is a side branch, their marriage cannot be decided by themselves. The Hang family sent someone to find it. It was that Hang Zhou and his elder brother were both born. It's just that Hang Zhou was in poor health and had some heart problems. In order to treat Hang Zhou's illness , Hang Zhou's father left his eldest son and wife, and took his youngest son back to Hang's house.

Hang Zhou's father never remarried, and would send money to his wife and eldest son every year.

After Hang Xinyi was born and found out that she had a congenital heart disease, the money from the phone call could no longer support her. Hang Xinyi's mother couldn't stand the poor life she had to live because of her family's illness, so she left home on a rainy day. Never came back.

Hang Xinyi's father originally wanted to go to the capital to find the Hang family, hoping to save his daughter, but he never thought that when he was leaving the village, he accidentally encountered a mudslide and died on the spot.

Swamp also knows about the rest of the matter.

Hang Zhou never married in his life, and when he knew that Cen Qin was in a relationship, he called him drunk and talked to him, saying that Mu Yuan's pretty face was useless except that he was prettier than him, so why did Cen Qin choose him.

After a few words of comfort, Zhuo Hua hung up the phone, but he never thought that a few days later, he received the news of Hang Zhou's sudden and unexpected death. That phone call became the last conversation between the two.

Up to now, the biochemical process has still not been digested. From the perspective of bystanders, the life of Hang Zhou and Hang Xinyi seems not to be very stable. Down.

It can't help but make people feel a little embarrassed.

The Hang family is huge, so naturally they don't care too much about Hang Zhou.

As a friend of Hang Zhou, he cares about it.

"Shushu, I want to smoke."

Sitting in front of the French window on the balcony, Sho Hua is slightly hunched, holding a mobile phone in one hand and a cigarette in the other, opening and closing it, closing it and opening it again.

A gloomy emotion was suppressed in my heart, and I couldn't express it for a long time. No matter what I did, I didn't feel good about it, but I didn't dare to relax, fearing that those messy thoughts would fill my mind again.

"Smoking increases the risk of cancer. I don't want to offer incense to you next year."

Cen Shu's voice is very calm, so calm that people can't hear much emotional fluctuations. If ordinary people hear it, they will find it inhumane.

Swamp, however, laughed softly, clenched his fists violently, rubbed it, and threw the cigarette in his hand into a trash can not far away, "Throw it away."

Cen Shu responded softly, and suddenly remembered the scene of seeing the marsh for the first time.

Nuohua was a well-known gangster at the Beijing Railway Station at that time.

At that time, Cen Shu had not been here for a long time, and in the name of Anonymous, she published the papers she had done with her teacher in her previous life. The officials found her and wanted to meet her. In the next few days, I came to the capital alone.

As soon as she got off the train, some gangsters with sinister intentions stopped her. After all, she was just a little bean sprouts at that time, and she was alone.

Before Cen Shu could make a move, Zhe Hua took care of all those people. The two brothers said that they thought she was a good match, and they could find him in the future.

Then, Swamp Hua followed her.

"Hang Zhou's funeral will be in a few days. The Hang family handled it very quickly, and they didn't even hold a big funeral banquet. I think it's a bit strange." Zhuo Hua grew up in the capital since he was a child. Xizhuan played a good guy.

The capital, especially this kind of big family, will make good use of it even if it is a funeral, to win over power and buy people's hearts.

But this time, Hang Zhou's funeral was so sloppy that it was abnormal, as if it was to cover up something, but it felt like this place was boundless.

Cen Shu got up and raised her hand to fiddle with the tassels hanging from the bed curtain.

"The forces in the capital are intricate, so be careful."

Swamp responded softly.

"If anything happens, you can call Mu Yuan."

Thinking of the black snake, Cen Shu exhorted worriedly.

"Shushu, do you know Muyuan too?" Zhehua asked subconsciously, and then he became a little clear. After all, Cen Qin is Shushu's aunt, so it's not surprising to know, "By the way, I heard that they seem to have received a marriage certificate. Shushu, did your aunt tell you?"

With a heavy hand, Cen Shu tore off several tassels, "Heh!"

Swamp: ...

(End of this chapter)

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