Chapter 409 Strange Man
Cen Yiqing got out of the car, took advantage of the moonlight, and walked into the house with a briefcase.

There was a small lamp on in the living room, and there was still a faint light on in a certain room on the second floor. Cen Yiqing looked up and felt warm in his heart.

As soon as he changed his shoes and walked into the living room, Cen Yiqing was about to turn off the light when he caught a glimpse of a figure curled up on the sofa. He was stunned for a moment, and then he saw clearly that it was Cen Xue.

Hearing the movement, Cen Xue opened her eyes, "Dad, you are back."

About Cen Xue's return, Cen Yiqing still heard what his wife said, and subconsciously felt a little unhappy, but now seeing that Cen Xue was still waiting for her at such a late hour, his heart softened a little, and he stepped forward to touch Cen Xue "Why don't you go to bed so late?"

"Father, I have something I want to talk to you about." Cen Xue looked up at Cen Yiqing, with worship, admiration, and attachment in her eyes.

When she knew that she was not the real daughter of the Cen family, she was actually helpless, such a good father, such a gentle mother...

If it's not hers, then who are her parents?Is it like this too?

She was afraid of Cen Shu, and at the same time hated Cen Shu, why did she come to destroy her life?Since it was a misunderstanding, why not let this mistake continue.

Cen Yiqing took off his coat, carried his briefcase, and sat beside Cen Xue, "Well, tell me."

"Father, can you ask Mrs. Cen to help promote "Palace Curtain"?"

In the past few years, the Cen family has projects not only in Xuancheng, but also across the country. Cen Xue thought, it's just publicity, and hanging up banners should not be a big deal.

What's more, as Chen Yu said, if Cen can be persuaded to help with publicity, the rest of the publicity fee will be directly counted as her personal compensation. In addition, Hu Lili has just died, and Chen Yu's queen heroine is gone. As long as she can Take it and prove her worth, then she can become the second Hu Lili...

When Cen Yiqing heard Cen Xue's request, he didn't answer immediately, but frowned for a moment and thought for a while, then finally shook his head, "Xue'er, I'm afraid Dad can't promise you about this matter."

Cen Xue was still immersed in the dream of being an instant hit in the future, when she heard Cen Yiqing's words, she was a little astonished.

"Xue'er, the Cen Group is not a company owned by Dad alone. Many decisions are made by the general meeting of shareholders. Dad can't make this decision alone." The most important thing in business is credibility.

Cen Yiqing has been adhering to this principle since he was in the real estate business. If he puts forward this proposal, other shareholders will approve it for his sake, but Cen Yiqing doesn't want to do this.

When announcing and inviting celebrities, the company will thoroughly investigate the celebrities, and only consider seeking them for publicity after confirming that their character is good.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Cen Xue's character, it's just that he doesn't want to be privileged.

Cen Xue lowered her head, her face was a little ugly, her hands tightly pinched the sofa cushion under her body, "Dad, I, I know..."

Seeing Cen Xue's disappointed look, Cen Yiqing sighed softly from the bottom of his heart, "But Dad can recommend you to go, and then go through the normal process of the company, what do you think?"

The normal process of the company usually takes a month. At that time, the heat is almost over, and it is useless to her. Once people find out that she is following the normal process, her rich second-generation spoiled persona will collapse...

"Forget it, Dad, I still want to rely on my own strength." Cen Xue covered the emotions in her eyes, and took out a beautifully packaged box from the side and handed it to Cen Yiqing, "By the way, Dad, this is what I gave you from the capital." I brought you a gift, I hope you like it."

"Thank you, baby girl!" Cen Yiqing took it and opened the box, only to see a piece of high-quality suet white jade lying quietly in the box. Avalokitesvara was carved on the white jade, which looked lifelike, with the kindness of saving all sentient beings.

"Xue'er, this should be very expensive."

Cen Yiqing frowned slightly, he likes to buy more expensive jewelry for his wife, children and mother, but he just does whatever he wants.

Although he didn't know much about it, the fineness of the jade was a bit better than the white jade bracelet he bought for Liu Lian, not to mention, this carver was obviously from a famous artist.

"It's not expensive, Dad. You have worked so hard to raise me for so long, and I have made money, so I naturally want to buy the best for Dad."

Cen Xue hugged Cen Yiqing's arm and said coquettishly, then took out the white jade from the box, "Dad, Xue'er bring it for you."

After all, it was her daughter's wish, Cen Yiqing did not refuse, and let Cen Xue wear it around her neck.

Bai Yu felt a little warm to the touch, and Cen Yiqing warmed his heart, "Okay, it's getting late, Xue'er, hurry up and go upstairs to sleep."

Cen Xue nodded obediently, "Dad, please go upstairs first, I'm a little hungry, go to the refrigerator to see what to eat."

"Okay, don't eat too much, you may not be able to sleep later."

Cen Yiqing patted Cen Xue's head again, and instructed.

"Okay." Cen Xue replied.

The two said good night to each other, Cen Yiqing smiled, and walked upstairs with the briefcase.

Cen Xue got up and came to the refrigerator, watching Cen Yiqing's back going upstairs, a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes, sure enough, she was not her biological daughter, so she was unwilling to help her even with such trivial things.

Compared with a series of procedures such as obituary mourning, Hang Zhou's funeral is too simple.

There was another light snowfall in the capital city, which covered the snowdrifts on the roadside that had not completely melted, and turned into small pieces of ice crystals.

Cen Qin changed her red color and put on a black dress. Mu Yuan put her arms around her shoulders and presented two chrysanthemums.

Nuo Hua was dressed in a suit turned west, sitting on the table of relatives and friends watching from a distance.

The one who recited the eulogy was the master of ceremonies that the Hang family found somewhere. He spoke a Beijing accent, which made people want to laugh for no reason.

Hang Zhou doesn't have many friends, most of them are wine and meat friends, and they will be separated after a meal.

More people just want to hook up with the Hang family behind him through Hang Zhou, driven by profit, and they don't have much real feelings.

Zhuo Hua felt a little sad in his heart, for Hang Zhou, and for that little girl who was not even recognized by Hang's family.

At this time, the glass door of the funeral parlor was opened, and a man in a suit walked in through the wind and snow. The cold wind blew in with such effort, making people shiver involuntarily.

Swamp was blown by the wind and squinted his eyes. He always felt that the man's eyes seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw them.

The man's arrival was very low-key. He wore a mask and sat down in a corner.

Mu Yuan sat on the seat with his arms around Cen Qin's shoulders, as if he suddenly felt something, he raised his head and looked around suspiciously.

"What's wrong?" Cen Qin's voice was a little hoarse, and the corners of his eyes were red, as if he had just cried.

Mu Yuan touched the talisman hanging around his neck, and shook his head, "It's okay, I just feel a little strange, maybe I'm too sensitive."

Not far away, Huo Hua held the cigarette between his hands, and white mist rose up, covering his face.

The man in black didn't move after he sat down, but when the master of ceremonies read the eulogy, he suddenly moved a little strangely.

Swamp Hua seemed to have thought of something, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys~
  Go to bed early again, little cutie, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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