Chapter 410 Cen Yiqing is sick
"Palace Curtain" followed the heat of Hu Lili's death, and it has been on the trending searches for a month.

With the popularity of the show, Cen Xue became a third-tier female star, and Xuancheng No. [-] Middle School had to strengthen its security.

The school gates that could have been opened between classes were also not allowed to open, and the small stalls near the school fence were also moved away.

Gu Huo complained many times about this, but his pancakes just left him like this.

For this, his resentment towards Cen Xue deepened.

The [-]-day swearing-in meeting had just ended, and Cen Shu was forced to give a speech as a representative of good students. Even though she didn't say anything, the students in the audience were as if they had been beaten to death. After the impact of the snow, it was still seriously inward.

As the graduation time approaches, the atmosphere of the college entrance examination is getting stronger and stronger, and the sadness of parting is also quietly spreading.

"That...Student Cen Shu, this is my classmate record..." A boy in spring uniform put a postcard on Cen Shu's desk with a blushing face.

Cen Shu nodded, curled her lips into a chuckle, "Okay."

The boy blushed, hugged the classmate record and sent it to other classmates.

Gu Huo glanced at the various school records piled up on Cen Shu's desk, and said softly, "Tsk, this is enough for a deck of cards."

To be honest, in the third year of high school, Gu Huo didn't even recognize everyone in his class. Sometimes when he saw something familiar, it was just familiar.

Cen Shu wrote carefully stroke by stroke, which surprised Gu Huo a little. This kid is usually the laziest. He doesn't sleep during recess, but he is still writing classmate records!
"Children, do you know them?" Gu Huo wondered, after all, Cen Shu transferred to another school less than a year ago, and he didn't know them well, how could Cen Shu know them all!
Cen Shu's subordinates kept moving, "Does it matter if you know each other?" If you know each other, you will gradually forget it if you don't meet each other.

People keep forgetting from birth, favorite toys in childhood, the big camphor tree in front of the school when they were young, playmates they played with in middle school, and all kinds of dreams.

There will be messages to classmates below the classmate record, and Cen Shu writes very seriously.

Gu Huo took a look and found that without exception, the word "safety and health" will be added to the end.

Gu Huo glanced at it with his eyelids, and secretly took out a postcard from the drawer, and silently pushed it in front of Cen Shu, " the way, let's write about my master."

Cen Shu raised her head and glanced at Gu Huo's erratic eyes, "Okay."

Gu Huo coughed lightly, stopped talking, took out the three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulation from the drawer, and started to brush up the questions.

As the clothes get thinner and thinner, on a calm and ordinary day, summer seems to be here.

"What? Yiqing is sick?"

It's still dinner for four.

As the dinner was about to end, the cell phone in Lin Lan's pocket suddenly rang. It was a call from Assistant Cen Yiqing.

After chatting with Cen Xueye that day, before dawn that day, Cen Yiqing received a call and hurriedly packed his luggage and went on a business trip. It has been a month now, and the project is about to end soon. Unexpectedly, Cen Yiqing fell ill.

And it was the kind of illness that entered the ICU, even the assistant himself didn't expect it, so he hurriedly called Lin Lan.


On the opposite side, Cen Xue dropped the soup spoon on the ground, and his face was a little pale, "Mom, dad, dad, is he okay?"

Lin Lan hung up the phone, looked at the three people with serious expressions, and comforted her, "Don't worry, Xue'er, Dad is fine." Then she looked at Liu Lian, "Mom, I have to go there, and things at home are still troublesome. You all watch."

Although Liu Lian didn't like Lin Lan, she didn't like anyone very much, but only Cen Yiqing, her only son, was very concerned, and nodded when she heard Lin Lan's words, "Hurry up, hurry up, take care of Yiqing, You don't have to worry about things at home."

Lin Lan nodded and got up to leave.

"Mom, I'll go with you." Cen Shu stood up and said.

Lin Lan thought that Shushu was going to take the college entrance examination soon, and didn't want her to worry, but when she met Cen Shu's calm eyes, she swallowed all the words of refusal, "Okay, I'll buy the nearest high-speed rail immediately."

Cen Xue wanted to follow, but was held back by Liu Lian. When facing her son and granddaughter who was not her own, Liu Lian's IQ was finally online once. Thinking that Cen Xue is now a big star, reporters will follow her when she goes in and out Candid shot, now that Cen Yiqing is sick, we can't let those paparazzi disturb Qingjing.

Cen Yiqing was on a business trip in the neighboring province. At that time, someone died at the construction site. If it was not handled properly, the entire construction site might be shut down, so Cen Yiqing hurried over.

Cen Shu and Lin Lan didn't bring anything, and finally rushed to the hospital with a small suitcase in the early morning, and met Zhu Li, Cen Yiqing's assistant.

Cen Yiqing is still in the emergency room, and his family members won't let him in, but the doctor said that there is nothing serious for now, but now the high fever persists, which is a bit troublesome.

"Little Zhu, why did Yiqing suddenly have a high fever?" Lin Lan couldn't see anything, and could only sit in front of the bench in the hospital and worry. At this moment, the tears finally couldn't stop, and kept streaming down.

Zhu Li looked guilty and remorseful, "Sister Lin, it's my fault. In fact, Mr. Cen was not feeling well a few days ago and had a low-grade fever, but he didn't let me tell you. He was afraid that you and Miss would worry. In addition, the matter on the construction site has almost been resolved, and he didn't care too much after taking the medicine."

But Zhu Li didn't expect that when he went to knock on Cen Yiqing's door this morning, he didn't hear anything for a long time. He was a little flustered, and no one answered the phone call. Zhu Li quickly asked the hotel manager to use the hotel's spare electronic card to open the door of the room. He saw Cen Yiqing lying on the bed flushed with a high fever.

After dialing 120 and being sent to the emergency room, after finishing all the procedures, Zhu Li remembered to call Lin Lan.

The door of the rescue room opened.

A male doctor wearing a mask came out, "Who is Cen Yiqing's family?"

Lin Lan immediately stood up and walked quickly to the door, "I am I am."

"The patient's current situation is a bit complicated. Some blood tests and examinations have been done. Now through the CT scan, it can be seen that the patient's lungs have shadows. It is initially concluded that it is acute pneumonia, but now his high fever persists, and he has taken several medicines without any effect. , potentially leading to failure of other internal organs."

The doctor described Cen Yiqing's condition and told the most serious consequences.

Cen Shu walked up to Lin Lan, hugged her shoulders, and patted her comfortingly. Through the opened door, she saw Cen Yiqing in the emergency room.

Wearing a shirt, lying on a hospital bed, wearing a ventilator, his face was flushed with heat, and he looked very haggard.

Obviously, Lin Lan saw it too, but couldn't do anything, which made her even more sad.

The doctor explained some hospitalization matters before turning around and entering the emergency room.

Zhu Li ran to buy various hospital supplies, while Lin Lan stood guard at the door of the emergency room.

Cen Shu walked out of the emergency center and was about to go to a convenience store near the hospital to buy some food. Before she left the hospital, she saw a familiar figure.

(End of this chapter)

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