Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 412 Raising a child for old age?

Chapter 412 Raising a child for old age?
A cold breath, mixed with the smell of disinfectant, rushed into the nostrils.

There were still many people coming and going in the emergency center, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air.



Cen Shu raised her fingertips to her lips, "Let's finish this game."

The people around are still in a hurry, and the doctors and nurses are all fighting against death.

Liu Ying swallowed everything she wanted to say, and continued to play games, but...


With the shrill sound of the wind, Liu Ying couldn't concentrate on the game at all.

Fortunately, Cen Shu quickly ended the battle and put the phone back in her pocket.

At the end of the corridor, a black hole appeared at some point, like a whirlpool.

People were coming and going in the corridor, no one saw them.

Liu Ying didn't see it either, she just frowned while holding the compass that was spinning wildly.

Cen Shu stood up, "Let's go."


Liu Ying got up and watched Cen Shu go straight forward, quickly picked up the thing and followed.

The end of the emergency room corridor is connected to the ordinary outpatient building, but at this time the outpatient building has been closed and locked with an iron door. Through the iron door railing, the escalator not far away can be vaguely seen.

"What are we doing here?"

The movement of the two was very light, and there were quite a lot of people coming and going in and out of the hospital, so no one noticed them at all.

"Go in."

Cen Shu spoke concisely, turned to look at Liu Ying, raised her hand to her lower back, and pushed hard.

There is only one wall in front of Liu Ying.

It's just that Cen Shu's movements were too fast, and Liu Ying had no time to react, she subconsciously stretched out her hands to touch the wall, but never failed, her body staggered and fell into it.

Liu Ying was stunned, did she accidentally learn some wall-penetrating skills?

Cen Shu also stepped in, the black hole behind her was still not closed, and when she turned around, she could still see busy people not far away.

And ahead, there is another corridor.

Different from the clean and bright one on the other side, the corridor in front of you is flickering with lights, the white wall is gray and white, and there are a few black stains, the wooden bench, and the chapped ward door painted with green paint. People, they have entered another realm.

The wind was blowing from the open window at the end of the mottled corridor.

"Have you heard the legend about this hospital?"

It's the end of spring now, Liu Ying didn't wear much clothes, she couldn't help shivering from the wind, her voice was trembling slightly.

"Let's hear it." Cen Shu walked straight forward without much change in her expression.

"Actually, this was originally a hospital, and it was one of the best hospitals in the city. Twenty years ago, a patient in a ward committed suicide by jumping off a building. This incident caused quite a stir, but strange things happened one after another... "

Before coming here, Liu Ying asked a lot of people about this matter. After all, it was so long ago that few people still remember, "The only thing that the hospital lacks is the wards. After the police investigated clearly, the wards were put into use again. "

That incident still raised the vigilance of the hospital, and the nurses made more rounds.

One day, when a nurse patrolled the ward, she found that the door of the ward jumped off the building was locked. The ward was a three-person room. Except the patient, there were accompanying family members in it, but no matter how much the nurse knocked on the door, there was still no movement inside.

The nurse panicked and called the security guard. The security guard opened the door with the spare key, and saw the three patients and their families standing neatly by the window in the ward. The windows were pushed outwards and limited the size of the windows, and all six people would have died.

From then on, as long as the people who lived in it were like nightmares, gradually, things spread.

Fewer people came to the hospital, and some people would rather go to the hospital in the next city for treatment than to see a doctor in this hospital.

Liu Ying also specifically asked about the haunted ward.

Cen Shu stopped and stood in front of a ward.

Liu Ying also stopped, looked up, and saw several numbers written on the door with red paint, 503.

"Shushu, how do you know?"

Cen Shu didn't answer, but stretched out her hand and gently opened the door.

"what a beautiful Jasmine Flower……"

Soft singing was playing on the radio.

Unlike the strong smell of disinfectant outside, the ward was filled with a faint smell of tulips.

On bed No. 40, lay a woman, about [-] years old, with bright eyes, looking out the window.

On the woman's bedside table is a vase with a bouquet of tulips.

The quilt of the hospital bed was yellow with a red cross printed on it. The woman's hands were very white and thin, she didn't move or speak, she just lay there quietly.

An old man was lying on the No. [-] hospital bed. He looked old and had gray hair. His hands on the sheets were haggard and full of pinholes. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling above his head, motionless.

Bed No. [-] was empty.

Time seemed to stand still in the ward, quiet and peaceful.

Liu Ying stared at the two people on the hospital bed in bewilderment, but she clearly remembered that there were rumors that there should be three people living in this ward, one of them committed suicide by jumping off the building, and the other two died because of illnesses that could not be rescued. .

In the same ward, all three people died at once. Although there was an element of coincidence in it, it still cast a horrifying haze over this incident.

'Boom! '

The door of the ward was pushed open roughly.

Several people came in from the outside, three pairs of men and women, followed by a man in a suit and leather shoes.

Seeing a few people, the old man's originally sluggish expression was a little excited, and he made a "ho ho" sound, trying to raise his hand to hold the hand of the man standing beside him, but the man avoided him in disgust.

The seven people couldn't see Cen Shu and the other two, they went straight in, surrounded the No. [-] hospital bed, and even pulled up the bed curtain.

The sun is blocked.

"Ms. Huang Yuhua voluntarily donated the two properties under her name to Mr. Li Jianqing and Mr. Li Jianguo respectively, and the rest of the movable property to Ms. Li Qiufang voluntarily..."

A man in a suit and leather shoes read the document aloud without emotion.

The rest of the people looked very casual, as if lying on the hospital bed was a stranger who had nothing to do with them.

After the division of property was completed, the old man was held up by his wrist and signed his name crookedly.

A few people left in a hurry, just like when they came, in a hurry.

"Bah! Beast!"

Liu Ying couldn't help cursing at the backs of several people.

The light in the old man's eyes was completely extinguished, and he returned to the sluggish appearance just now, motionless. If it weren't for the slightly undulating body, Liu Ying would have subconsciously thought that it was actually a corpse.

(End of this chapter)

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