Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 413 Shu Shu, Your Dad Is Going To Die

Chapter 413 Shu Shu, Your Dad Is Going To Die

The woman in bed three sat for a day.

It wasn't until night that the nurse who took care of her came in a hurry.

Change urine bag, feed, wipe back...


The nurse looked very young, but around 30 years old, with high heels and a tight skirt, he didn't look like a nurse at all.

If it weren't for the nurse who came a few times, the woman might be even more embarrassed.

The nurse was eating sunflower seeds and kept looking at the PHS, as if he was chatting with someone.

The woman was involved in a car accident and her entire body was paralyzed, her vocal cords were severely damaged, and only one pair of eyes could move.

The nurse seemed to have seen some news, and laughed louder and louder, then raised his hand and slapped the woman violently.

The woman's calm eyes were finally broken, looking at the nurse, her eyes were full of resentment.

"What are you looking at? If it weren't for you, Lin Qun would have married me a long time ago. Why aren't you dead?"

The nurse's expression twisted, and he stretched his hand into the quilt, torturing the woman desperately.

Liu Ying really couldn't stand it anymore, she had long forgotten that this was an illusion, she rolled up her sleeves and wanted to step forward, but Cen Shu held her shoulder.

Only then did Liu Ying come back to her senses, she broke out in a cold sweat, she was actually bewitched by the illusion!
The woman stared fixedly at the nurse, with strong resentment in her eyes.

Seeing this, the nurse stretched out his hand and pulled out the woman's oxygen tube like a madman.

The woman's lungs were severely injured and she needed to rely on a ventilator to assist her breathing. As the oxygen tube was pulled out, the woman's body began to move subconsciously, panting heavily, and her neck became red.

Just when the woman's eyes popped, as if she was about to suffocate to death, the nurse inserted the oxygen tube back again.

The woman got the oxygen and breathed heavily again.

When the woman had almost rested, the nurse unplugged the woman's oxygen tube again, and the cycle went on and on and she never got tired of it.


Liu Ying still couldn't help cursing.

No matter seeing this scene, it is inevitable that blood pressure will rise.

But Liu Ying knew that this was what happened before, and no matter what she did now, she could not change what had happened.

Liu Ying turned her back, not wanting to look again.

Cen Shu watched the nurse's movements calmly, neither sadness nor joy in her almond eyes.

"Drip drip!"

An urgent reminder sounded.

The nurse seemed to be in a frenzy. This time, she didn't have time to insert the oxygen tube back.

The woman died just like that, her eyes were bulging and covered with bloodshot eyes, she stared straight at the nurse, she couldn't bear to die.

In the past, the equipment in the ward was not advanced, and the family members usually rang the bell on their own initiative, and the doctor rushed over after receiving it.

"It's not me! I didn't kill you, it was you who didn't live up to it! I, I just want to play with you!"

The nurse stood up in a panic.

The red button is on the head of the bed.

The nurse subconsciously wanted to ring the bell, but after hesitating for a few seconds, she slowly put down her hand. The expression on her face changed from panic to coldness, and she turned around to look at the old man on the No. [-] hospital bed.

The old man witnessed the whole process. Although she can't speak now, there is no guarantee that she will be able to speak after her condition recovers.

Seemingly aware of something, the old man opened his eyes wide in horror, shaking the bed, hoping to make some movement, so as to attract the attention of the nurse outside the corridor.

But just half an hour ago, the nurse had already come to inspect the house once, and the next inspection will be in an hour and a half.

The old man didn't have much strength at all. The old man's care worker was driven away by his children today and has not returned yet.

that's it……

The old man died too.

Liu Ying thought of the two patients who died suddenly. If these represent a woman and an old man respectively, who is the person who jumped off the building?
Soon, Liu Ying's doubts were answered.

The nurse's eyes were red, and after killing two people in a row, he came back to his senses and wanted to pack up his things and leave in a panic.

Cen Shu looked at the woman.

The woman had too much resentment before she died, and she turned into a ghost right after she died, standing on the hospital bed, staring at the nurse with a gloomy look.

And the nurse is obviously invisible.

The old man suffered an innocent disaster. Although he didn't have much resentment, he was influenced by the woman and became obsessed. He sat on the hospital bed and stared at the nurse.

The nurse was about to leave with his bag on his back, when the door of the ward suddenly locked automatically.

The nurse was startled, as if she realized something, she pressed her body tightly against the back of the door, and looked at the woman on the hospital bed.

With a shrill scream, the nurse's body flew out of the window uncontrollably.

Only a 'bang' was heard.

The nurse also died.

"what a beautiful Jasmine Flower……"

The woman sat on the edge of the bed, her feet dangling in a good mood, and softly hummed her favorite song.

The rumor of the horrible ward of the hospital started from this day, until the house was demolished and a tall building was rebuilt, this story was gradually forgotten by people.

The surrounding scenes began to disappear, like the curtain of the curtain call, fading away bit by bit.

They were back in the dim corridor again.

The black hole behind him also disappeared at some point.

The corridor was quiet, and the slightest disturbance made Liu Ying's heart beat faster.

"Shushu, what should we do now?"

Liu Ying used to exorcise ghosts head-on, but this time, she didn't even see a ghost.

Cen Shu looked around, found a bench to sit down, and took out her mobile phone from her pocket.

Liu Ying was taken aback, "What are you doing?"

"Play games."

Cen Shu clicked on a stand-alone game that does not require the Internet, and sent an invitation to Liu Ying, "Do you need me to send it to you via Bluetooth?"

Liu Ying struggled for a second, then nodded heavily, "Yes!"

With several games over, the black hole reappeared.

Some people in hospital clothes came in, their eyes glazed over and their movements slow.

This time, Liu Ying also saw it.

This, is this a living soul?
Those 'people' walked forward neatly, as if they didn't see Cen Shu and Liu Ying, they walked straight to the end of the corridor.

"This place has become the Dao of Reincarnation?" Seeing those 'people' disappearing at the end, Liu Ying exclaimed in surprise.


Cen Shu got up and put the phone back in her pocket, glanced at the door of ward 503, was about to say something, but was stunned when she saw a man standing in front of the black hole and wandering around the hole in a white shirt out of the corner of her eye.

"That soul... must be lost, right?" Seeing that Cen Shu's expression was wrong, Liu Ying looked in Cen Shu's direction, and saw a middle-aged man who behaved a little silly.

Cen Shu responded softly, "That's my dad."

Liu Ying: "...?" Then how did you manage to stand here and talk to her so calmly?

"Shu Shu, your father is going to die."

"Ok, I know."

Cen Shu was very calm, but her steps were a little faster.

Seeing this, Liu Ying trotted and followed.

"Come in... come in..."

who is talking?
 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute~
  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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